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Butterflies took flight once again as warmth spread through her. She nodded in acceptance, knowing deep inside that it was an important step.

“Elizabeth, I am sorry you felt the need to subject yourself to such an intense paddling for something you never should have felt guilt for. It was unnecessary and yet one of the most beautiful things I have ever been privileged to witness.”

Her eyes flew to his, her lips parting as the realization of what he meant swept over her. “How… oh my God. You were the man in the shadows,” she said, remembering the feeling she had that someone was watching just beyond her field of sight. “You were there.” Her face flooding scarlet as she remembered being bared by Ethan before he addressed her guilt with his hand and then a paddle. She struggled to pull her hands from Logan’s, her desire to run away nearly uncontrollable.

Logan kept her hands locked in his and furthered his control by scooping her up and dragging her onto his lap. She continued her attempt to flee, pushing against him with her body and pulling her hands. Logan allowed her hands to slip free but then grabbed both of hers in one of his huge hands, trapping them against his chest. He immediately put his other arm around her, holding her close as he began to make soothing sounds.

“Shhh, you’re safe. I’ve got you.”

After several more minutes, Elizabeth tired of struggling. She collapsed against him, her face buried in his chest, her body slack.

“Elizabeth,” Logan said gently, his lips against her hair. “Yes, I was there. That was the third time I’d seen you. You are an amazing woman, and watching you was a gift. You were beautiful in your submission. Honey, you have nothing to be ashamed of. We both know the club is a safe place. Adults let themselves be free and experience what their psyche needs to be whole and fulfilled. You should never, ever feel ashamed or guilty about what you need to feel free and loved, for that is what makes you who you are. And that, Elizabeth, is a wonderful, capable, intelligent and extremely sensual, beautiful woman.”

His words were like a balm, his tone gentle and without judgment, his hold comforting and reassuring. She allowed her mind to accept his words. After a few more minutes, she lifted her eyes to meet his. “Thank you,” she said, her lips trembling. “God, what are the chances of us both going to the same club that night?”

Logan grinned, bent down and gently kissed her forehead. “Well, for me it would be one hundred percent. For you, I hope to find it quite close to the same,” Logan said, cryptically. Elizabeth shook her head as if trying to figure out the math.

“Honey,” he said, “I own Tastsinn.”

Her mouth dropped opened. She pushed against his chest until she was able to get some distance from him, though his arm kept her on his lap. “You own Tastsinn?” she asked, as if the thought were unbelievable. Logan nodded, his smile widening when her smile reappeared. “Oh my God,” she said, shaking her head. “That is incredible; it is such a wonderful club. The things you’ve done, the safeword bracelets, the colors, the textures, the…”

Logan stopped her as he burst out laughing, filling the room with the sound of pure amazement. Elizabeth was shocked for a moment before she joined him, her laughter soft and musical.

“I can’t say I wasn’t a bit worried about how you’d react,” Logan said, continuing to chuckle, “but, I never, ever, would have bet you’d go directly into designer mode.”

Elizabeth giggled as she relaxed against his chest again, like she’d been there a thousand times before. “Sorry,” she said, with a shrug. “I am not only that submissive woman getting her ass paddled in your club,” she said, her voice now light and no longer hampered by any sense of guilt. “I am also that professional designer who will always be looking around to see possibilities, no matter where I am.” She sighed. “God, you own Tastsinn!”

“I do,” he confirmed as he gently eased her up and then cupped her face with his hands. He bent forward and kissed her gently, increasing the pressure when she eagerly returned the kiss, her body pressing against his. “We’ve discussed quite a lot tonight,” he said, softly when he pulled away. “We have a great deal more to talk about, but it will have to wait. It’s getting late and you need to get some rest.”

Elizabeth wanted him to stay, wanted him to hold her. She began to shake her head, but Logan shook his more firmly.

“Remember, young lady, I am a man who knows how to keep disobedient little subs in line,” Logan said. Grinning at the shudder that ran through her, he bent to kiss her again before standing up and turning to place her back on the couch, the small pillow once more under her ankle.

Elizabeth’s eyes followed Logan as he took the glass of water and the now semi-thawed bag of peas into her kitchen. He seemed instantly at home as he put the glass in the dishwasher and returned the peas to the freezer. He returned to her and smiled.

“Try to keep your foot elevated as much as you can,” he said, picking up her tea mug and pressing it into her hands. “Finish your tea and make sure you deadbolt the door when you get up to go to bed.” She nodded as he bent to brush one last kiss across her lips. Logan walked to the door and opened it. He turned back. “I will call you tomorrow,” he said. “Until then, I’ll see you in my dreams tonight.”

Her entire body softened as she met his gaze. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

Logan gave her another smile, made sure the lock was depressed on the doorknob and then left, pulling her door firmly shut behind him.

Elizabeth didn’t move for several minutes. When she did, it was to once more set aside her tea, pull her knees up to her chin and wrap her arms around them. She laid her chin on top of her knees and realized she was incredibly relaxed—any trepidation about Logan or working on the project was gone, her spirit calm. She smiled as she slowly stood and made her way to her bed. She undressed and pulled on her pajamas, climbed into bed and put a pillow under her ankle. Her last conscious thought was to remember Logan had said he’d see her in his own dreams. Her body was instantly aroused as she curled onto her side and closed her eyes, praying she would indeed meet him in hers. She knew that if their combined dream involved a car, her Limo Man would definitely not be wearing overalls.

Chapter Fourteen

Elizabeth was standing in front of her open refrigerator, trying to decide if she was hungry, when the phone rang. She slammed the door shut and raced to grab it off the trunk. Pressing the button, she immediately began talking. “Nance, you’ll never believe what happened last night,” she gushed, dropping onto the sofa in preparation for a long talk with her best friend.

“Please tell me it was pleasant,” a male voice said, and she instantly jumped to her feet.

“Logan?” she said, her face heating. She could just imagine what he was thinking. She heard him chuckle.

“Yes, good morning, Elizabeth,” Logan said, his smile showing in his tone of voice. She shook her head and sat down again.

“Good morning,” she said, and then giggled, “Yes, pleasant is one word I could use to describe it.”

He chuckled again and then let her off the hook. “How does your ankle feel today?” he asked, and she realized she had totally forgotten she had even twisted it.

“It seems you have amazing hands,” she said. “The ice and massage cured it. I had forgotten all about it.”
