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Again, the church filled with cheers. Elizabeth quivered, watching their distinctly passionate kiss and knowing without a doubt that neither would ever break their vows.

After saying goodbye to Nancy’s family that evening, they moved to the club for the commitment ceremony. Far fewer people attended since it would be a much more intimate ceremony. Elizabeth again helped prepare Nancy, both women more solemn. Instead of a white gown, she helped Nancy dress head to toe in pure white lingerie: a barely-there thong, a lacy bralette that just managed to cover her nipples, and stockings held up by a lacy garter belt. She slipped her feet into white stiletto heels. The final item was a flowing, gossamer cape that shimmered like freshly fallen snow. Elizabeth tied it around Nancy’s neck, and as she stepped away, she knew that Nancy would soon be bare, wearing nothing but the collar of her submission that Jason would place around her neck.

“I think you are even more beautiful than you were this morning,” Elizabeth said, meaning every word. Nancy smiled but seemed far away, a sign that she was already slipping into her submissive mindset.

After a final hug, Elizabeth left to take her place for the ceremony, her clothing far more modest than most of the attendees but still quite different than the dress she had worn that morning. She wore a black miniskirt, under which she wore a pair of white, lacy panties. Her blouse was also white and would have been acceptable outside the club if it weren’t sheer enough to allow the lace of her bra to be clearly visible, the round fullness of her breasts threatening to spill from the small cups. She wore black heels over thigh-high stockings that had taken forever to arrange so that the vertical seam up the back ran perfectly straight.

The vows were just as romantic but far more descriptive, as the couple swore before their friends to give their lives to each other. After the Master of Ceremonies nodded, Elizabeth stepped forward and removed Nancy’s cape. She saw goosebumps rise to cover her friend’s skin as the other bridesmaids helped her out of her bra and panties. Wearing nothing but her garter belt, stockings and heels, Elizabeth heard her voice a small moan as Jason stepped to her, a thin black leather collar in his hands. He placed it around her neck and slowly made a show of drawing the two ends of the collar together. When joined, the ends revealed themselves as two identical halves that joined to form a complete heart. Jason held the heart in one hand to insert a key into a tiny hole in one of the halves. The small click of the lock engaging was audible, and Elizabeth knew what the sound meant to her friends.

Jason bent forward and kissed the heart lightly before stepping back and presenting the key on its chain to Nancy. Nancy’s eyes shimmered with her intense love and desire, as he bowed his head, and she placed the chain around his neck. He kissed her palms and then tucked the key out of sight inside his clothing. He gave a subtle signal to Nancy with just a slight movement of his hand.

Nancy quivered for a moment, before gracefully sinking to her knees. Her smile was radiant as she looked up at him when he cupped her face in his hands. “I’ve vowed to honor and obey you as my husband, and now as my Master, I offer you the gift of my submission from this day forward.”

Jason smiled down at her before lifting his gaze to the audience. “I am proud to claim this woman as not only my wife, but now declare this woman forever my submissive. From now until the day I die, I swear to protect her with my very life and am honored to accept the role of her Master and receive her gift of submission.” People clapped and then began to clap harder, as he unzipped his pants and offered his erection to his sub. Nancy took him into her mouth and pleasured him as if they were the only two people in the room.

Elizabeth shivered, her own stomach tightening, her panties growing moist, as she stood witness to this intimate scene. Her mind wandered for just a moment to the man in the limo, but she forced those thoughts away. She was here to bear witness to her best friend’s commitment, and Nancy deserved nothing less than her full attention. By the time Nancy was guided back to her feet after accepting all her Dom had to offer, the room erupted again with shouts and cheers. Jason’s best man stepped forward, a cape draped over his arms. Jason accepted it and with a flourish settled the silk around Nancy’s body. This cape was of a deep ruby red and complemented Nancy’s beauty. No one was surprised when Jason lifted her into his arms and carried her from the room. The party would continue long into the night as the bride and groom, Dominant and submissive, removed themselves to continue their celebration in privacy.

