Page 22 of Her Lord's Claim

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He used a finger to lift her chin though she initially resisted the move. Once her eyes again found his, he continued. “Why do you doubt my words, Lucy?” he asked quietly. She had her lower lip between her teeth, a sign that he knew meant she was both confused and worried. He brushed his finger against her lip until she released it. “Tell me, kitten.”

Lucy’s glance away, her deepening blush, and the squirming she made told him that she truly didn’t want to answer. Perhaps it was a testament to her ability to learn his rules quickly though he’d rather it was due to the fact that she trusted him when she sighed and settled, her palm moving to splay across his shirt above his heart.

“You haven't taken me as yours,” she whispered. “I-I know you have to be disappointed to discover you’ve wed a nau-naughty girl who only causes you to punish her. How can you want me as a man wants a wife when all I’ve done is act like a child?”

Lucas was grateful that he was able to stifle the chuckle he felt. He pulled her closer. “Oh, kitten,” he said. “I swear to you that I have wanted nothing more than to take you to my bed and make you completely mine.” He heard her gasp and then felt her slender body shudder. Lifting her chin once again, he forced her to look at him. “Lucille, I have wanted you every moment since I met you. I have nearly burst with the need to bed you. Don’t you know how much you make me desire you?”

She shook her head in confusion. “How could I know?” she asked, her face again scarlet. “It’s not something that-that is spoken of is it?”

Her question reminded Lucas that she was a true innocent. He took a deep breath and sighed. Lucy pulled away slightly, but he wasn’t about to let her think his sigh had anything to do with being disappointed in her. Pulling her closer again with one arm, he reached down and carefully unfastened one of the pins holding her nappy closed. Sliding his hand into the loosened swaddling, he cupped her sex. Her mewl and wiggle as well as the flame of crimson that burned across her cheeks spoke as loudly of her embarrassment as if she’d spoken. They all served as part of the lesson he was about to impart as he felt moisture pool against his palm.

“Lucy, the reason your cunny grows wet when I touch you is because your body is readying itself to be taken.” She stopped breathing at his words as he dropped his hand lower until he could slide a finger between her swollen lips. He stroked her several times until she exhaled her pent-up breath, panting as her hands clutched at his arm.

“But I-I get wet when you spank… spank me,” she admitted, her body hitching with a startled mewl that absolutely delighted him as he brushed her clit with the pad of his fingertip. Lucas nodded and removed his hand from her sex. He again forced her eyes to his.

“I know you do,” he said, and adored the flush that colored her cheeks. “Knowing that your pussy gets wet even when I'm reddening your little arse tells me that you are the one woman meant to be mine. Though your bottom hurts after I spank you, your body is readying itself for what your heart needs,” he said, and then bent until his lips were only a fraction of an inch from her own. “And, what you need, kitten, is for me to take you.”

She moaned as he kissed her, her body surging up. Lucas moved his hand to cup her breast, her nipple instantly hardening, its point seeming to attempt to pierce her thin gown in order to feel the true heat of his skin. Lucas gave his own groan. He released both her breast and her mouth. She was breathing hard, her eyes glazed with her need as he took her hand and slowly brought it down until it was pressed against the length of his erection.

“Oh…” she exclaimed, her eyes widening as she realized what she was being made to feel.

Lucas’ voice was husky as he attempted to control his desire while as she touched him intimately for the first time. “I don’t get wet, kitten,” he said, “I get hard. My cock has been hard for you for a very long time.” Even though he removed his hand from over hers, she not only kept hers in place, she pressed her palm tighter against him, her fingers attempting to curl around him but the placket of his trousers hampered her attempt to grasp him fully. Lucas looked down to see her hand lightly stroking up and down against the front of his pants. Lucas quickly moved to take her hand away, his own chest heaving.

Lucy blushed hotly. “Oh, I-I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I-I know it’s the middle of the day and you-you can’t…” Her voice trailed off as his laughter exploded into the room.

“Kitten, a clock does not dictate a cock’s reaction,” he said and loved the look of shock on her face. “I will take you whenever I desire no matter if the day has just dawned or if the sun is high in the sky or if it is dark as pitch. You will be mine whenever, wherever and however I so wish, just as you vowed this morning.” His laughter had ended as his voice deepened with a need she still could barely imagine.

“But you are hard now, and I’m-I’m wet,” she pointed out needlessly.

Lucas wanted nothing more than to roll her beneath him and make her his physically but knew rules had to be set down and adhered to, despite his throbbing cock.

