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“Run screaming from the room?” he suggested.

She nodded but did not lift her eyes. Benjamin reached out and lifted her chin with his fingers until she looked directly at him.

“You said that my love for Helen and hers for me is evident to anyone who sees us. You, my dear, are just as easily read. Your entire being screams submission,” he said.

Her cheeks heated as she opened her mouth to protest, but he shook his head.

“No, don’t deny it. It is a beautiful thing, Elizabeth. You remind me of my Helen when I first met her. You both are extremely beautiful women whose very souls ache until they find the perfect man to serve. You are a very talented young lady and could no doubt live a fulfilling life surrounded by awards and praise for your gift of design. However, I pray you don’t settle for such a life, no matter how successful it might be. I am very fond of you and will always remember the incredible gift you’ve given Helen and me. I’d like to give you a gift as well if you will permit.”

He paused again, and she slowly nodded. “Find your freedom, little one. Do not settle for less than you deserve. Trust your heart, no matter what anyone else says. Follow it until you have found the one man who will set you free, even as he keeps you safe in his arms, for only then shall you discover joy you can’t even fathom.”

Elizabeth had never heard words that affected her so deeply. Tears filled her eyes—not tears of sadness—tears accompanying an ache, hoping that one day she could open the gift he offered. Benjamin bent forward and kissed her cheek before releasing her.

She stepped outside to see Jason waiting for her, his arm around Nancy. “Sorry,” she said. “Benjamin just wanted to speak to me. I’m ready to go.” A shadow separated from the wall and spoke quietly.

“I’ve asked Jason to allow me to escort you home, Miss Adams,” Logan said. “He assures me he will not agree until he knows you feel comfortable with my offer.” Elizabeth looked between the man and Jason. Logan stepped a bit closer. “Please, Miss Adams. I feel you are extremely uncomfortable. At first I thought it might be at my father’s revelation, but I have since realized that you have acted uneasy since my arrival, and, unfortunately, only around me. If you are truly going to work in this home on a project that is both important and very personal to my parents, I’d like to know why you seem so uncomfortable.”

Elizabeth wanted to run, but realized his concerns were valid. She saw that both Nancy and Jason seemed to agree. “It’s fine, Jason. I’ll go with Mr. Dietrich,” she said. Jason nodded and bent to kiss her cheek.

“I think that would be for the best,” he agreed, as he straightened. He began to lead Nancy down the stairs but turned. “Call the moment you get home, Elizabeth. Don’t forget,” he said.

“Yes, sir,” she answered, and watched as he settled his wife into the car and drove away.

Garrett joined the two on the porch steps. “Everything okay, Miss Adams?” he asked.

“Yes, sir,” she said again, and didn’t see Logan smile as she respectfully answered the two men.

“Good, I appreciate your enthusiasm for the project. I truly look forward to seeing what you and Nancy will deliver,” Garrett said. “I’m sure it will be truly wonderful and suit Ben and Helen perfectly.”

He seemed to be ready to speak again when Logan spoke. “Shall we?” he asked, and when Elizabeth nodded, he turned to Garrett. “I’ll talk to you soon. Thanks for helping the folks with all this,” he said, waving his hand toward the house. “It should be interesting.”

Garrett grinned and nodded. “To say the least,” he agreed. As Logan placed his hand on Elizabeth’s lower back to signal he was ready to leave, Garrett’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Be careful,” he warned. “Miss Adams is a very special young woman.”

Elizabeth blushed, realizing she felt exactly as she would if the three had been standing in a club instead of in front of an old, elegant house in a very prestigious neighborhood.

“I agree,” was all Logan said, as he led Elizabeth down the final steps and across the drive to his car.

It was a sleek, black Audi convertible and not the limo she had almost convinced herself it would be. Her face flushed, and she couldn’t suppress a quiver. He opened the door and when she was seated, reached across her to fasten her seatbelt. He pulled back and thankfully misinterpreted the blush on her cheeks, attributing it to his belting her in like a child.

“Forgive me,” he said, with a grin. “Granny always told me to remember I’m driving with precious cargo. I guess it really took, as I insist on safety.” She simply nodded and watched as he climbed into the car. “Would you like the top up or down?” he asked.

She was pleased he’d given her the choice. It was a pleasant evening. “Down please,” she said, and as soon as the top folded into its place, he started the car. After asking her address, he drove carefully, and she relaxed as the wind played with her hair and helped cool her heated skin. The stereo was excellent and filled the car with soft classical music. Her apartment, in an area known as The Heights, was only about twenty minutes away. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, trying to convince herself that she could handle whatever came next.

Chapter Thirteen

Logan turned down her street. “I’ve always loved this neighborhood,” he said, and she smiled in agreement. “It is very eclectic and full of talented people. I completely understand why you live here.”

“Nancy and I moved here from Austin after grad school. We instantly felt like it was home,” she admitted. “She and Jason bought the cutest house not far from here. Nancy and I had a lot of fun remodeling it. Jason was great and basically just stayed out of our way.”

“Smart man,” Logan said, with a chuckle.

He pulled to the curb and as Elizabeth unclipped her seat belt and began to bend forward to grab her purse off the floor, his arm shot out and pressed her back against her seat. She gasped loudly, in both surprise as well as from the weight of his arm.

Logan didn’t speak or move his arm until the car came to a complete stop. He lowered his arm to turn off the ignition before turning to her. She had a hand on her chest rubbing it slightly.

“Don’t ever do that again,” he said, as he removed the keys and stepped from the car. She stared in amazement as he walked around the hood and opened her door. “If some car slammed into us from behind, you could have broken your neck bent over like that and unrestrained. Keep your belt secured until the car is turned off.”

She was embarrassed, but as his look softened and he held out his hand to help her from the car, she nodded. “For Granny?” she asked, attempting to lighten the moment.
