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“I know you are.” Ethan hugged her briefly and then picked up her panties from the floor.

Elizabeth blushed at the thought of them flying off while she’d been kicking her feet. At Ethan’s chuckle, she put her hands on his shoulders as he held the panties for her to step in. She glanced up and froze; someone was just there in the shadows. She shivered, unable to tell who it was.

“Honey?” Ethan asked, and she realized she had yet to lift her other foot. She looked down. By the time Ethan had drawn her panties up and given her hot bottom a gentle pat, whoever had been watching was gone.

Ethan walked with her around the club, showing her various stations. She smiled, seeing another sub getting her bottom paddled. It was obvious to all that she adored having an audience as her Dom punished her. As Ethan paid more attention to the physical activities playing out, Elizabeth was making note of furnishings, textures and lighting. The designer in her would simply not allow her to miss the opportunity.

When Ethan pointed out a scene involving friends of theirs—Judith lying naked on a spanking bench as she was given a rather intense strapping by her husband, Thomas, Elizabeth was more intrigued with the actual design of the bench. It had several rungs at both ends—a series in front, at various heights, to allow the supplicant a choice of which rung was most comfortable to cling to as her bottom was blistered—and an additional set at the other end, where she could either brace her feet for support or where her ankles could be restrained securely, without stress. It was a truly caring design, in that, despite the pain the sub lying on its surface would feel, her body was otherwise given total support and comfort, without stress points.

By the time they returned to the bar, Jason and Nancy were there. Elizabeth noticed that Nancy was standing and knew she had most likely gotten her own butt spanked. The women grinned at each other in the secret way that only best friends communicate. The four ordered fresh drinks and chatted for a while. Ethan told them he had seen a great deal of their friends at Tastsinn over the last few weeks.

“If I’d known this club existed, I would have scheduled our ceremony here. Wouldn’t you like that, Ja… Sir?” Nancy said, wistfully. Jason pulled her closer between his legs and bent to kiss her.

“Honey, we could have it in the middle of McDonald’s, for all I care,” Jason said. “I won’t have eyes for anything but you when you commit yourself to me.”

Nancy rolled her eyes. “Sir, while that is all nice and romantic, I fear we’d be arrested when you stake your claim as my Master,” Nancy said, and then giggled. “Of course, it could give a whole new meaning to enjoying a Happy Meal.”

Elizabeth blushed and Ethan laughed as Jason turned his fiancée around and smacked her ass. “Owwww!” Nancy shrieked. “That hurts!”

Jason chuckled and kissed her. “That’s to remind you to behave, young lady,” he said, ignoring her pout.

“I thought that was what that horrid paddling earlier was for,” she said, rubbing her hands across the seat of her dress.

Jason laughed loudly. “Heck, those little love taps were just for fun,” he said, and the four laughed.

“Has your answer changed?” Ethan asked as they finished their drinks and prepared to leave.

Elizabeth smiled and shook her head. He had asked many times before if he could take her out, but she’d told him she preferred to keep her outside life separate from her club play. Though she knew he didn’t truly understand, especially since her best friends obviously lived the lifestyle outside of the club, he respected her enough not to push.

“Then be a naughty girl, so you’ll feel the need to come see me again,” he said, causing her to laugh.

“Only you would instruct a girl to be bad,” she said.

“I take what I can get,” he said as he popped her ass, grinning as she squealed. “Take care of yourself, Liz.”

“I will, and thank you again, Sir.” He kissed her cheek and the three friends left, each considering their night of celebration a great success.

Chapter Six

Jason dropped the women off, kissing them both before making sure they were safely in the apartment before driving away. Inside, the women took turns in the bathroom, showering and getting dressed for bed. Nancy had mugs of hot chocolate topped with mounds of marshmallows and swirls of whipped cream ready by the time Elizabeth emerged from her room dressed in her favorite pajamas with her long hair wrapped in a towel. Both started to giggle as they very slowly and very carefully sank down onto the couch.

“Wanna bet whose ass is redder?” Nancy asked, with a soft moan.

Elizabeth shook her head. While Nancy enjoyed the occasional spanking, she considered them as more of a punishment. That seem to work very well for Jason, as he was a strict but loving Dominant, attributes he’d retain when he also became Nancy’s husband in a week. While Elizabeth played at making penance for imagined misbehavior, she had never truly been spanked for punishment in payment for some true naughtiness or disobedience. She was simply wired to crave and enjoy hard spankings and paddlings. She felt certain that Nancy would be a little shocked at the condition of her best friend’s ass.

“I’m sure you’d win,” Elizabeth said graciously, and then hid her smile in the pile of marshmallows floating on top of the cocoa.

“Hmmm,” Nancy said, as if she doubted it. “We’ll declare it a tie. Okay, enough of red butts—tell me, what really happened at the restaurant? What’s up with the limo?”

Elizabeth shivered as the memory surged to the surface of her mind. She took another sip and then told Nancy all that she had seen.

Nancy was full of questions. “Do you think she knew people could see her?” she asked. “Did he know you were there? Did he move on purpose so you could see?”

Elizabeth thought for a moment. “I can’t see how she couldn’t know,” she said. “She wasn’t even in the car all the way. I suppose she hoped that the door and the driver would shield her, but believe me, from where I was standing, there was very little left to the imagination.” She paused for moment, thinking about Nancy’s second question. “I don’t think he knew I was there. I didn’t get the feeling he was performing for anyone or even cared if people saw,” she said, quietly. “His entire attention was focused on her. God, I still can’t believe it.”

Nancy laughed. “That’s probably one of the hottest stories I’ve ever heard. Hell, my own panties are damp just hearing it,” Nancy admitted. “I wonder what it would feel like to be exposed like that in public.”

Elizabeth snorted into her mug, causing whipped cream to splash onto her nose. “You can’t tell me that you have to wonder, Nancy,” she said, wiping her face with the edge of the towel. “You’ve been on display at the club many times.”
