Page 40 of Her Lord's Claim

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“Be good, Lucy,” Edward said, with a grin. “We shall visit soon, and I expect to hear that your time at Wintercrest has served you well.”

Lucy pulled away from her husband, only to run to throw her arms around her guardian whom she would now address as Uncle Edward, a man who had changed her life in so many ways. While she had come to Wintercrest Manor as an orphan with a saddened heart, she was leaving as a bride, her very soul full to capacity with joy.

“Thank you, sir,” she said, her voice trembling with her gratitude. “Thank you for taking me in and loving me. Thank you for teaching me. Thank you for finding Lucas for me. Thank you for everything you have done for me.”

When Lucas saw Edward swallow hard, he knew it would not only be Louisa who would miss this precious woman.

Edward crushed his ward to his chest and pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Thank you, Lucy,” Edward whispered. “I would not have changed a thing. I shall miss you. You’ve greatly enhanced my life and made me very proud to be your guardian. Now, little one, go and allow your husband to teach you to be free.”

Both sets of eyes were damp as he released her, and Lucas took her hand once more as he nodded at his lifelong friend.

“I’ll take care of her,” he promised.

“I know you will,” Edward said and pulled Louisa into his arms. “They are the greatest gifts we could ever have received.”

“They are,” Lucas agreed, remembering Charles Lloyds had said the same thing the night of the ball. He shook Edward’s hand as a long whistle blast informed passengers of the train’s imminent departure. He helped Lucy onto the steps leading into the car and then boarded as well. She took one last look at the two people who had given her so much and waved. Louisa and Edward waved back as Lucas bent and kissed the top of her head.

“Are you all right, kitten?” he asked softly.

She looked up and smiled. “Oh, yes, Papa,” she said softly, “Let’s go home.”

The End