“Kitten, naughty little girls are not allowed pleasure,” he said softly, but she didn’t protest or voice any doubt of the validity of his words. “When I’ve had cause to punish you, it would negate the lesson if I were also to pleasure you. You will be taught to make a proper penance after a punishment, and though the act will bring me pleasure, you will receive none until I am sure the lesson has been properly learned. I will often take you after I’ve punished you, and though your pussy will be dripping with your need, you will be left aching until I decide you’ve truly accepted the lesson. Though, as you noticed, my cock is hard, and it is my right to take you even now, my desire is to wait until I can also allow you to take your first pleasure at my hands.” He briefly considered taking this opportunity to put her on her knees to make her penance but also understood that lesson would be confusing since he had not spanked or paddled her since that morning. He took another deep breath. “Lucy, I wish us both to share in the passion when we make love for the first time. If you are my very good little one and take your nap and, young lady, use your nappy, then you shall discover much more pleasurable lessons tonight.”

Lucy gasped, his reminder of his expectations of her using her nappy causing her face to flush and her buttocks to clench. Lucas saw her shame and again cupped her breast, his thumb rubbing across her taut nipple. “Be my good girl, kitten,” he said. “Do what you must, for I fear both of us will explode if you choose to disobey me and earn a punishment instead of the pleasure I desire to teach you.” His look, his touch on her breast and his words had her nodding her head. She seemed unable to voice the words she seemed to wish to say or perhaps her shame was too intense, but Lucas allowed her silent acceptance. He kissed her again and then moved off the bed. She watched as he left her side and returned with a glass of water he had poured from the pitcher. He didn’t speak as he handed the glass to her; they both understood the offering was to help her in fulfilling his expectations. Though she blushed, she dutifully finished the entire glass. Lucas took it from her, placing it on the table before he once more laid her on the mat and made a point of tightly refastening her nappy. Rolling her to her side, he patted her diapered bottom to drive his request home. He watched as she once more hugged her doll, her knees drawn up to her chest. He made a note of another item he would immediately purchase when he saw her free hand drifting to her mouth.

“Sleep well, kitten,” he said as he again tucked the covers in around her. This time when he told her he loved her, he heard her answer.

“I love you, too, Papa.”

Chapter 13

She had fallen asleep almost before Lucas left her room. She was exhausted by the events of the day, her body falling quickly into slumber, though her mind was filled with questions. She was awakened briefly when her bladder announced its need and fought against the pressure until she realized that, by doing so, she was again choosing to be naughty. Though she felt her face redden, she did as she was told and wet her nappy. Falling back asleep had surprised her, and though she felt intense shame when Mrs. Bremmer entered the room to awaken her, the housekeeper hadn’t so much as mentioned the fact that the newly wed woman needed to be changed like an infant. Anna had simply removed the soiled nappy and quickly bathed Lucy before dressing her once more in childish clothing.

Lucy now understood how Louisa must feel every afternoon at being forced to nap while wearing and using a nappy. But she had to admit that the requirement served as a great reminder of how submissive they were expected to be to their papas, who also were their husbands. Nevertheless, she was incredibly grateful when she stepped into a pair of lacy, girlish drawers instead of having another nappy pinned around her bottom. She had prayed Lucas would not mention his request in the presence of anyone and only relaxed when he entered her room and gathered her into his arms after he saw Mrs. Bremmer give him a nod. He bent his head to whisper in her ear.

“That’s my very, very good little girl,” he said, and then kissed her, once more igniting a fire inside her that burned far hotter than the embarrassment it had cost her to please him so.

He took her hand and led her downstairs. The household had evidently been busy while she’d napped as the air was full of tantalizing aromas from whatever delicious fare Cook was preparing. Flowers filled dozens of vases, their aroma adding to the sweetness in the air. Lucas had not left her side since she had been led into the parlor.

Lucy couldn’t hide her joy as Edward lifted his glass in a toast. She lifted her own glass of champagne that she had been allowed upon this occasion.

“I wish you nothing but happiness,” Edward said, and then grinned. “I trust you will learn to be the good little girl I know is inside you somewhere.”

Lucas chuckled, and even Louisa giggled causing Lucy to blush. Her twin would be privy how often her sister managed to find trouble since they’d entered the world within minutes of each other, and it hadn’t taken but a day before her husband learned that his chosen lady could throw quite the childish tantrum. Still, that was already in the past, Lucy told herself, not allowing the memory to mar the joy of the moment.

“Thank you, sir,” she said taking a sip of the bubbly wine.

“You’re glowing, Lucy. You are such a beautiful bride,” Eleanor said giving Lucy a hug. “I’m so pleased to see that the clothing your husband chose only serves to enhance your loveliness.”
