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Aprimal scream rocketed around the walls. Goosebumps broke out on his skin as he witnessed one of the most incredible sounds he had ever been privileged to hear. Dozens of candles flickered around them, the soft light dancing across their bodies. A light sheen of perspiration coated her skin in testament to the intense play they had just completed. Her fingers were relaxed but securely held entwined with his much larger ones. He gently released her small hand after kissing each knuckle. Every kiss was accompanied by sweet whimpers issuing from her throat as he wrapped his fingers around the slim column, stroking her skin with no more pressure than a feather’s touch.

The fingers of his left hand slid into her hair, twisting the long strands in his fist. Her moan sent delicious shivers down his spine as he tugged the ebony tresses. His heart pounding, he bent over her small frame.

She offered no resistance; her head pulled back, her throat exposed. Bliss glazed the green jewels of her eyes, her pupils huge. Despite his recent release deep inside her, his cock twitched as she submissively offered herself to whatever he desired.

“That was the most beautiful song I’ve ever heard,” he whispered against the shell of her ear. She moaned deep in her throat as his teeth closed around the pink lobe. Her sex pulsed in response to the lover’s bite, muscles contracting around his cock as he remained deep inside her body.

“Come back to me,” he murmured, his lips replacing his hand to lightly brush across the exposed column of her throat. He never stopped gently stroking her skin with both his lips and his fingers. It took another several moments before she finally turned to press her face into the palm of his hand.

“Master?” she whispered, as she began to become aware of her surroundings. “Did I please you?”

“You could not have pleased me more,” he whispered, softly. He smiled and traced her swollen lips with the tip of his tongue before searing her mouth with his own.

Her body instantly responded to his kiss, arching toward him. She mewled softly in protest when the kiss ended. “Thank you, Sir,” she said, and then flushed and closed her eyes tightly.

“Open your eyes. Bask in the knowledge that you have not only served me well, you have proven you can do what few submissives truly can.” He paused to watch her slowly open her eyes, the emerald depths clearing as they met his blue ones, her lips curling into a soft smile.

“Never be afraid to let go,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to the hollow of her throat. “Feel free to fly, because, my love, I will always be there to catch you when you fall.”

Chapter One

AYear Earlier

“We are going to kick butt,” Nancy said, as she and Elizabeth stepped off the elevator. Elizabeth smiled and shook her head. She would never understand how relaxed and carefree her partner could be. Today marked a potential turning point for their small business.

“Don’t let Jason hear you talk like that.” Elizabeth laughed as they began to walk down the hall. “You’re likely to get your own you-know-what kicked.”

Nancy grinned and linked her arm with Elizabeth’s. “Not that the thought doesn’t give me just the tiniest thrill,” Nancy said, “but I have full faith that you will not rat me out to Jason.” Nancy giggled. “Besides, you needed to laugh, girl. No matter what happens, this isn’t the end of the world.”

Elizabeth’s head knew that to be true, but her heart desperately wanted this to be a success.

Nancy knew her friend extremely well and turned serious. “Liz, we did a really good job,” she said. “If they don’t accept the design, it’s because they don’t have the exceptional tastes that you and I share. Now, chin up; nothing is going to stop us from becoming the most sought-after design team in all of Texas.”

Elizabeth knew they had worked extremely hard, and she had every confidence that their work was very, very good. She only prayed the clients would agree. “All of Texas?” she asked skeptically, looking up at Nancy.

Nancy shrugged. “Well, okay,” she said, “we will worry about the rest of the state later. Right now, girlfriend, we are definitely going to continue to make our mark on Houston.”

Elizabeth prayed she was right but realized the banter had helped her feel more confident and hopeful as they pushed opened the glass doors of one of the most prestigious architectural firms in the city they both loved.

Mr. Foster’s administrative assistant, Gloria, met the women in the reception area. She smiled in welcome as they walked down an adjacent hall. Gloria had gotten to know Elizabeth and Nancy as the team had been in and out of the offices over the past few months.

“This is the big day, isn’t it?” Gloria asked, and the women smiled. “I know I’m supposed to be unbiased, but I will tell you that personally I feel your designs are beautiful. You both have such a way with colors and textures. If your company isn’t chosen, then it will definitely be the client’s loss.”

Both women were very pleased to hear the compliment. Despite knowing they had put everything they had into this project, hearing such praise from a woman who had seen a great deal of pitches helped calm any remaining nerves, and they thanked her.

“Okay, back to business,” Gloria continued, as they entered the conference room. “The files you provided have been loaded into the computer. Copies are on the table over there for you to pass around,” Gloria said, pointing to a credenza against one wall. “There will be various teams making their final pitches. You’ll find an agenda at your seats. It will tell you the order for the presentations. Feel free to sit wherever you wish, as you are the first to arrive. There is coffee and water, as well as light refreshments, on the table. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to ask.” She paused and grinned as she looked at the two young women. “One last thing, kick butt!”

Her declaration had an immediate effect as the partners broke out into laughter. Elizabeth felt herself releasing all of her stress, as she impulsively reached out and hugged the older woman. Gloria appeared pleased at the gesture, returning the hug before leaving them to their preparations.

Nancy was glancing over the agenda. “Well, we are neither first nor last,” she said, running a finger down the list.

Elizabeth picked up the copies of their presentation off the credenza and chose two seats toward the end of the table. She found their firm’s name,Divine Designs, and felt a sense of pride. She had met Nancy in college, and the two became instant friends. When they discovered they both were planning to major in the design field, they became inseparable. Upon graduation, both took internships in a major firm to not only get some hands-on experience but to provide the money to pay for tuition to grad school. Sharing a small apartment in order to keep costs down, they worked and played hard. Their love of life, color, texture, and comfort showed in everything they did.

Nancy had a more modern, eclectic taste, while Elizabeth was more Old-World and comfort-oriented. Advanced degrees in hand and never even considering they might not work well together, they immediately took the jump and decided to form their own company. So far, they were the only two employees, but both had visions of future dreams. They had been slowly building up their portfolio and references. They had been very pleased to learn they were gaining a reputation for being delightful to work with and as a company to be taken seriously.

It was because of their work ethic that they had come to the attention of Garrett Foster, the owner of Foster, Inc. His company was known for working with a wide variety of smaller firms. Elizabeth thought the practice was beneficial in two aspects. It not only removed the overhead costs of a large employee pool, it also ensured the company had a selection of fresh, new designers to keep their clients happy. No one wanted to walk into another person’s home and find it nearly identical to the one they had just paid a great deal of money to update or remodel.
