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“You are beautiful,” he said, as he spent what seemed like an eternity kissing and gently nipping each of her nipples until they were swollen and pulsing with her need.

Once again, she felt in danger of coming as his hands moved centimeter by centimeter down her body. By the time he slid her panties down and she stepped from them, there was absolutely no way to hide her incredible state of arousal. He smiled as he folded her sodden panties carefully and placed them on her pile of clothing. Her legs were shaking so hard she was afraid she was going to collapse at his feet but knew if she did, it would be to beg him to take her, take her now! He led her to the bed, pressing her to sit to watch as he undressed.

When he joined her, his erection proudly leading the way, she expected him to be gentle and go slowly, as that had been all she’d known since the seduction had begun. Instead, he shocked her by pushing her onto her back and roughly pulling her legs apart.

“You are mine,” he had said, bending to take a nipple into his mouth, even as he began to push into her. Elizabeth fought not to panic as he filled her with his cock, realizing she was not only sopping wet, her arousal continued to flood her sex. He began to fuck her with long, deep thrusts, demanding her body accept him. When she moved her hands to grasp his arms, he easily readjusted his position so that her hands were held above her head, pinned to the mattress. She had never felt so utterly controlled by another. He pushed even deeper, his cock stretching her as never before.

“Oh, please,” she moaned, even as she arched up to meet his thrusts. “I-I—”

“You’ll take me,” he said, as he lifted his head from her breast and then took her mouth.

Elizabeth discovered something about herself at that moment. While she had not been a virgin, she had never once experienced her body responding as it did to his demands. She realized she’d been with inexperienced boys before, while John was a man in total and complete control. She was soon moaning and then shrieking as he pounded into her again and again. She desperately wanted nothing more than to please him. Her hands remained pinned, the simple hold allowing her to give herself to him, relaxing completely, giving him all the control as he fucked her. She climaxed with an explosion she had no idea she was capable of, her uncontrolled screams of pleasure filling every corner of the room, as he pushed into her and found his own release.

Afterward, he helped her to sit up, pulling her into his arms. She was still shuddering at what had just happened and yet wished it to happen again. She was suddenly embarrassed at the way he had made her respond, her body writhing beneath his, and the loud sounds she had made in her passion.

John surprised her again, reading her like a book. He seemed to instinctively know she felt guilty, and he also knew what guilty little girls needed.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her facedown over his lap. His fingers stroked all across her bottom as he explained that he needed to give her a good, hard spanking so she wouldn’t feel guilty. She opened her mouth to protest, but when he gave her a quick swat, she yelped instead. John alternated between swatting and rubbing her bottom until she was squirming across his legs. He was building up a heat in her body that she was desperate he satisfy.

“No more pleasure until you ask for your spanking,” he said, allowing just the tips of his fingers to dip between her legs and glide across her slick lips.

She moaned deeply, discovering yet another aspect of her psyche. She let go and actually begged and pleaded for a spanking, lifting her bottom high until her skin contacted his. John gave her exactly what she asked for and spent the next fifteen minutes warming her ass until it was bright red, and her pussy was again dripping with need. When he allowed her up and ordered her to lie on her stomach and spread her arms and legs, she instantly obeyed. Her bottom wasn’t the only part of her anatomy that was on fire. He produced rope and proceeded to loosely tie her spread-eagle to the bed without a single word of protest from her. He put his hand to her sex, and she instantly arched her body into his palm. She rocketed to another climax within moments of his touch.

“Perfection,” John whispered, his pleasure at witnessing her enjoyment of what he was doing clear in his smile.

After she had calmed a bit, he immediately began to drive her to the edge again. He knelt between her spread legs and sweetly tortured her for several long minutes, his tongue slowly running up the full length of her sex to give her swollen bud the briefest of flicks before the slow lapping began again. His tongue would still, as his hands moved under her body to nip at her breasts every time she was on the cusp of coming. By the time he entered her again, she was begging him to fuck her. Her voice was passionate, as she begged him for more—to take her harder, deeper, her screams of pleasure filling the room, his own cry joining hers as he emptied himself deep into her. They were both panting, both covered in perspiration and trying to regain their breath when they became aware of a pounding on the door. He swore loudly and climbed off the bed, pulling on one of the robes the hotel provided.

Elizabeth barely managed to lift her head from the bed to tell him the door he’d pulled closed behind him hadn’t latched and was opening of its own accord. She never had a chance; he had flung open the door to the hall before she could speak. She could easily see two men standing outside the door. The man in the suit with the neutral expression was obviously the hotel manager, the other some sort of security by the look of his uniform.

