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Jason and Nancy were following their host up the stairs. Garret stood and followed as well while Logan rose and approached her.

“They are a constant reminder that life doesn’t even begin to stop at fifty,” Logan said.

“Your parents are very special people,” Elizabeth said, feeling a bit of her nerves slip away.

“I agree,” he said. He walked with her as they joined the others in the hall outside the master suite.

Benjamin led them to a door at the end of the hallway. He opened it to expose a large room presently holding stacks of old furniture, trunks, antique hall trees and several dozen boxes.

“As you can tell, this room has been used as storage. I’m sure we have forgotten half of what is in here,” Benjamin said. “However, I know how well you can use your imaginations. Clear out all this old junk, some paint, new flooring, better lighting, and all that stuff you do. I’d also like this door closed off and an entrance made directly into our bedroom. What do you think?”

The others watched as Elizabeth and Nancy forgot they even existed, immediately stepping into the room, walking around piles of furniture, pushing boxes out of the way and talking quietly together. It was several minutes before the two stopped in the middle of the room after tapping on walls and uses gestures only the two seemed to understand.

Elizabeth looked up and could imagine a large skylight that would allow the stars to shine down into the room. It would be well insulated so that the sun would not make the room unbearable if the couple wished to play in the middle of a hot Houston day.

“I know you’ll need to take measurements and such, but could you tell me if you are even interested in—”

“Yes!” they shouted in unison, and then began to laugh, realizing they had not only interrupted a client, they acted as if they were ready to start tearing out walls this very moment.

Benjamin laughed and clapped Garrett on his back. “Wonderful, I can’t tell you how excited Helen and I will be to see what you can do with the place. Let’s go back downstairs and discuss it further,” Benjamin suggested.

Chapter Twelve

As the evening continued, Jason, Logan and Garrett found themselves pushed aside. It was a rather strange feeling for the three dominant men, but Jason simply laughed.

“As a man who is very experienced with these two great women,” Jason said as the three moved to the game room where there was a large pool table, “I can promise you this. Once those two get their heads into a project, their hearts follow. It makes my life a little less orderly, but I’ve learned to adjust. If I didn’t make them take breaks, they’d both work twenty-four hours a day until the project was finished perfectly.”

Garrett laughed. “Having had the opportunity to watch the women at work, as well as see several of their projects, I can say that it’s that level of commitment that led me to ask their firm to bid on the Dietrich project in the first place. I certainly wasn’t surprised when Ben asked me to facilitate this meeting, as well.”

Logan picked up a pool cue, chalking it as he listened. “Tell me if I’m out of line here, Jason,” he said, as the other two prepped their own sticks. “You speak as if both of them are under your authority. Besides being Nancy’s husband, and obviously her Master, is Miss Adams answerable to you as well?”

Garrett hid his smile by racking the balls on the table while Jason turned to Logan, his face serious. “Elizabeth is not answerable to anyone, Logan,” Jason said. “The choice remains hers. I offer her my support as her friend of many years. She is like a sister to me. I offer her my protection as well.”

Logan nodded. “I assure you, I’m well aware of sisters and the protection they need,” Logan said, putting down the chalk. “I just want to have clarity.”

“Then let’s be clear,” Jason said. “I was at Tastsinn the other night with Nancy. We both saw not only Garrett giving a demo, we attended your demonstration as well. Now, since Elizabeth was not upset about Garrett, I don’t feel I need to speak to him.” Jason turned and gave Garrett a nod. Garrett nodded back. “You, however, seem to have affected Liz in some way,” Jason continued. Logan started to speak but Jason held up his hand. “If you’ll excuse me and let me finish?”

Logan clenched his jaw but nodded.

“Thank you,” Jason said. “As your father pointed out, we are all adults. Liz is an intelligent woman, and I will not assume to make her choices for her. I will tell you this though. I love her, will support her, will protect her, but I truly wish for her to find her own soulmate, for she deserves nothing less. I would not hesitate to rip apart anyone I thought was simply using her. Is that clear enough for you?”

Logan nodded. “Crystal clear. Would you care to break?”

Jason nodded, and pulling back his cue, he took the shot, satisfied he’d made his point as the balls rocketed about the table.

Hours later, Benjamin and Helen seemed even more pleased with their decision to hire Divine Designs. Elizabeth and Nancy had not immediately begun to suggest things, to force their ideas onto the couple; rather, they asked a great deal of questions, which Benjamin and Helen truly appreciated, giving answers without a moment’s hesitation. Both girls took copious notes. Any sense of embarrassment had dissipated by the time they gathered around the dining room table again. As they sat down, they were not only excited, all four knew it would be fabulous. Though the couple had told them some things they definitely desired, both Benjamin and Helen had asked the young women to include some of their own designs, elements they believed would bring the room the same warmth and charm they felt in their master suite.

“I know it might be difficult,” Benjamin had said with a grin, “But try to imagine what you might desire the room to offer if you were both thirty years older. I want my Helen to be comfortable and relaxed, but”—he paused, as he bent to kiss his wife’s cheek—“nottoocomfy, if you know what I mean.” Helen blushed and both Elizabeth and Nancy giggled, understanding perfectly.

“Put some surprises in. Feel free to add a few things you aren’t even quite sure about,” Benjamin had continued. “We may be old, but we are far from dead.”

“You are both certainly not old,” Elizabeth said. “Your love for each other is evident to anyone who sees you. I pray you both enjoy the room for another fifty years.”

As they began to gather their things in preparation to leave, Elizabeth thanked Helen for a lovely evening. It wasn’t until Nancy went to find Jason that Elizabeth became aware that three of their dinner party were missing. She didn’t have time to consider where they’d disappeared to before Helen was hugging her. After returning the embrace, Benjamin quietly pulled Elizabeth aside.

“I pray I wasn’t wrong?” he asked, and she knew immediately what he meant.

“No, sir,” she said, softly. “Can you, will you, tell me why you thought I would not be shocked, or—”
