Page 33 of Her Lord's Claim

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Wanting to obey, to please also didn’t keep her from tiring. Her knees began to ache as did her neck from having to constantly lift her eyes to his as she continued to bob her head up and down his shaft. As he continued to press her down, she began to panic with the fear she’d suffocate. Her attempts to pull back, to escape the inch or so of his cock that now resided in her throat, were met with a twist of his fingers in her hair.

“No. Relax and breathe through your nose.”

Her nostrils flared and she attempted to draw in oxygen, discovering that while for the first time in her life she had to make an effort to breathe, she could. Lucas’ nod and the relaxing of his fingers told of his approval. With another shaky inhale, she blinked away tears and continued her atonement. It was another several minutes before she became aware of Lucas sliding his fingers into her hair again.

“Lucy,” he said, his voice a bit strained as his hand palmed the back of her head. “I am going to spend soon. My seed will come in spurts, and though I’ve spilled into your quim several times already, will most likely fill your mouth. You are not to release me until you have swallowed all I give you. No matter how uncomfortable you feel, do not be frightened, for it shall not cause you harm. Keep your lips sealed around me.” He paused as her lips tightened, her tongue dipping once more into his tiny slit which had his fingers twisting around the roots of her hair.

“You will feel my balls contract in your hand,” he continued, hoarsely. “When they do, squeeze them very gently and keep releasing and squeezing until you have accepted every drop of my tribute. Understood?”

She nodded the best she could, her attempt to verbalize her understanding nothing more than a moan as she felt his balls already beginning to contract. She closed her hand more firmly around them and heard his deep moan. Despite his words, his attempt to warn her, when he exploded into her mouth, the first jet of hot, salty semen hitting the back of her throat, she panicked. She attempted to pull away as another jet added to the volume in her mouth. Her hands dropped from his cock and she released his balls, pushing against his thighs in an effort to escape. Lucas kept her firmly in place, both hands now cupping her head gently but firmly.

“No!” he growled as he continued to erupt. “You will take every drop.”

Her eyes watered, her chest heaved with the effort to gain enough breath, but she continued to awkwardly swallow again and again as she attempted to clear her mouth of his seed. Lucas’ moans of pleasure ran through her and she stopped pushing against him, taking his shaft into her hand again, gently cradling his balls, both of which were softening as she continued to swallow and then began to lick along his shaft still held in her mouth.

“That’s my very, very good girl,” he said as his fingers untangled themselves from her hair to caress her cheek. “You may release me when you are sure you have accepted it all and my cock is clean.”

She blushed hotly but spent another several minutes sucking and licking in an effort not to give him cause to be disappointed. He didn’t speak, simply smiled down at her and stroked her cheek until she finally opened her mouth and allowed him to slip free. She was a bit shocked to see what had been so long and so very hard when he’d pushed between her lips was now semi-flaccid when it fell to hang between his legs. Evidently her husband understood her surprise as he chuckled and lifted her chin to return her eyes to his.

“Now you understand that my cock hardening is the same as your little pussy dampening. Both are very pleasurable in that they allow us to share our passion. However, if my cock was hard all the time I’m afraid walking would be rather difficult, don’t you think?”

Lucy had to agree and though she blushed at the subject of the conversation, she nodded. “Yes, I’d think so, Papa.”

“Tuck me away,” he said gently and watched as she very carefully did so. When she slid the last button home, he bent forward and kissed her forehead. “You made a wonderful penance, little one. Go to the corner, where you shall think about your naughtiness and decide if you wish to accept your hot bottom as a reminder to behave, or if you shall continue to forget my rules, only to have a fresh layer of color applied to your beautiful little rump,” Lucas said as he helped her to stand.

Her face was scarlet as she turned toward the corner on the other side of the room. She slowly walked to it, again conscious of her total nudity when she reached the corner and realized that she had nothing to hold in her hands, no need to keep clothing off her paddled bottom.

“When you are nude in the corner, you shall put your arms behind your back, cup your elbows and press your nose and your nipples into the wall. Remember to push your spanked bottom well-out, so it is easily seen. You will always display your bottom or whatever part of you I’ve had cause to punish until you are released.”

“Yes, Papa,” she whispered remembering the conversation with Miss Summers, grateful she was facing the wall as she felt her face flood with more heat as she imagined having to display her breasts or spread her buttocks or her legs wide if she’d earned a more intimate spanking. Those thoughts made it a bit easier to stand nose tight to the wall. The sensation of her bare breasts flattening against the flocked wallpaper was a new experience for her though pushing her bottom up and out so that anyone seeing would know she had been naughty and gotten her bum properly punished was something she unfortunately had experience with.

