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“That’s good to hear. I called to say that the Bayou City Art Festival starts today and was wondering if you had any interest in going.”

Elizabeth knew he was speaking of the yearly event held along Memorial Drive, featuring the wares of both local and professional artists. It was an event she rarely missed. “I’d love to go, but…” she hesitated, and then continued, “in fact, Nancy, Jason and I were planning on going tomorrow, but I don’t mind going twice.”

Logan had another idea. “Why don’t you give them a call and see if they’d like to join us today?” he suggested. “If my instincts are correct, Jason and I can get to know each other better as you and Nancy act all giddy over all the offerings.”

Elizabeth smiled, knowing how often Jason had stood patiently waiting while she and Nancy tried to decide if found treasures could be incorporated into their design work. “While I should mention that we are professional designers and don’t act ‘giddy’, it does sound wonderful; I’ll call them immediately,” she said.

He chuckled again. “Parking can be a problem, so if they agree, see if an hour is enough time to prepare. Oh, and, Elizabeth, wear sturdy shoes. Even if it feels okay right now, I don’t want you to aggravate your ankle.”

She was touched, and nodded, though he couldn’t see her. “I will, and thank you, Si… Logan. Um, do you want me to call you back and let you know?” she asked, hoping he hadn’t caught her slip.

The fact he had was immediately evident. “Sir Logan? I think I like it.”

She huffed and smiled. “Well, don’t go all giddy over it.”

His laugh was just as fabulous as it had been the evening before. “I’ll try not to let it go to my head. It’s not necessary to call me back. I’ll come pick you up, and if they want to join us, we can drive over and get them.”

“Yes, Sir,” she said, this time not editing her form of address. “I’ll call and then get ready.”

“Sounds good, see you in an hour,” Logan said, and disconnected.

Elizabeth immediately hit the speed dial for Nancy. Knowing they didn’t have time for an extended chat, when Nancy answered, Elizabeth spoke quickly, “Hi. I’ve got so much to tell you but most of it will have to wait.” She extended Logan’s offer and asked if she and Jason would mind switching days to attend the festival. When Elizabeth finished, Nancy told her to hold on for a minute, while she checked with Jason.

“Jason said that’s even better,” Nancy said. “In fact, you should see his grin. It seems he’s also looking forward to having someone to talk to if we get distracted. We’ll be ready, but don’t for a single moment think you aren’t going to have to tell me what happened. Geez, you are going out with the Limo Man. Do you think he’ll pick us up in a limousine? That would be just so…”

Her words were cut off when Jason took the phone from her. “Hey, Liz, we’ll be ready, but only if Chatty Kathy gets her butt in gear immediately,” Jason said. Elizabeth giggled upon hearing Nancy complain that she wasn’t through talking, but the sound of a loud pop and sharp yelp on the other end of the line revealed that Jason had smacked Nancy’s bottom, instantly curtailing any protests.

“Thanks, Jason, I’ve got to get ready as well. See you soon,” Elizabeth said, and was in the shower two minutes later.

She dressed in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt before pulling on her tennis shoes. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail, knowing that, since it was March, it could be windy, and she didn’t want to be constantly fighting her hair. She applied her make-up sparingly and then went through her purse, transferring only the barest essentials to her pockets. She didn’t want her bag to hinder her as she dug through all the delicious items she expected to find. She was considering whether or not to add a cap to protect her face when the doorbell rang. She turned the knob and pulled it open, a smile on her face.

“Hi!” she said brightly, stepping back to allow him into the apartment.

He did so, and then shocked her by taking her arm and turning her to place a half-dozen hard swats against the seat of her jeans.

“Hey! Stop whacking me!” she shouted, her feet dancing, as he swatted her again. He released her arm and pointed to lock on the front door.

“I said to dead-bolt this door,” he said.

The memory of him saying exactly that returned, and she nodded as her hands rubbed the back of her jeans. “How do you know I hadn’t already unlocked it this morning, since I knew you were coming?” she tried.

Logan shook his head and raised his eyebrow in that quirky, yet incredibly sexy, way he had. “Did you?” he asked.

She opened her mouth but then wisely shook her head. “Um, no, but—”

“It would be ‘No, Sir,’ and there are no buts,” he said, firmly. “Safety always, Elizabeth.”

She shivered but nodded. “Yes, Sir, I’m sorry. I won’t forget again,” she said, embarrassed at the way their date had started. Logan nodded and reached out to take her into his arms. She stiffened for a moment but then returned his hug. He dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

He stepped back and grinned. “Whacking you?” he asked, and she relaxed and giggled. “I don’t know about you, young lady,” he said. “First, I’ll never see a limo in the same way again, and now when I spank you, I’m afraid all I’ll see is that Whack-A-Mole game.”

Elizabeth’s first thought was of being over his lap and shuddered at the phantom sensation of his hand on her bare ass. As another image popped up, she burst out laughing picturing the game where the heads of little brown moles randomly popped out of holes only to be whacked with huge rubber mallets. However, instead of little heads, she imagined little bare bottoms turning redder with each successful whack. Logan laughed with her but from his smirk, she had an idea he could read her mind and knew exactly what her first thought had been. She left his side to grab her keys and a cap off the counter.

“I guess I can only blame myself,” he grinned, as they left the apartment and she turned to lock the door. “It’s my own fault that I’m falling for an incredibly beautiful woman with a very creative sense of imagination.”

Elizabeth’s entire body suffused with pleasure at his words. She realized they had only just met, but she was a grown woman and had never felt this way before. It didn’t matter to her about time. What mattered was that she seemed to be falling for him just as fast. She didn’t speak, but simply allowed him to take her hand as they walked down the stairs.

An hour later, the four were walking from the parking lot toward the mass of people attending the festival. Banners and posters decorated the entrance where Jason and Logan bought the tickets while the women, heads together, whispered frantically. Jason finished his purchase and immediately put his arm around his wife and pulled her a step away. She flashed him a look that said she really didn’t much appreciate the interruption.