Elizabeth returned to her apartment. She was glad that Nancy had spent the night before with her family at their hotel. It somehow made it easier that this was not her first night alone. Though she was going to miss Nancy, she knew she was going to be just fine alone. She had left the club soon after the couple departed. Ethan had been there and volunteered to play but seemed to understand when she declined. For some reason that even she didn’t understand, she couldn’t seem to stop thinking about the mysterious man from the limo. She knew it wouldn’t be fair to submit to any Dom, much less one she admired as much as she did Ethan, unless she was willing to be with him completely. Until she worked through the hold the stranger seemed to have on her, she would immerse herself in other pursuits. Fortunately for Elizabeth, she found a great deal of pleasure in work.

After changing into her pajamas, she walked into Nancy’s old room. Jason had arranged for the movers to bring Nancy’s bedroom furniture to their house to use in their guestroom. Expecting the room to be totally bare, Elizabeth was surprised to see an envelope laying in the middle of the floor. Seeing her name penned on the outside, she picked it up. She pulled out several sheets of paper, and as she started reading, she sank to the floor. It was from Nancy and basically contained a history of their life together. Elizabeth laughed and cried reliving so many things she had forgotten. It was an amazing gift from the woman with whom she had shared most of her adult life. At the end, Nancy thanked her for being her best friend, for sharing in her fears, her worries and her joys. In the last paragraph Nancy wrote that she prayed Elizabeth would find the same love that she had found with Jason.

You are an incredible woman, Elizabeth. You bring so much joy to those blessed to call you friend. I wish for you all the happiness in the world, for that is what you deserve. Never settle—your own Jason is out there; do not stop looking until you find yourself in his arms. All my love—your best friend, your fellow sub, your business partner and your cheerleader, Nancy.

Those words brought fresh tears and then, seeing that there was a postscript, Elizabeth was soon laughing.

PS: Feel free to call if you need anything at all.

PS2: Okay, forget the first PS. Call if it is a matter of life or death since I’ll be on a mission… cue the theme song from MissionNot-So-Impossible…because I willnotfail to make Jason’s head spin!

PS3: DO call if you run into your Limo Man! I’ll take a spanking and lie in that hammock on my stomach, my red butt exposed to the island breezes to hear another hot story!

Trust Nancy to know she’d need a good laugh after reading such a touching letter. Smiling, Elizabeth turned around in the room, knowing she would never again have a roommate. She would turn the room into a home office. It would be the perfect place to work on her project in privacy. Suddenly excited, Elizabeth dragged an old card table out of the storage closet and set it up in the room. She brought in a chair from her bedroom and a floor lamp from the living room. They weren’t anything near what she would eventually have as office furnishings but would do for now.

She walked to her closet and pulled down a box. Opening it, she smiled and was soon engrossed in adding details to a project that was extremely close to her heart. As she worked, she thought about Nancy, Jason and other couples she had met who were far more heavily into the BDSM lifestyle than she.

As she sketched details of a room she had designed, she remembered exactly why she had started this dream project. Elizabeth dearly hoped that in fulfilling her dream she’d finally conquer her fear. The experience she’d had many years ago came flooding back into her consciousness, and that experience, she knew, was why she was unable to immerse herself fully with any Dominant at the club.

Chapter Eight

Five Years Earlier

At the tender age of twenty-one, Elizabeth had fallen hard for a man she had met in college. His name was John Nelson. He was a serious young man, quite the opposite of the more open, boisterous men she normally dated. He was not overly handsome but was nice-looking, with brown hair and eyes. What had drawn her attention was his unwavering respect for everyone he met, be they part of the faculty or the students working in the student union to pay their way through school. He never seemed to be angry or upset. He was a man who truly seemed to enjoy other people but more from a respectable distance. It was as if he were happiest in observing other people enjoying life, in whatever way that captured their attention. She had seen him not only in the large library, with his head in a book, but on the commons enjoying the sun as he sipped coffee with other students. She had seen him at a few parties and noticed that he always seemed comfortable in any place he found himself. When he asked her out, she had instantly agreed.

