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Helen, evidently seeing that Jason had obviously felt crowded on the love seat, took Elizabeth’s hand in hers. “Please, come sit with me,” she said, walking back toward Benjamin. Benjamin was seated in a chair, beside which rested a low ottoman. Helen sank onto the arm of her husband’s chair. She patted the ottoman instructing Elizabeth where to sit.

Elizabeth fought to keep from blushing as she had no choice but to obey. She sank down but not before turning to see Nancy trying not to laugh and Jason giving her a look of feigned innocence. Elizabeth was now sitting practically at the feet of Helen’s “boys” who’d taken two wingchairs next to the family’s patriarch.

Benjamin took his wife’s hand, kissed it and looked around the room. “I believe it is time to speak frankly.”

Elizabeth knew he was about to explain the new project. She started to rise in order to retrieve a notebook from her bag, but Benjamin’s next words halted her.

“Though my instincts tell me I am correct, please know that if I offend you in any way, Elizabeth, I apologize in advance.”

Elizabeth darted a confused glance at her friends who appeared clueless and then at Garrett. Garrett simply smiled, and Logan was staring directly at her as if watching to see her every reaction. Elizabeth flushed and turned back to Benjamin.

“Since we are all adults and I we believe share a common interest, I see no reason to beat around the bush,” he said, turning his attention to Nancy. “Nancy, I must say, the collar you wear is almost as beautiful as the one I placed around Helen’s throat thirty-five years ago,” Benjamin said. “Your husband is very fortunate to have found not only his wife but his soulmate, something which is vital when living the D/s lifestyle.”

Even if a trumpeting elephant chose that moment to charge through the living room, Elizabeth could not have been more stunned. Her eyes flew back to Logan, thinking she’d see a look of shock on his face. He met her gaze, smiling as if he had known what was coming. Again remembering the limo, Elizabeth flushed and turned to look at her best friend. Nancy looked surprised but lifted her hand to stroke the heart lock that nestled in the hollow of her throat. Elizabeth’s eyes moved to Helen and saw the woman mimic the movement, her fingers stroking a sparkling object at her own throat. Helen saw Elizabeth and lowered her hand.

“I believe Elizabeth can guess the meaning of your symbol, Sir,” she said. “May she try?” Benjamin chuckled and nodded. When Helen motioned for Elizabeth to come closer, she found herself rising to obey. She bent over and looked more closely at the beautiful diamonds around the woman’s neck. She realized she had seen the necklace before but had not once considered it anything except a lovely accessory. Looking at it now, she met Helen’s eyes and smiled. Helen nodded and reached out to pat Elizabeth’s hand.

“It’s beautiful,” Elizabeth said. “It is the symbol for infinity, which represents the love you have vowed. Since there is no discernible clasp, I believe you’ve worn it since Benjamin placed it around your neck.” She reached out with her fingertip when Helen tilted her head back as if offering herself to the young woman. Elizabeth tapped her nail against the green emerald that was in the exact center of the symbol where the lines crossed. “This is Benjamin,” she said knowing she was right. “This signifies your Prince Charming.”

Benjamin laughed, and Helen looked delighted. She pulled Elizabeth into another hug. “I knew you would be able to decipher the meaning,” Helen said. “I only hope that one day you, too, will find your own prince. Even if he is only half as wonderful as my Benjamin, you will find incredible joy in your service to him.”

Elizabeth briefly closed her eyes, wishing the same and knowing she would never be happy with less. “Thank you,” she whispered, looking over at Benjamin only to see that his gaze was on his son.

After another moment, Benjamin’s shifted his glance and reached out to pat his wife’s leg. Elizabeth stepped back and returned to her seat.

“We would like to ask you both to design a playroom for us,” Benjamin said once she’d settled.

Elizabeth discovered she wasn’t truly either shocked or surprised at the request. She had already stepped through the looking glass; she was now prepared for anything. She leaned forward, ready to hear every detail. Looking over at Nancy, she saw her partner’s pose mirrored her own, their excitement and interest evident to everyone in the room.

Benjamin smiled and continued. “While our children were at home, we kept our play as private as possible. I know they all became aware of our lifestyle but were respectful enough to appear naïve, though some embraced the practice as well.” He raised his glass of wine toward the two younger men.

Elizabeth saw both Logan and Garrett grin and raise their glasses in acknowledgment of the silent toast.

Benjamin took a sip of his wine. “I’ve enjoyed escorting Helen to various clubs, but, as we’ve aged, we both find it would be easier, as well as more enjoyable, if we could do more serious play in the comfort of our own home.”

Elizabeth nodded, understanding the thought. She instantly knew he was not speaking of someplace that was dark or even edgy. She was already envisioning a room that was inviting, one filled with light and subtle colors that would feel comforting, even if one of the occupants were undergoing a scene that wasn’t comfortable to most people. She realized that Benjamin had stopped speaking and understood that her attention had obviously strayed, as she stepped into her own world.

“Excuse me,” she said realizing she just might possibly have been speaking under her breath as she often did when kicking ideas around in her head.

Benjamin grinned and then chuckled. “You are correct,” he said. “As much as the thought of ravishing my bride in the darkness of a dungeon is enticing, I think not. Our eyesight is not likely to improve as we grow older.” Everyone laughed, except for Elizabeth, who was embarrassed. He leaned across his wife and patted Elizabeth’s arm. “Don’t be embarrassed, dear, I think it is fascinating catching even a glimpse of how creative minds work.”

She smiled at the kind look on his face. “I still apologize, but please know Iwaslistening,” she said, hearing Nancy giggle. Before she became accustomed to it, whenever Elizabeth started brainstorming out loud with herself, Nancy was constantly thinking Elizabeth was speaking to her, only to then ignore her when she tried to respond.

“Don’t apologize for doing your job, Elizabeth. It is quite entertaining to see you disappear into your thoughts. Your face is enough to tell me you are not only listening but have already made lists of questions, colors, designs, etc. Am I correct?” Benjamin asked, and she smiled.

“Well, yes, sir,” she confessed.

“Perfect! Now, there is a room behind the back wall of our master suite,” Benjamin said, “It’s a nice size with—"

Helen interrupted with a laugh. “Why don’t we just show it to them?” she suggested.

Benjamin looked surprised at the interruption but then smiled. "Yes, I believe that would make more sense,” he said, rising and extending his hand to her. As he drew her to her feet, he reached out and smacked her bottom. “I know you’re excited, my dear, but that is no excuse to interrupt.”

Elizabeth stood stock-still in surprise but then heard both Helen and Nancy giggle.

“Yes, Sir,” Helen said, as she reached back to rub the spot where his hand had connected.

Elizabeth saw the look in her eyes, thinking she looked exactly like Nancy did when with Jason. It was obvious just how deeply the two were connected, even after decades of marriage. Elizabeth smiled, shaking her head, knowing she’d seen Jason pop Nancy hundreds of times and, in fact, had been smacked on the bottom by him as well. She realized she had expected some sort of different behavior just because the couple was probably close to three decades older than she.
