Page 23 of Her Lord's Claim

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Lucy’s wasn’t sure exactly what to say, but stealing a glance at her groom, she saw Lucas looked as proud as a peacock.

“Miss Summers has also helped me choose several additional pieces for your wardrobe as well as several other items. They will be packed into trunks and ready for our trip home,” Lucas said, giving them both a smile. “Our luggage will most likely take up half of the cargo compartment, but, a woman doesn’t get married every day does she?”

Eleanor laughed and Lucy smiled though she truly hadn’t given much thought about where the dress had come from. She’d first assumed it had been borrowed from Louisa’s armoire, but now understood her husband had actually chosen it himself. She knew Eleanor was not only the owner of a very exclusive school with the mission of preparing young women to live a life of submission, she also catered to the men who wed her students. Looking down at her dress, she supposed providing clothing and other accessories was a natural extension of Miss Summers’ business activities.

“Thank you, Miss Summers,” Lucy said, brushing her hand over the skirt of her dress. It was a very pale pink with a border of tiny white roses embroidered around the hem and cuffs of the sleeves. Louisa was dressed almost identically, though her dress was blue and the embroidered flowers were violets that ran around the collar. Both of the girls were wearing simple flats on their feet and white stockings. Each had a white pinafore around their waists as if a precaution to keep their dresses clean. Unlike most young, wedded women who wore their hair in elaborate coiffures, the twins’ hair hung free, the long golden tresses curling over their shoulders and sweeping down their backs to brush at the swells of their bottoms.

Lucy also thanked Lord Eddinberg when he had kissed her and tried not to show any indication that her bottom was still tender when the older man actually patted her bottom.

“I admit my wife pouted quite a bit when we learned you wed without our being in attendance,” he said a bit sternly but then his smile belied his disapproving look. “I, on the other hand, can completely understand why the two of you didn’t see the need to wait. You’ve chosen well, little one,” he said, giving her a hug before passing her to his wife.

“Even though it cost me a sore bottom, I have to agree that you’ve chosen very well,” Lady Eddinberg said with a soft giggle as she gave Lucy an even tighter hug. “I just know you’re going to be so happy.”

“Thank you, I know we will be,” Lucy said and then surprised the older woman by adding, “I earned a sore bottom as well.”

The elegant woman giggled again and enveloped Lucy in a far more enthusiastic hug. “I knew we were going to be friends.”

Mrs. Bremmer appeared to announce that dinner was ready, and the group walked to the dining room.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” Lucy gasped, seeing the table. Dozens of candles had been lit to illuminate the table with a soft glow. Flowers again spilled from vases, and platters of delicious food covered the length of the table. They all took their seats, and glasses were being refilled with either champagne or wine. Lucy discovered her own flute had been removed, her usual glass of milk at her place. She blushed at the acknowledgement that, even as the bride, she was still treated as a child. She was determined not to cause anything to mar the evening. The fact that milk was also waiting at both Louisa’s and Beth Eddington’s places helped her to accept the beverage as did the memory of Lucas’ promise of lessons still to come if she was his good girl. She accepted her plate being filled for her and sat quietly while the others were served. Conversation flowed around her, and she occasionally answered a question when one was posed to her. She often looked to her husband to find his eyes always meeting hers. She flushed as she thought of what the conclusion of the day would bring. She saw Miss Summers smiling at her and quickly dropped her eyes. When she next lifted them it was to see Edward giving her a wink and she could practically read his mind, thinking he was most likely considering that she’d taken her first lesson at Lucas’ hand to heart. She couldn’t honestly deny that he’d be correct in that assessment as she was feeling properly chastised. Lucy was also aware that every time she looked at Lucas, her face flushed and her lips curled into yet another smile. It seemed anticipation served more than having a naughty one’s attention on their behavior; it also had a virginal bride’s body warming with excitement at what was to come.

Molly brought in a huge tray that held a large cake. Lucy graciously accepted the first bite extended to her on the tines of Lucas’ fork. It was both sweet with the strawberry jam spread between its layer and tart with the lemon sponge. By the time the meal was concluded, the cook was called into the room, and enthusiastic thanks for the delicious wedding feast were given by everyone. She gave Lucy a hug and added her wishes to the others. The men stood and helped the women from their chairs. Lucy saw her guardian accept something from Mrs. Bremmer and watched as he gestured to Louisa. Her sister went to her husband, and Lucy’s mouth dropped open when she saw Louisa open her mouth wide to accept what appeared to be a huge baby’s pacifier into her mouth. Edward buckled the object around his wife’s head and patted her bottom.

“My little one is having a lesson on bridling her tongue,” Edward explained, and the men nodded as if understanding the need. Lucy looked to see Lucas watching her, and she blushed hotly. Lord Eddinberg followed Edward into the parlor to enjoy an after-dinner drink and a cigar. Lucy realized that, though her sister must be very embarrassed at being effectively gagged, she was accepting her husband’s punishment with quiet dignity. Louisa and Lady Eddinberg went to the library, where they were soon laying out a game of Jack Straws to play. Lucy walked to join them but found her hand being taken by Miss Summers.

