Page 20 of Her Lord's Desire

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“Hmm, I’ve never dealt with twins, but it shall be educational I do believe,” she said.

“And a great deal of fun,” Lucas said with a grin as they went to join the others. “I suppose I should apologize for arriving early and interrupting your dinner party, but I’d be lying if I did.”

Eleanor laughed and gave his arm a squeeze. “You always were rather incorrigible, Lucas. I fear Mr. Lloyds has more of a battle than he possibly expected.”

“And exactly what is your part in this, may I ask?”

Eleanor smiled and shook her head as they reached the dining room. Speaking softly, she said, “You may ask, but that doesn’t mean I’ll answer.”

Lucas chuckled and reaching the table, gave her a small bow before pulling out her chair. Taking his seat, he looked across the table to where the subject of his interest sat. He watched as Charles took a sip of the full-bodied Bordeaux that Lucas had helped Edward choose from his extensive wine cellar.

“I believe you will enjoy this wine,” Charles said to Lucy. “Shall I pour you a glass, or would you prefer to try the white?” he asked.

Lucas watched as Lucy flushed and shook her head.

“No, thank you. I’m not allow… um… I don’t really like… I mean I usually just drink—”

“Charles, it is well known that kittens prefer cream,” Lucas said, picking up the crystal pitcher of milk and pouring some into Lucy’s glass. She lifted her head and shot him a glance that was very unlike a loveable kitten.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” the professor said.

Lucas poured a small amount into another glass. Picking it up, he took a sip. “It is delicious isn’t it? I suppose one forgets that sometimes the simplest things are the most refreshing, wouldn’t you agree, Miss Furniss?”

Ignoring him, she turned to speak to Charles. “No need to apologize, Professor,” she said sweetly, and gave him a smile. “I’m sure the wine is delicious, but I do prefer milk with… um…” Lucas watched her gaze dart to a servant who was carrying a tray where the meal’s main course sat beneath a large glass dome. “With… um… chicken?” she finished.

“But I believe that’s a pheasant,” Charles said, confusion on his face.

“Fowl… I meant, with fowl,” she said, her face pinkening quite prettily.

Lucas thought her ruse might have worked if she hadn’t picked up her glass to take a sip. Although she attempted to hide her grimace, it was very clear that milk was not her first beverage choice.

“I suppose fowl is a rather ambiguous term,” Lucas said with a chuckle that earned him a glare from across the table.

“Make sure you sample the cheese course, Lord Huntington,” Lucy said, her voice dripping with honey. “I’m sure acreaturesuch as yourself will find it most enjoyable.”

Lucas grinned, finding her quite enchanting despite the fact that the little minx was calling him a rat. “Why thank you, kitten,” he said, smiling as he tipped his glass toward her in a silent salute. “I shall look forward to everything you have to offer.” He watched as her eyes flashed at him and her face turned as red as the wine she’d refused. She finally dropped her gaze and Lucas shook his head in amusement before turning his attention to Eleanor.

* * *

As the meal progressed,Lucy remained the sole object of Charles’ focus. She alternated between shooting Lucas glares when she caught him looking at her and embarrassment over how to properly respond to the professor’s attention. By the time the meal was over, she felt exhausted. Charles pulled back her chair and again offered her his arm, which she took automatically.

“Perhaps I can persuade Edward to allow you another walk?” Charles suggested, bending close to her ear. Evidently he had not spoken softly enough.

“As lovely as the outing sounds, I’m afraid you should not tempt our girl,” Lucas said, as he walked toward them. “I would offer to take on her duty myself, since I still feel rather guilty, but I’m positive my mending would not meet Mrs. Bremmer’s standard of excellence. Still, I suppose Lucille might be persuaded to take the risk, as she seems to enjoy putting herself in dangerous situations.”

Charles looked confused while Lucy was furious. She was about to take the insufferable oaf down a peg or two when she saw Mrs. Bremmer shaking her head, though the woman was smiling as if she found Lucas’ antics amusing.

The housekeeper quickly cleared the air. “Professor, what Lord Huntington is attempting to convey is that Lucille has mending to do. Lucille, you may retire to the library and get started,” Anna ordered. “Professor Lloyds, perhaps you’d prefer to join the adults in the parlor?” she suggested.

Lucy felt both embarrassed and relieved. The day had contained too much newness for her. She had grown accustomed to strict schedules and rules. Though it had originally galled her to be forced to adhere to such strictness, she had discovered that her days had become filled with a calmness that was unfortunately now quickly becoming stress. Being surrounded by all these people, especially Lord Huntington, was confusing her and producing feelings that she didn’t know how to decipher.

“Yes, ma’am,” she said almost gratefully, and slid her hand from Charles’ arm. “Thank you, Prof…” The sight of Lucas behind Mrs. Bremmer, managing to grin even as he nibbled around a cube of cheese caused her to forget what she was saying as her pulse began to race. She knew he found her most amusing. Forcing her eyes from him she once more placed her hand on Charles’ arm and looked up at him. “It was so wonderful to converse with you during dinner, sir. Perhaps you’ll be so kind to ask me again when I’ve not been made to pay for another’s mistake.”

Charles looked confused as Lucas chuckled but nodded immediately and smiled when he looked back at Lucy.

“You may count on it, Miss Furniss,” he promised.

Anna rolled her eyes and took Lucy’s hand from Charles’ arm. “We shall see what Lord Wintercrest decides, but for now, this little one needs to remember her place or chance going to bed with a hot bottom,” Anna said sternly.
