Page 38 of Her Lord's Claim

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Lucy’s eyes fluttered closed as she realized even the girl’s tone of voice had changed to take on an air of authority.

“There is nothing holding me to Wintercrest while Mrs. Bremmer’s heart is here with Louisa. Do you not wish me to attend you? Would you prefer another nanny?”

Lucy swallowed hard, her thoughts racing. Though the word had never been used in reference to Wintercrest’s housekeeper, Lucy understood that was most likely due to the fact the woman had been in the family’s employ even before there had been a need of any nanny at the manor. She also knew that though it might not be Molly, someone would always serve to help Lucas with the raising, discipline and everyday needs of his little one.

“No, it’s fine, Molly,” Lucy said, squirming slightly on her chair.

“Miss Molly,” the young woman countered. “You’ve already been reminded, Lucille. I'm sure you can remember, or do you need a more firm reminder?”

Lucy’s heart pounded when Molly dropped her hand into the pocket of an apron Lucy just now realized was exactly like the one Mrs. Bremmer wore. She watched in horror as a tawse was pulled from the pocket. Lucy was quick to shake her head, her eyes moving to lock onto the woman who’d become more of a friend than a maid, another shift in their relationship becoming clear. “No… no, Miss Molly,” Lucy managed, and almost wept with relief when Molly returned the implement to her pocket.

“Don’t ever suppose I will not spank your bottom if you test me, Lucy,” Molly said with authority. “Mrs. Bremmer made me a gift of the tawse so that I will always be prepared in case you doubt my word.” She picked up the pitcher another servant had just placed on the table and filled Lucy’s glass.

“Yes, Miss Molly,” Lucy whispered, her heart pounding as another element of authority was quite adequately demonstrated.

“Good girl. Be sure to finish your milk,” Molly said, as if to solidify her position.

“Yes, miss,” Lucy said softly, picking up her glass and taking a sip. Molly’s smile was addressed not to her but to her husband and told Lucy many things. The two seemed very comfortable with each other whereas Molly had often been quite hesitant and even shy in his presence before. Lucy understood that her husband had most likely done far more than ask Molly to accompany them. She remembered hearing soft voices in conversations when she’d been napping or playing with Cleo. Knowing Lucas, he’d obviously assured the young woman that he would teach her what he desired in raising his little one and would never undermine her authority in the girl’s presence. Looking up to see Mrs. Bremmer’s beaming face, Lucy wagered that Molly had more than one teacher. Despite her trepidation at seeing what her former maid had tucked into her pocket, Lucy had to admit that she would welcome having a familiar face with her when she arrived at her new home. Setting her glass down, she picked up her fork and began to eat.

After the meal, Lucas escorted her into the parlor, and Molly soon joined them. As he opened each trunk and surveyed its contents, Molly marked items off a pad he had given her. Lucy simply sat as still as possible on her still painful bottom.

“I believe you should probably pack some additional nappies in with Lucy’s travel trunk,” Lucas said as he opened a box that Eleanor had packed.

“Certainly,” Molly agreed, reaching in and removing a large handful of the cloth nappies. “Perhaps some rubber pants as well?” she suggested, ignoring Lucy’s flaming face. “It would be a shame if she should wet her new clothes or the linens on the train when she naps.”

“Yes, that’s a great suggestion, thank you,” Lucas said, reaching into the depths of another box and handing a few of the embarrassing nappy covers to Molly.

Lucy remained silent as her new role descended upon her. She had not been forced to nap or wear nappies since that first day as she had spent every moment with her husband. She understood that once the day dawned, and they began the trip to his home, she would most certainly find her days structured in a much more restrictive manner. She wanted to protest as a large pacifier was passed to Molly, but her bottom reminded her of what happened when she disagreed with her husband.

“I believe she will find comfort with this in her mouth as she sleeps,” he said, and then looked at his wife. “Oh, don’t forget to place her doll in her travel bag, as well. I know she enjoys napping with Miss Nelly in her arms.”

“Yes, sir,” Molly said, making a note on her pad. The two continued to open and discuss the contents of the trunks as Lucy listened. Mrs. Bremmer entered but stood simply observing. Molly seemed flustered for a moment until the woman gave her a nod.

“You are doing just fine, Molly,” Anna said. “I’m so pleased that Lord Wintercrest’s vision of you being such a perfect fit for your new position has proven true.”

Her words told Lucy that this young woman had always been more than a simple lady’s maid though she’d never said a word. She’d evidently begun her training from the moment Lucy arrived at the manor.

“Don't ever be afraid to ask Lord Huntington questions, Molly,” Mrs. Bremmer continued. “Remember, it is far better to make sure his instructions and intentions are clear before you pass them on to your charge. Also take heed of the fact that you are subject to discipline at Hunter’s Ridge the same as you were under Lord Wintercrest’s rules.”

Molly blushed as she shot Lucy a look. Lucy remembered the confession Molly had made of being punished by either the lord of the manor, Henri, or most often, by Mrs. Bremmer herself. She remembered Molly’s fear of receiving a sound birching when Lucy was about to refuse being washed by the maid. She had shared the fact that it wouldn’t be the first time she’d bent across the sturdy kitchen table to lift her skirts and part her drawers. She gave Molly an understanding smile as a shudder ran over her, knowing how awful a spanking could be when delivered by the older woman’s strong hand.

“Yes, ma’am, I understand,” Molly said.

Anna nodded and turned to Lucas. “You made a good choice, Lucas,” she said, with a smile. “Molly is a good girl and has proven to be a fast learner. She will tend to your little one with love, as well as the necessary strictness.”

“Thank you for suggesting her, Miss Anna,” Lucas said, bending to give the woman’s cheek a kiss. “I’m sure she will be just fine, and most importantly, I know she loves my girl.” Anna nodded and left the two to finish their work. By the time the last trunk had been inspected, a small paddle, a stiff leather strap, and a pair of thin ropes had joined the pile to be carried onto the train, just in case their little one chose to be naughty.

Molly finally turned to her. “Come, Lucy,” she said, gathering up most of the items but handing the stack of nappies to Lucy. “Give your papa a kiss. It is time for you to be put to bed.”

Lucy felt as if her world was tipping out of balance, but she dutifully walked to Lucas and rose up onto her tiptoes to brush her lips across his cheek. “Goodnight, Papa.” Lucas smiled down at her, his hand cupping her cheek. He bent to kiss her properly, his mouth pressing hard to hers. She felt her body stir out of its stupor, her sex immediately moistening.

“Good night, kitten,” he said, giving her small bottom a gentle swat. “Be a good girl for Miss Molly. I'll be up soon.”

“Papa?” Lucy asked quietly, wondering if he would be upset she hadn’t immediately followed Molly from the room.

“What, kitten?” Lucas asked.

“Is… I mean may…” Lucy attempted, though fear of his refusal made her words stick in her throat. Lucas saw her distress and knelt down beside her, his hand cupping her cheek.