“No, poppet,” Eleanor said. “Your papa has asked me to speak with you. Tell your sister and Lady Eddinberg good night.” She obeyed, and though the twins hugged each other, neither said a word to the other. Lucy felt her hand taken and was led from the room. She saw Lucas waiting at the foot of the stairs and blushed beautifully. He smiled and cupped Lucy’s face between his palms.

“I want you to obey Miss Summers, kitten,” he said, and though he was smiling, Lucy felt a bit of unease. “Do what you are told. I shall be up soon.”

“Ye-yes, sir,” she said, accepting his kiss. Eleanor quietly led her upstairs and Lucy was surprised when, instead of stopping in front of Lucy’s bedroom’s door, Eleanor turned and walked to the opposite end of the long hallway. Suddenly understanding her destination, Lucy felt her face heat and her tummy flip over. Eleanor opened the door and led her into the suite of rooms that Lucas had occupied since his arrival at Wintercrest.

Lucy saw evidence of work in this room, as well. Candles flickered like fireflies, adding light to the illumination provided by the gas lanterns on the wall. A beautiful arrangement of flowers was gracing the table between two chairs facing the hearth. Her eyes darted around the room and halted when she saw the huge four-poster bed to the right of the door. Her heart began to pound as she imagined Lucas sleeping on it, her blood racing with the knowledge that she would soon be sleeping on it as well. Eleanor smiled, seeing her flush.

“Come, Lucy, a bath has been prepared for you,” she said, and drew the girl into another room, where a huge copper tub steamed in readiness. Lucy continued to blush as she was quickly undressed. Her hands moved to attempt to halt Eleanor’s but quickly dropped when Eleanor told her not to be naughty. Lucy closed her eyes as her drawers were removed before she was led to the tub. Lucy waited for Eleanor to comment on the weals decorating her bottom from Mrs. Bremmer’s tawsing, but Eleanor simply helped her into the tub and waited as the girl sank into the water.

“I can bathe myself,” Lucy said, when she saw Eleanor reach for a cloth and a bar of soap.

Eleanor smiled and lathered the cloth. “You will learn that, though you might be capable of doing many things, little one, your papa requires them to be done for you,” she said as she began to run the cloth over Lucy’s face. Lucy shuddered but remained still and accepted the words. She couldn’t seem to stop blushing as she was most thoroughly washed, far more than she had experienced at the hands of Molly, or even Mrs. Bremmer, when they had bathed her. She was instructed to turn around after being helped to kneel in the tub, her back to the room as her bottom was scrubbed quite hard. She failed to stifle a gasp as Eleanor’s hand moved to wash between her legs. She shut her eyes tightly, her fingers clenched around the edges of the tub as she tried to ignore the sensation.

“You may sit down,” Eleanor said with a final swipe of the cloth over her buttocks.

Once Lucy had gratefully sunk deeper into the water, she closed her eyes as Eleanor dumped several cupfuls of water over her head. She had to admit that while being bathed had been something she knew she’d never grow accustomed to, having her hair washed by another was something else altogether.

“That feels wonderful,” she confessed.

Eleanor laughed softly as her fingers massaged Lucy’s scalp. “It almost makes allowing another to bathe you worthwhile, doesn’t it?” Eleanor said, but spared Lucy the embarrassment of answering by adding, “I’m enjoying it as well. Your hair is truly lovely, Lucille. The color reminds me of the honeycomb my gardener pulls out of the hives he keeps.”

“Thank you, Ele… ma’am,” Lucy said.

After rinsing and repeating the entire process, Lucy breathed deeply as something else was poured over her head followed by Eleanor’s fingers working to finger comb the long, wet tresses.

“Hmmm, that smells so pretty,” Lucy said.

“Doesn’t it?” Eleanor agreed. “It’s called Macassar Oil, made from a combination of oils from coconuts, palms, and Ylang-Ylang flowers from India. It helps remove the tangles that can be caught in the comb’s teeth and tug on a little one’s scalp. I’m glad you like it as I’ve tucked some into the trunk your papa asked me to fill with other items you’ll need to keep you clean.”

Lucy smiled, inhaling deeply at the scent. “Thank you, Miss Summers, that was kind of you.” She giggled and said, “Though I shall have enough to last until I’m old and gray if you’ve filled an entire trunk.”

Eleanor laughed again as she wiped a dry cloth over Lucy’s face to remove the last traces of the shampoo and conditioner. “It takes far more than shampoo, soap and hair oil to keep a little one clean as I understand you were made aware of this morning when Mrs. Bremmer gave you an enema. Your papa will find several bags, tubing and a variety of nozzles to choose from when you need another.”
