Page 39 of Her Lord's Claim

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“Breathe, little one,” he said gently. “You won’t ever be in trouble for asking a question.”

She took a deep breath and nodded. “I-I know you were upset with Cleo—”

“Kitten,” he said softly cutting her off. “I would never deny you your pet. Molly has already prepared a special box with Cleo’s basket and a few toys. Just as I will have my own kitten in my compartment on the train, Cleo will be tucked into Molly’s.”

“Oh, thank you, Papa,” Lucy said, relief and joy flooding through her.

Lucas bent to kiss her forehead. “You’re welcome, little one. Now stop fretting, and run along with Miss Molly,” he said, turning her toward the door and gently swatting her bottom again.

“Yes, Papa,” Lucy said, blushing hotly but hurrying her steps to catch up with her former maid. Before she took the first step up the stairs, she turned back to see her husband watching from the doorway. “I love you, Papa!” she called and then ascended the stairs beside yet another person who would have control over her life.

Molly soon had the additional items tucked into the large bag that she had prepared that afternoon. The rest of their things would be packed into a separate luggage compartment on the train. The few bags left would be carried onto the train for easy access from their compartments.

Lucy stood still as Molly stripped her nude and then led her to the water closet. As Lucy made her toilet, Molly turned down the bed and then returned. Lucy blushed hotly as she was dressed in another sheer gown, nothing offered to be worn underneath. Her hair was brushed until it crackled, the light reflecting on the glints of gold within the wavy strands.

Molly smiled as she led her charge to the bed and helped her into it for the first time alone. “Turn onto your tummy, Lucy,” Molly ordered, and Lucy obeyed, glad to remove her weight from her welted bottom. She buried her face in her pillow when she felt her gown being lifted and tucked above her waist to bare her bottom. Molly opened a jar she had set on the bedside table and scooped up a dollop of ointment with her fingers. Lucy stiffened when she felt Molly’s fingers on her bottom but relaxed when she realized the girl was applying a soothing salve to her ravished rump. Molly applied several scoops of the salve to Lucy’s buttocks, making sure the swollen area of her sit spots was thoroughly coated. Lucy sighed as the relief began to ease the itching and burning of the weals.

Molly silently applied salve to each of her legs until Lucy’s skin was shiny with the ointment. Lucy was almost asleep when Molly capped the jar and wiped her hands on a towel. “I'll leave your gown up, Lucy,” Molly informed her. “Your bottom and legs will dry in a bit and then you may cover yourself.”

Lucy blushed hotly but forced herself to respond. “Yes, Miss Molly, thank you,” she said quietly.

Molly bent to kiss her cheek. “You are welcome. Sleep well, little Lucy,” Molly said, and Lucy simply nodded.

As her new nanny extinguished all but one lamp and left the room, Lucy’s thumb made its way into her mouth. She suckled for an instant before jerking it out, her mind remembering the pacifier Molly had tucked into her bag. Lucy moaned, realizing that the thought of suckling on it didn’t fill her with the horror she’d once felt. After a while, she tentatively put her hand on her bottom, and though she winced at the weals she felt, she found the salve had dried. She pulled her gown down to cover her bottom and pulled the covers up to her chin. She turned onto her side, the bed feeling immense and lonely without Lucas beside her. She gradually fell into sleep and dreamed of what might be waiting for her in her new home.

* * *

Lucas joinedher a few hours later, stripping off his clothes while his eyes took in the small form beneath the covers. Her pillow was covered with the golden halo of her hair, long lashes lying on a pale cheek. The low light still allowed him to see the smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her mouth was slightly parted and his cock stirred at it reminded him of how she looked kneeling before him, her eyes lifted to his as she closed those plump lips around the head of his cock. Dropping the last of his clothing to the floor, he pulled back the covers as he climbed onto the bed. Kneeling beside her, Lucas bent to kiss her cheek gently.

“Papa,” she said softly as her eyes opened.

“Kitten,” he said with a smile, helping her to sit before lifting her arms to remove her gown. She lay back and moved to wrap her fingers around the bed’s rails. “No, not yet,” he said, pulling her hands free only to turn her onto her stomach and then guided her to her hands and knees. Pressing her head and shoulders down to the mattress, he then guided her hands to the rails, waiting until she gripped them.

“Good girl, now spread your knees wide for Papa,” he said gently and moved between her slender thighs when she obeyed. She gave a soft moan, her face flushing with embarrassment as he ran a finger over a weal he’d placed on her bottom. Lucas bent over her to kiss her neck to give her comfort but did not speak of her pain. She had earned the discomfort that she was presently dealing with and would simply have to decide that it just might be best to behave instead of throwing tantrums when she didn’t like or understand something.

Lifting off her, his little one moaned again when his broad hands gripped her hips, his fingers reigniting the burn of the weals that the salve had soothed. Despite, or perhaps due to, the added sensation of pain, he found her dripping wet when he slid into her, the walls of her pussy instantly gripping him hard as if needing him deeper. Lucas was glad to give her what she desired, sinking every inch of his cock into the velvet heaven of her sex. He smiled as her sounds of discomfort changed to purrs of pleasure as he slowly withdrew, sliding back slowly to fill her again and again.

Splaying his fingers wider, he dipped his thumbs into the crevice of her arse, pulling her buttocks apart until her hidden pucker was visible. His cock jerked at the knowledge that one day soon he’d see that tight little hole opening as he forced it to surrender and accept his cock into its depths.

She shifted her bottom, silently requesting he desist, but Lucas only smiled and releasing one buttock, he pressed the pad of his thumb against her anus. Her mewl of embarrassment was instant but so was the rush of cream around his cock that was still buried deep within her pussy. Withdrawing his thumb only long enough to coat it with a bit of her abundant honey, he returned to play. As he continued to fuck her, he began to press his thumb into her bottom. And when he slammed his cock deep and breached her sphincter at the same moment, his kitten screamed like a panther, arching her back as she exploded with the pleasure her shame would never be able to suppress. Lucas spilled into her, his eyes closing at the intensity of his climax.

“God, I love it when you purr, kitten,” he said, bending forward once more to kiss her neck.

“Oh, Papa,” she said, exhaustion causing her to whisper and yet he saw her smile.

Pulling from her, he spooned her to his front and smiled when she wiggled her arse to fit it perfectly against his groin.

“Comfy?” he teased.

“Yes, Papa. The bed was too big but now it is the perfect size.”

Lucas chuckled and tightened his hold, her breast filling his palm. “Go to sleep, little one, we have a big day tomorrow.” His little one didn’t answer and he realized his kitten was already purring in sleep.

* * *

The next morning,people scurried around the group standing on the platform who were giving their final hugs and kisses as they said their goodbyes. Lucy and Louisa both shed tears as the moment came to board. Lucas took Lucy’s hand and motioned for Molly, who was carrying Cleo’s box, to precede them onto the train.

“Come, kitten,” he said gently. “Edward has promised to bring Louisa to Hunter’s Ridge for the holidays. You shall see each other soon.” He watched his wife’s eyes brighten and saw Louisa smile and nod as she stood beside her husband.