They attended a film revival showing old black-and-white Hitchcock classics. She had wondered afterward if he had chosen that movie marathon so that he could be guaranteed she’d screech and hang onto his hand, burying her head in his shoulder during the intensely scary scenes. By the time the last credit rolled, he had her hand in his, only releasing it for a moment. Elizabeth watched him swipe away the remaining pieces of popcorn that had fallen onto his lap when she’d screamed and dumped the bucket. He plucked a piece out of his breast pocket, popped it into his mouth and promised her that a nice dinner would “erase the memory of that horribly frightening shower scene”. Elizabeth had to smile in agreement.

It was a great, memorable first date that led to many more. He didn’t kiss her until their third date and had actually asked her permission before doing so. She had been touched at his old-fashioned manners and continued to go out with him. When, after three months, he suggested they go away for a weekend, she agreed. She had talked it over with Nancy, already her roommate, and was encouraged to go and have a good time. As far as Nancy was concerned, Liz was far too old-fashioned.

The couple arrived at a well-known hotel along the beach. Their room was on the twelfth floor and provided a beautiful view of the ocean. They stood at the window, his arms around her waist, as they watched the sun beginning to dip in the sky. Elizabeth wasn’t naïve; she knew that he would expect her to have sex with him. She was a bit anxious but also excited. It had been quite a while since she had been interested in anyone enough to actually sleep with him. She was glad she had never stopped taking the pill, as she didn’t want to chance getting pregnant and really didn’t like condoms. She enjoyed the feel and heat of a man’s skin as it slid into her body.

He gave her privacy, as she showered and dressed for dinner. She put on her new lingerie that Nancy insisted she needed. The soft blue color and the sexy lace made her feel feminine and attractive. She pulled a navy-blue dress over her head and combed out her hair, pulling it back and securing it with a clip. She slipped her feet into sandals, hoping they would be appropriate for the beach. John complimented her the moment she joined him downstairs in the bar, pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply. Her stomach flipped and her nipples hardened. After a long walk along the beach, they settled at an outside table of a popular restaurant. He surprised her the first time he held a piece of calamari in his fingers, bringing the morsel close to her mouth in offering to her. She bent forward, accepting the bite from his hand. The feeling was incredibly sensual; he watched her mouth as she chewed and swallowed. It might have been awkward or embarrassing, but he made her feel sexy, occasionally offering her bites throughout the meal, his lips curving up as she ate from his hand. He helped her from her chair and led her from the restaurant with the simple touch of his hand splayed against her back; she felt her body preparing itself for him as they returned to the hotel.

The moment could have been awkward, but he was just as gallant leading her into the bedroom as he had been leading her into the restaurant. Elizabeth stood still as he slowly undressed her. He knelt before her and ordered her to lift first one foot and then the other as he unbuckled her sandals and pulled them off. She was embarrassed at first; no one had ever undressed her before. He ran his hands very, very slowly up her legs, his fingers warming her skin as they gently massaged her. He didn’t allow his hands to travel beneath her dress, just paused a moment, his hands on her thighs, until she wished desperately that he would move them further. He bent forward, kissed a spot on each of her thighs and then stood.

Her dress was a simple sheath, without buttons or zippers. He took her face between his palms and kissed her gently until her knees were trembling and her breasts ached with the need to be caressed. He released her mouth and slowly lifted the hem of her dress. As the fabric slipped higher, inch by inch, she moaned deeply, her hands going to cover his as if to assist.

“No,” he said, quietly but firmly, “Allow me this pleasure.”

She didn’t feel rebuked, she felt somehow deeply complimented as she dropped her hands away before lifting them above her head at his quiet command. He pulled the dress over her head and moved away to place it across a chair. She stood in nothing but her new lingerie, feeling more aware of her body than ever before. The smile he gave as he approached made her moan again. He moved behind her, his lips at her neck as he kissed her. Her nipples tightened even more, becoming hard points pressing against the confines of her bra. He moved his hands up and down her back, then her arms before allowing them to come around her body. He cupped her breasts in his hands, gently holding them for a moment before allowing his fingers to slowly, so very slowly begin tracing the contours of her breasts. By the time he unhooked the front closure of her bra and allowed his finger to touch her bare skin, she thought she would climax without going further. He slid the bra from her body and placed it on the chair.