All she could do was lie there and listen. Despite John’s assurance that all was well regardless of what occupants of nearby rooms might have said, the security guard insisted he speak to the “young lady”. John had shrugged and opened the door further, turning while informing them that they could wait in the sitting area while she changed. His face showed his horror when his eyes met hers and he realized that he had not only left the door open; every inch of Elizabeth was visible.

Elizabeth had never been more embarrassed. The manager stayed outside the room, but the security guard boldly walked straight to the bed, his eyes raking up and down her splayed body, noting not only her very red bottom, but every point where she had been secured to the bed.

“Are you quite all right?” he asked politely enough.

Despite her overwhelming humiliation, she assured him that she was and admitted she had consented to both the spanking as well as being tied to the bed.

He nodded, dropping the façade and allowing his disgust to show on his face and in his words. “This is a respectable hotel, young lady. Our guests do not appreciate being awakened by screams, especially when the sounds of distress aren’t coming from anyone in danger. If you wish to participate in such deviant, disgusting practices, I suggest you check into someplace that doesn’t care about its reputation. Perhaps a hotel that rents their rooms by the hour. If you were my daughter, I’d make sure your bottom was so sore you’d never think of a spanking as anything more than the punishment you are just playing at. I’m sure your parents would agree with me.”

Elizabeth was shocked and highly ashamed. She felt like a naughty teenager being told she was a slut and a horrid embarrassment to her parents. Elizabeth knew that her parents loved her but thinking of them being told that their daughter’s cries had been loud enough to cause several other guests of the hotel to contact the security office would be mortifying. If the guard further informed them that he had personally witnessed their daughter in a room she was sharing with a man who was not her husband, and that not only had she been naked, spanked and tied spread-eagle to a bed but that she had actually consented to such vulgar activities, it would not only embarrass them greatly, Elizabeth did not believe she could survive such a humiliation. The men left, and John immediately apologized as he released her from her bonds.

She accepted his apology but could not forget the look in the guard’s eyes or release the feeling of shame the guard had planted into her mind. John attempted to reassure her that she had been beautiful, that vocalizing her emotions, whether they came from pain or pleasure, was a wonderful gift to her lover. She kept shaking her head, not uttering a sound. When he told her that there were other things to try—and even items that could be used if she wished to be quieter, she jumped from the bed, grabbed her clothes and ran into the bathroom.

She cried in the shower, hoping the rush of the water would cover the ragged sounds of her sobs. She had never allowed herself to be so free, to voice all of what she felt. John was an amazing lover, one who not only took what he wanted but forced her to recognize that she found intense pleasure in obeying his demands. Though she eventually left the bathroom and tried to forget the embarrassment, knowing it wasn’t truly John’s fault, she simply could not let it go.

They made love once more, but Elizabeth was unable to enjoy it; she was terrified that even the softest squeak of pleasure would find the security man breaking into the room and throwing them both naked right out the front door.

After their return to school, John continued reassuring her that she should feel no shame, no guilt for enjoying what they had done. He told her that the security man didn’t matter, that she was permitted to enjoy her own sexuality and voice her pleasure. He attempted to draw her from her shell, but they gradually drifted apart. She never regretted dating him. When she did allow herself to think of him, it was with both a sense of loss, as well as hope that he had found someone who loved him as much as he deserved.

Years later, she understood that he had been her first encounter with a Dom. She didn’t know if she would ever have been able to accept the fact that she was a submissive if the experience had not been as exquisite as it has been embarrassing. She only regretted two things. The first was that she had never had the chance to thank him. The second was the knowledge that he had awakened her in a way she had never known she was capable of, but no longer felt free to fully express.

Chapter Nine

Elizabeth forgot about her own designs when Nancy returned from her honeymoon, obviously head-over-heels in love. After the two spent an entire evening discussing almost every element of each day of the trip, Elizabeth had to agree that if the look she’d seen in Jason’s eyes was an indication, she had no doubt that Nancy had achieved her mission. After preening for a moment, Nancy settled and demanded to hear about Elizabeth’s week.

While she didn’t confess that the Limo Man appeared nightly in her dreams, she did fill Nancy in on how well the project was going and explained that they should be done by the end of the following week.

Elizabeth made sure Nancy returned home by six every evening. She didn’t mind picking up the slack. She worked overtime outside the office, going from store to store, seeking just the right elements to bring the couple’s home to life. The master suite took up almost half of the top floor of their home, and the bath was being updated and expanded. While Nancy made a few changes in the his-and-hers huge walk-in closets, Elizabeth finished working on the mosaic. She had spoken to the couple and listened to both what they said and what they didn’t. She’d noticed they had dozens of photos throughout their home, depicting not only their children when they were quite young, but their pets and places they had been and seemed to enjoy. She found putting the special mosaic together brought her a great sense of happiness and prayed the couple would find it brought them joy as well.
