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Logan grinned. “Let’s face it, Jason,” he said. “If you agree, I’d prefer we give the women a few minutes to chat. I’m afraid if we don’t, there will be a lot of whispering and giggling until they get it out of their systems.”

Elizabeth was surprised at both his thoughtfulness and his openness. She smiled at Jason and tried to send positive vibes. Jason looked between the women and then capitulated.

“I suppose I’d be fighting a losing battle, if we don’t” he said. “Even though Nancy has already been over my lap this morning, I would really like to spare her another trip if possible.”

Elizabeth suddenly understood why Nancy was dressed in a skirt instead of more comfortable jeans. She should have known, since she had spent years with the two, learning their personal dynamics.

Nancy shot her a look and then smiled as well. “I promise to remember what you said, Sir,” she said, as she placed her hand on his arm.

Jason nodded. “We will meet you over at the coffee kiosk in a half-hour. I suggest you don’t be a nanosecond late, or we’ll have another discussion about testing my authority,” Jason said, firmly.

If Nancy’s quick shiver at the authority in his voice was any indication, Elizabeth figured her friend’s butt must still tender from the spankings Jason referred to. Elizabeth had only heard that first yelp and understood there could had been many additional ones as Jason reminded his wife of exactly who wore the pants in their family.

Nancy nodded before reaching up to kiss him on his cheek. “Oh, yes, most gracious and understanding Sir, thank you for allowing this poor submissive a moment, Sir. I swear on my life I won’t be late, Sir,” she said, with mock severity. When he growled, she turned and grabbed Elizabeth’s arm, pulling her away as quickly as possible. Both women were laughing until they heard Jason’s voice, which carried easily above the crowd surrounding the gate. “I owe you three swats for insolence, young lady!”

The women’s steps faltered for a second and then they laughed louder and waved their hands over their heads, neither caring about the looks on the faces of the people around them.

“You’re a hard man,” Logan said.

Jason chuckled. “She’s a spoiled brat, but I love her and wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.” The two spoke easily as they strolled down the first aisle. They glanced at the booths as they passed, but neither so much as paused to really look at anything.

After fifteen minutes, they started back. Jason stopped and turned to Logan. “I haven’t seen Liz so relaxed or happy in a long while,” he said. “It seems to have done her some good allowing you to take her home.”

Logan nodded, knowing it was Jason’s subtle way of opening the door for further discussion. Being both alpha males as well as practicing Dominants, Logan also knew he could simply say nothing, and Jason, while probably pissed, would not push the matter unless he truly felt a need to protect Elizabeth. Logan found he wanted to be as clear about his feelings as Jason had been the evening before.

“We had a good discussion last night. Elizabeth was embarrassed, as she had witnessed a discipline scene the night of your dinner. I assured her that she had no reason to be,” Logan said. “Her concern seemed more to be that I would feel she had invaded some private moment.”

“Yes, I can see that,” Jason said. “Liz is an extremely sensitive and caring woman. She has a problem with assuming guilt, even when she shouldn’t.”

Jason paused and Logan gave him the time he needed to gather his thoughts.

“It really isn’t my concern, but I would appreciate knowing if you also confided your role as trainer in the club.”

Logan didn’t try to evade the question. “Yes, we discussed that, as well.” Logan paused for a moment, meeting Jason’s eyes with his own steely-blue ones. “I appreciate your position, Jason, as well as your concern and protection of Elizabeth. I took your words last night as the truth,” Logan said, knowing it was highly unusual for one Dom to question the decision of another. “I will allow some leeway in discussions at this time. However, as our relationship develops, which I assure you I have every intention of encouraging, I will not feel the need to be as forthright. We are all adults. We all enjoy being members of a club that demands absolute trust.” He paused, and Jason nodded, his stance relaxing a bit.

Logan sighed, and after another long moment continued, “We’ve discussed the need for clarity, which I also believe the D/s lifestyle demands. Jason, I am not just an occasional trainer at the club. I own Tastsinn. I was there that evening because I was delivering Carol, the woman Elizabeth saw me with, to her Dom. There are training classes for both Doms and subs available at Tastsinn. I believe that making them available allows both women and men to interact with others in a safe environment where they can learn from trainers who have undergone stringent training themselves, as well as have practiced the lifestyle for at least five years. In case you are also wondering, I am not currently involved with anyone. I do participate in the classes and Carol was a student. I haven’t been in a serious relationship for several years. Elizabeth is the first woman in a long time I feel might be a match for me. I hope she comes to believe the same.”

Jason seemed to understand Logan did not have to be as open as he just been. As a Dom, he’d also appreciate Logan’s honesty. “Good,” Jason said and then turned to begin walking again.

Logan smiled and realized the single word really was enough.

As the men talked, Nancy was trying to absorb all her friend had told her. She was both amazed and thrilled. “Your Limo Man, wow. I can’t believe you told him you fantasized about him,” Nancy said, shaking her head as she took a sip of her coffee. “I’m very happy for you, Liz.” Elizabeth smiled, though her eyes were looking at the two men standing a short distance away. Nancy followed her gaze. “I wonder what they are talking so seriously about,” she said.

Elizabeth turned back to Nancy and smiled. “I’m guessing Jason is warning Logan to take it slow,” Elizabeth said, “and I’m hoping Logan is telling him to mind his own business.”

Nancy almost choked as she laughed and swallowed at the same time. “You know my husband so very well.” As the women broke out into unguarded peals of laughter, their joy caused many around them to turn and smile.

They caught sight of Logan and Jason walking back to them, and both women sighed deeply.

“Nance, I believe I’m in serious trouble,” Elizabeth bemoaned.

“Join the club, girlfriend. It’s a good thing that sometimes trouble can be so much fun,” Nancy said.

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Here’s to limousines,” Nancy replied, obviously not the least bit offended as she lifted her coffee.

“And the men who play in them,” Elizabeth said, lifting her own cup to tap against Nancy’s.
