Page 34 of Her Lord's Claim

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“Hell,” he uttered as he looked behind him to find Cleo clinging to his naked buttocks, her tiny claws deeply imbedded with her own fright.

Lucy moved to his side and gently persuaded the cat to release its death grip on her husband. “I guess she’s still hungry,” Lucy said, beginning to giggle uncontrollably as she placed the kitten on the far side of the bed as Lucas rubbed at the small scratches the cat’s razor claws had caused to mark his bottom. Lucas looked at her in surprise and then growled deep in his chest. Lucy squealed as he dragged her to him, easily pressing her beneath him once more. Lucy was still giggling when Lucas climbed from the bed and shrugged into his dressing gown before pulling the bell cord. By the time Molly arrived, he had Cleo back in her basket and passed her to the servant. Molly said nothing but smiled, hearing the sounds of Lucy’s laughter.

“The only kitten allowed to take a nip of me is you, kitten,” Lucas said shedding his robe, fisting his cock in his hand as he climbed back onto the bed. Straddling her body, he guided his cock to her lips and taught Lucy that suckling his shaft wasn’t something only done with making penance. After he made love to her, Lucy was resting against his chest, her fingers running through the soft hairs. She remembered her laughter and lifted her head.

“Papa?” she said tentatively and watched as Lucas slowly opened his eyes.

“Yes, kitten?” he asked seeing the concern on her face.

“I-I wasn't making fun when Cleo hurt your… um, your...” she blushed and looked away from his face.

“My arse?” he offered, with a chuckle. She nodded, barely able to suppress another giggle. Lucas smiled, shaking his head. “Don’t worry, little one,” Lucas said as she pressed her head back to his chest. “Just know that one kitten in my bed is all that I desire.” Lucy giggled again as they drifted into sleep.

During their confinement in the chamber, Lucas made love to her so many times that she had lost count, her own cries of intense pleasure truly echoing about the halls of the manor.

On the morning of the fourth day, Molly appeared with fresh clothing, and though Lucy didn’t like that she was being once more dressed far beneath her age, she didn’t argue or question the servant. After her hair had been brushed and a large bow pinned to the back of her head, Lucas took her hand and led her from the room

“You look beautiful, little one,” he said as they descended the stairs. When she hesitated, pulling against him as they approached the dining room, he looked down at her. “Lucy, you truly need not worry about what people think about your wardrobe. All you need remember is that I love you with all my heart, kitten,” he reassured her.

She felt heat rolling through her and shook her head. When it looked as if Lucas was about to chastise her, she said, “It’s not my dress, Papa.” His brow quirked and she darted a look about then whispered, “Everyone is going to… to know that we’ve been… what we’ve been doing.”

Lucas chuckled and shook his head. “Little one, promise me you will never change. You never cease to surprise me.” He dropped a kiss on top of her head and continued to lead her to the dining room. Lucy’s gaze drifted to her sister who gave her a beautiful smile.

“Good morning, Lucy,” Louisa said, and Lucy managed to return the smile.

“Sleep well?” Edward asked, causing her face to color even more hotly.

Lucy shot her guardian a look that caused the man to chuckle. Lucas had to smile as well. “Yes, thank you,” Lucas answered for the both of them.

Lucy gradually relaxed and discovered that no one was going to speak of the activities between a man and a woman behind the closed doors of their bedchamber. She also learned that while she had enjoyed being held and fed, she was so ravenous that she was soon forking food into her mouth as quickly as she could swallow.

“Lucy, slow down,” Lucas admonished, with a grin. “No one is going to remove your plate until you have eaten your fill.” She blushed again but remembered her table manners, eating much more slowly.

After the dishes had been cleared, the four retired to the library. Edward pulled Louisa down onto his lap, and Lucy wasn’t surprised when she was lifted and settled upon her husband’s. She was already growing accustomed to his holding her and relaxed into him, her cheek pressed to his chest.

“Several trunks were delivered yesterday when you were indisposed,” Edward informed Lucas. “I've had them placed in the parlor. I gather you wish to make sure everything you have purchased is in order before sending them on to the station?”

Lucy looked up at her husband, her eyes showing her confusion. “Trunks?” she asked, and Lucas looked down at her.

“Yes, kitten,” he said. “I've purchased many items for you that you will need when we leave.”

“Leave?” she said as if the word was foreign.

“Yes, we shall leave for home in the morning,” Lucas said.

Lucy’s heart began to race as her eyes darted to her sister. Louisa gave her a soft smile, but this time Lucy did not return it.

“But-but, I don't wish to leave,” she said, and saw Louisa’s smile slip. Lucy looked at Edward and saw him frown. She sat up on Lucas’ lap, her eyes returning to his. “I won’t leave. Wintercrest is my home. Louisa is here!”

“Lucy, be still,” he said. “You’re my wife and our home is Hunter’s Ridge. You are being a silly little girl...” he said and then seemed utterly shocked when his sweet, submissive little one jumped from his lap, her hands ripping the white pinafore from her waist and throwing it onto her husband’s lap.

“I am NOT a silly little girl,” she screamed, not about to sheath her claws when he was ripping her away from everything she loved. Bursting into tears, she raced from the room before any of the three could react.

* * *

Lucas lookedstunned as Louisa briefly shut her eyes, obviously knowing what was coming, and Edward stiffened. Lucas finally stood, the pinafore slipping to the floor. Edward set Louisa onto her feet.

“I see that your little hellcat is already testing your authority,” Edward said, not truly surprised. Louisa stood quietly, her own hands twisting in the fabric of her pinafore.
