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Elizabeth moved to the table to fix a cup of coffee before the meeting began. They still had a bit of time to kill. “They have grouped the rooms together,” she said as she poured creamer into her cup. “It makes a lot of sense and will allow easier and faster comparison of each concept.”

Nancy agreed, and the two talked quietly together, as the room slowly filled with other teams. Nancy nudged Elizabeth’s arm when two men and a woman entered.

Elizabeth’s stomach clenched. They had been up against the other team before, and when Divine Designs won the contract, Greg Spenser, owner of Spectacular Spaces, had not taken it well. It probably didn’t help that Elizabeth had turned him down when he had asked her out. She thought she had handled his repeated requests as best she could, always polite and respectful when she’d declined his invitations.

Upon hearing he was spreading rumors that the two women provided special favors to their clients, Elizabeth had been horrified. Her reputation meant a great deal to her. She had avoided confrontation her entire life. Nancy had been unaffected and told Elizabeth he was just jealous and not worth a moment’s thought.

Seeing Greg look at her with contempt as he settled in the chair between his two teammates caused Elizabeth’s nerves to kick in again. She couldn’t even smile at his two employees in fear Greg would consider it some sort of come-on. Instead, she turned away and tried to compose herself, her peripheral vision catching movement as another man entered and took a seat by the refreshment table.

Before she could discern if she knew this new attendee, Greg stood and she stiffened, preparing herself for yet another cutting, hurtful comment. Greg didn’t disappoint. He bent slightly and placed his hands on the table.

“I know that you and your, um, partner,” he said, sliding his eyes to include Nancy, “are exceptionally experienced in the bedroom, but, darling, not even you two can coerce every client into bed. From what my sources tell me, this couple is very old-fashioned; you know, only use the bedroom for sleep? I fear even a hint of impropriety about any firm’s employees would just shock the poor dears. Wouldn’t want to chance giving the old prudes a heart attack now, would we?”

He straightened and stepped to the table to grab a drink. No one else seated around the table had seen the ugly look on his face or been close enough to hear his words. He made sure to nod his head to them as he returned to his seat, saluting them with his bottle of water. “Best of luck, ladies.”

Elizabeth stared after him, her face heating and her pulse racing in anger. She realized she was trembling when Nancy reached over and placed a hand on her arm.

“Deep breath,” she whispered. “He thinks he is God’s gift to design, as well as women. He is pissed you haven’t given in and taken him up on his sleazy offer to worship at his smelly feet. He’s a sore loser, so let’s just make sure he loses again.”

Nancy’s words had the intended effect. Elizabeth’s face relaxed, and she even managed a small smile. “Thanks,” she said. “Though you could have left out that gross visual.”

Nancy looked over at Greg and simply shook her head, as if nothing he said or did mattered to either her or her partner. “Even if you get really nervous, don’t you dare try picturing him sitting there in nothing but his underwear,” Nancy said, with mock severity. “God knows you would be incapable of keeping your look of utter disappointment from showing on your face.”

Elizabeth almost choked on her coffee. The women’s laughter drew looks of other competitors whose expressions conveyed their envy of the team’s obvious sense of confidence.

The room began to settle, as Elizabeth saw Mr. Foster escorting the clients into the conference room. She began to calm as Mr. Dietrich saw her and nodded with a smile. Elizabeth returned the acknowledgement with her own smile. During the initial client interviews, she had become very fond of the middle-aged couple. They were as far from old and prudish as most young couples she knew. She had been extremely impressed by the deep respect and love the two had for each other. Mrs. Dietrich was a sweet woman, who wasn’t hesitant to discuss her ideas with the team, but always conferred with her husband before allowing any changes in the plans to proceed.

As the meeting got underway, Elizabeth forgot about Greg and his ugliness as she forced herself to focus on the presentation. She listened attentively when other teams presented the final drawings, samples and ideas for the areas in which they had been assigned. When it was time for their presentation, she was briefly startled to see a man sitting in a chair against the wall. He looked vaguely familiar, but she didn’t dwell on it as she and Nancy presented their design. When they were done, they both felt like it had gone well. Elizabeth relaxed and listened to the rest of the teams, secretly choosing the ones she would like to work with. Regardless of today’s outcome, she truly wanted the Dietrichs to have the best design possible.

Garrett thanked the presenters, after which Mr. Dietrich added his and his wife’s thanks as well. He helped his wife from her chair, and placing his hand on her lower back, guided her toward the door. Elizabeth was extremely pleased when the couple paused at her chair.

“An exceptional presentation, ladies,” Benjamin Dietrich said, with a slight nod of his head.

“Quite lovely,” his wife added, smiling sweetly.

The women thanked them as professionally as they could, trying to hide the desire to simply jump up and down with happiness. The couple left, and everyone visibly relaxed. Most of these small, independent firms were accustomed to competing, and most all of them did so respectfully. Everyone began to claim their samples of fabrics, paint chips, wallpaper, wooden flooring and ceramic tiles that almost covered the entire surface of the conference table. The competition had been tough, but it was over. All that was left was waiting to hear the clients’ final decision.

“Great job, Nancy, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth looked up from where she was gathering the rest of their things to see Ryan and Julie. While she couldn’t stand Greg, she had no such problem with either of his teammates. Elizabeth was about to thank Ryan but didn’t get a chance.

“Give it up, Ryan,” Greg said, as he joined him. “I’ve told you, if they get the job, it is because they do more for the client in the bedroom than just design it.”

Ryan’s smile disappeared as his lips thinned and Julie looked as disgusted as Elizabeth felt. Elizabeth had no idea how to respond; she was furious but speechless that someone, anyone, would act so inappropriately in a professional environment.

“I suggest the best defense is an unexpected offense,” Nancy said softly.

Elizabeth looked up to see her friend had stepped extremely close.

“Let’s just keep him guessing,” Nancy suggested in a whisper only Elizabeth could hear. Nancy furthered the illusion by raking her blood-red nails gently down Elizabeth’s arm where it lay on the table, before reaching out to slowly pick up a piece of fabric Elizabeth had been preparing to put away.

Elizabeth never understood how her friend seemed to just not give a damn what anyone might think. Nancy had a confidence that was truly inspiring. Deciding to follow her lead, Elizabeth placed her hand over her friend’s.

“I just can’t wait to see this draped over that huge, beautiful, and extremely comfortable-looking bed,” Elizabeth said, making sure she only looked at her friend as she stroked the fabric sample between her fingers. She wondered how hard her partner was biting her cheek in order not to burst out laughing.

“The texture and the color will enhance the beauty of anyone who is lying across it… no matter what they’ve chosen to wear.” Nancy slowly began to pull the swatch from between Elizabeth’s fingers, adding, “Even if they’ve chosen nothing at all.” The room was silent for a heartbeat, until they both heard Greg slamming his briefcase lid closed.

Elizabeth dared not look across the table but kept her eyes on Nancy instead. Nancy’s smile didn’t waver when Greg snapped the locks on his case closed and stormed from the room. Sliding her gaze to the side, she saw Ryan and Julie were shaking their heads, their smiles showing their approval.
