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Nancy giggled and shrugged. “Guilty as charged, my fellow subbie. However, as much as I enjoy it when Jason shows me off, it is not the same as being out in public where vanilla people could see me,” she said, nudging Elizabeth in the ribs as color appeared on her cheeks. “Besides, girlfriend, I’ve seen a great deal ofyourcharms, as well, but I know you’d just die if you thought anyone other than our friends ever saw you not all buttoned up and properly covered.”

Elizabeth colored even more before she reached out and slapped her friend on her arm. “Exhibitionist,” she said with a smile.

Nancy stuck her tongue out. “Prude!” she countered, and then giggled. “Oh, what color were her panties? I bet they were black and crotchless,” Nancy said, arching her eyebrow, as if daring Elizabeth not to blush again. She would have won that bet as Elizabeth felt her face heat. Nancy chuckled, “Or maybe beet red like your face.”

Elizabeth shook her head, attempting to give an exaggerated look of disapproval. “You are incorrigible, girlfriend. I told you, I couldn’t see any panties. What bugs me is that he called me by name inside the restaurant. He looks so familiar, but I swear I’ve never met him before.”

“Hey, since he called you Miss Adams, maybe you met him at some club. You know Doms sometimes address the unattached subs as ‘Miss whatever’ until a relationship has been established. I bet that’s it,” Nancy said, nodding as if sure she had found the only plausible explanation.

Elizabeth was about to agree but paused and gave her suggestion serious thought. After a moment she shook her head. “No, I don’t think so,” she said, and then smiled. “Believe me, if I’d seen him at a club, I would definitely have introduced myself and made sure to leave him with a far better impression.”

“I don’t know. I think falling over a man is a pretty impactful introduction,” Nancy teased and took a long sip before looking over the rim of her mug. “Seriously, though, how did he know your name?” she asked.

Elizabeth simply shook her head. “I have no idea. Besides, we both seem to be forgetting that he was with his girlfriend. He is obviously seriously involved,” she answered, trying to ignore the fluttering in the pit of her stomach that was threatening to move south. Knowing she needed to change the subject before she started talking about how the man was having some sort of mystical effect on her, she forced herself to smile broadly. “Okay, enough with the kink; next weekend is all about you. I know we’ve got to meet about the Dietrich project, but God, aren’t you excited? You are getting married and committed!”

Nancy’s smile was bright as though thoughts of becoming Jason’s wife as well as his collared submissive swept away any questions about Liz’s mystery man. “I know, can you believe it!”

The women sat up for another hour talking about the upcoming nuptials, while Elizabeth removed the towel from her hair and began combing it out. They had been planning the ceremonies for months now, and it felt unreal that they would soon be enjoying the fruits of their labor.

“I feel bad that you are going to have to carry most of the weight on the project,” Nancy said.

Elizabeth waved away her concern. “Nonsense, we have everything planned, down to the last pillow. We will have next week to work out any kinks, and then, my friend, you are going to get married. I don’t want you worrying about a single thing. Just enjoy your romantic, very sexy honeymoon with your new husband,” Elizabeth said, meaning every word.

Nancy giggled. “Oh, I plan to. I’m making it my personal goal to ensure that Jason finds nothingboringabout Bora Bora.”

Elizabeth rolled her eyes as she stood. “Let’s just hope he doesn’t discover he married a nutcase.” Ducking away to avoid the pillow Nancy launched at her, she added, “Just make sure your ass is back a week later!”

Nancy stood and the women hugged each other. It seemed like only yesterday that they had met and yet they had come so far together.

“WhileIpromise, partner,” Nancy said, as she carried their mugs to the kitchen. “If I’m not back on time, you’ll know my mission was a complete success and can blame Jason.”

Elizabeth laughed, and they walked down the hall together. As Nancy turned into her room, Elizabeth reached out and swatted her. Nancy yelped and turned around, her mouth open in surprise.

“Just know that I’ll be keeping count and when you finally do climb out of that hammock in your island paradise and drag yourself back to work, I’ll be handing your Dom a paddle and will stand there counting out one stroke for every single moment you are late,” Elizabeth promised and then made exaggerated kissy sounds. “Love you. Sweet dreams,” she said as she went into her own room.

Before she closed the door, she heard Nancy yell, “I hope you have horrible nightmares!”

Though both women were laughing as they climbed into their beds, it wasn’t long before Elizabeth turned over onto her back, a small moan floating from her lips. Her breathing indicated she was sleeping, but her rapid eye movement showed she was in a deep dream state.

“Bend over and bare your bottom, Elizabeth,” her Master ordered.

She shivered, knowing she had displeased him when they were dining earlier. “Please, Sir, not here. Someone might see me,” she pleaded, her face burning. His eyes flashed, and she knew he was disappointed that she was trying to squirm out of the well-deserved punishment that was coming.

“Would you rather we return to our table and I punish you there?” he asked.

Her heart skipped a beat, knowing he would not hesitate to do so.

“No… no, Sir,” she said, softly.

“You know I do not care to repeat myself,” he said. “If I have to tell you again, I guarantee you will provide the evening’s entertainment to an entire room full of people.”

She imagined the driver giving her a knowing look, as he pretended to be only holding the car door. She dared to turn her head, and her fear was realized. The driver was not only looking, his mouth was turned up in a knowing smirk. She knew her Master wanted her to know she had no choice but to obey, even with another watching. Elizabeth moaned as she surrendered, bending over and slowly reaching to pull up her skirt. She shivered as the chill of the evening air flowed across her flesh, feeling guilty when she realized she was becoming aroused. She dared not move, even when her Master’s hand caressed her exposed bottom, his thick fingers sliding between her legs to feel the wetness of her sex.

When he removed his fingers, he chuckled softly. “You are such a naughty girl,” he said. “You dare to complain about baring your ass when your pussy is sopping wet with the thought of being on display to whomever might wish to look.”

She bowed her head lower. He was right. She was a naughty girl and deserved to be punished. Before Elizabeth had even completed her thought, his hand smacked hard against her ass. She moaned but did not dare to move so much as a single inch. Two additional smacks were applied, and her bottom began to burn.

He again slid his fingers between her legs. “So wet you are practically dripping in the street.”