Lucy was still standing in the corner when she heard the door open after a soft knock was given. She stiffened for a moment before realizing it was Molly returning as she heard Lucas instructing her where to place the requested tray. Lucy heard the sound of china clinking and then liquid being poured and imagined the cup of tea, her stomach growling softly as the two people sharing the room with her spoke quietly for a few minutes. Lucy strained to hear them, but their voices were too low. She heard the door open and close again, but it was still another several minutes before Lucas spoke.

“You may come out of your naughty corner,” he said, his words reinforcing the fact that she had indeed misbehaved.

Lucy turned and suddenly felt extremely shy. Her day had started out with this man making love to her and had turned into a humiliating experience in the bath followed by a sensual lesson and a playful water fight. The comfort of being warmed with his hands running a towel over her had been followed by those same hands slapping against her naked bottom. Finally, she’d learned an embarrassing and frightening lesson in what true penance would mean for the rest of her life. As if understanding his bride was embarrassed as well as confused with all that had happened since their marriage, Lucas walked to within a few feet of the corner and opened his arms. Lucy instantly flung herself into them, her arms wrapping around his neck as he easily lifted and carried her to the chair.

He cradled her on his lap and didn’t seem the least bit surprised when she began to sob. Lucy hadn’t meant to cry but couldn’t seem to stop. The tears were not those of pain like those when she was being thrashed; these were tears that her body demanded she release, relieving tension and embarrassment. His arms wrapped around her, his fingers stroking down her arm assured her she was safe, that she was loved. When she began to calm, he bent to kiss her and just like that, her tears were done and she eagerly returned his kiss, her hands clasping his neck.

“You are forgiven, kitten,” he said softly.

She managed a small, quivering smile as her heart eased, though her bottom was still tender where it was pressed against his hard thighs. “I’m really sorry, Papa,” she whispered. “I didn’t mean to be naughty so soon.” Lucas’ chuckle had her realizing what she’d said and she blushed. “That came out wrong, didn’t it?”

“The truth is never wrong, little one,” Lucas said with a grin. “I believe we both know that you’ll most likely find yourself being naughty simply because you are you. But you are a very lucky little girl, kitten. You have a papa who loves you very much and promises to always be there to tend to your bottom when you are disobedient.” He chuckled again when she huffed and bent toward her until his lips brushed hers. “And promises to make sure you remember how very much you are loved.”

He pressed his mouth to hers and Lucy quickly forgot about everything else as his tongue pushed between her lips to play with her own. When he captured her tongue and suckled hard, she felt her nipples instantly jump to attention and her pussy began to flow. Tea was forgotten as her husband stood with her in his arms, taking her to the freshly made bed as if anxious to prove his statement.

Chapter 17

The newlywed couple didn’t leave their bedchamber for three days. Trays had been prepared and brought whenever Lucas pulled the bell cord and gave his requests to Molly. Lucas kept Lucy nude, tucked either in his bed or on his lap as he fed her small bites of food or lifted her glass so that she could sip her milk. She gradually grew more comfortable being nude when she realized that Molly was the only person to enter their room. She had not been naughty again, the spanking forgotten as the tenderness and any marks from her tawsing disappeared from her bottom.

She had sat up and squealed with delight on the second day when Molly entered with a basket that contained a mewing ball of fluff. Lucas smiled as his own kitten drew Cleo to her chest and began stroking her lovingly. Her eyes were bright, and she laughed when the small cat began to bat at the charm dangling between Lucy’s breasts. Molly left and then returned with a tray that held their luncheon. Lucy sat straddling her husband’s lap as he fed her, Cleo playing on the rug at their feet. After accepting a bite from the succulent slice of beef wrapped in a bit of cheese that Lucas held out, Lucy smiled as her husband tore off a small piece of the meat and bent forward to offer it to Cleo who daintily nipped it from his fingers before darting beneath their chair to consume the treat.

“You’ll spoil her,” Lucy teased.

“I’ll spoil both my kittens,” he returned, feeding her the last ripe strawberry before using his lips as a napkin to kiss away the residual juice from the berry. With the meal finished, Lucas stood and moved to place her on the bed.

Lucy felt her body already preparing itself as she watched him remove his clothing. Her arms obediently lifted above her head when he joined her on the bed. Lucas bent to kiss her lips and her breasts. He had just drawn a nipple into his mouth when suddenly he reared back with a sharp cry of pain. Lucy bolted up, her heart pounding.
