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“When you are ready to expand, ladies, give us a call,” Ryan said, chuckling as he and Julie followed Greg.

“You, my friend, are one very naughty, very wicked girl,” Elizabeth whispered.

“Ah, but that is what makes life worth living,” Nancy said and then smiled. “Perhaps I will confess my sins tonight,” she continued, with a mock frown.

Elizabeth shook her head, her laugh soft and musical, filling the space around them. “A lot of good that would do,” she said, as she continued to gather the materials on the conference table. “I don’t believe you are the sort who finds confession good for your soul.”

“Maybe not good for my soul,” Nancy agreed, straightening and waiting until Elizabeth stood as well, folders in her arms, her satchel over her shoulder. Nancy linked her arm with her friend’s and continued. “But it’s definitely good for my sex life.”

Elizabeth knew she should have at least pretended to be shocked, but simply shook her head and giggled. The two left the conference room, neither aware of the man who still occupied the chair against the wall, his lips curved into a smile.

Later that evening, the two women were seated on lounges on the back patio of the house they had recently finished renovating for Jason. He was listening to them tell him about the presentation while he grilled steaks as the potatoes finished baking in the updated kitchen.

His eyebrow arched when Elizabeth told him what Nancy had said about Greg and his underwear.

“Babe,” he said, as he turned from the grill and put his hands on his hips. “You have got to get over this obsession with visualizing other men. In just a few weeks, you will have only one man and, young lady, if you know what’s good for you, I will be the only man you ever fantasize seeing in his underwear again.”

Nancy stood and slowly sauntered over to him. She reached out and put her arms around his neck. “Oh, my,” she said, huskily, “what female could ever think about looking at any other man when they have a big, strong, handsome and incredibly sexy Dom in their own backyard?”

Jason looked down at her, a smile on his lips but a look in his eyes that said he wasn’t quite buying this act.

Nancy let one arm slip from his neck and trailed her fingers down his chest. “Who needs underwear, when my man is such a sexy specimen?” Nancy asked, and then burst out laughing, looking at the depiction of a hugely exaggerated bodybuilder’s muscular chest and abs that decorated the entire front of the apron he was wearing. Her laughter quickly turned into a squeal as Jason easily turned her around and slapped the spatula he was holding against the seat of her jeans.

“Owwww!” she shrieked, as he popped her again.

Elizabeth smiled as the two played, Nancy laughing and squealing with every pop against her butt.

“Liz, help me!” Nancy said, and then yelped again.

Elizabeth shook her head. “I’m good, and I intend to stay that way,” she said, as she took a sip of her wine. “I know better than to ever get between a Dom and his sub.”

Jason turned his fiancée again, this time drawing her into his arms and kissing her. Nancy stopped giggling and went up on her toes, once more wrapping her arms around his neck.

Elizabeth smiled. It was wonderful to see two people, whom she loved more than anything, love each other so completely. Together, they had all come a long way and she couldn’t imagine life without them.

Chapter Two

Elizabeth was barely able to keep from screaming when she reached down to end the call. It had been two weeks of stress, waiting for the phone to ring and deliver the news. She looked at Nancy, and then both women were up from their chairs, arms wrapped around each other, as they did an impromptu happy-dance around the office.

“Pinch me,” Nancy said when they were finally standing still. “I can’t believe it! I mean, he did say we got the job, right?”

Elizabeth giggled and instead of pinching, hugged her friend tightly. “Yes, partner, we did it. We definitely got the job. I am so excited!”

Elizabeth glanced around their small office space, the walls covered with drawings, the shelving containing boxes of samples, their two desks facing each other. They had taken a chance in not seeking employment with any large firm, both wanting the complete freedom to work as they desired. They had worked tirelessly, dealt with clients who were abrasive and demanding, as well as others who were cooperative and gracious. They had started with nothing, but each never hesitated to encourage the other when seeds of doubt threatened to sprout. They had been steadily building up their reputation.

While they could have afforded moving to a bigger office, Nancy had insisted on staying put, stating that sharing the old, converted house with other small businesses was both challenging and fun. Despite the truth that the lower Westheimer location ensured they had access to a variety of small eateries, coffee shops, quaint boutiques and an atmosphere where artistic vibes just seemed to flow through the air, Elizabeth knew that her friend was actually enabling her to sock away as much money as she could toward her dream.

“I’ve got to call Jason,” Nancy said excitedly, as she grabbed her purse. “I’m going for celebration cupcakes and coffee. Back in a bit,” she said as she breezed out the door.

Elizabeth had to smile. Nancy was always on the move. She had the energy of a whirlwind and never failed to enjoy her world. When alone, Elizabeth’s mind replayed the phone call from moments ago. They had been anxiously awaiting it all day, having been informed that the final decision had been made, and the winning firms would be informed today.

“Congratulations, ladies,” Garrett said immediately once the video call had connected. Neither woman reacted for a moment, though when they turned to look at each other, they both broke out into huge smiles.

“Really?” Nancy asked, “we got the job?”

Garrett’s grin was practically as large on the screen. “Yes, really. Your presentation was flawless and the Dietrichs were extremely pleased.” He paused for a moment. “I’d like to share that they were not only affected by your design, they both have been highly impressed with you as individuals. Of all the teams, you made them feel like an integral part of the process. I feel I can share this now, since the decision is final. Benjamin and Helen are very close friends of mine. I didn’t reveal it before because I didn’t want my relationship to have any influence whatsoever on any work presented. I can also reveal that my hopes were on your firm as well. As a man who has been in this field for quite some time, I find you both to be professional, intelligent, and demonstrate a desire to truly understand your client in order to fulfill their needs. This is a wonderful opportunity for you both. Be prepared to get a lot less sleep, because, ladies, I see great things in your future. Great job.”

Elizabeth felt as if she had won the lottery. She was slightly embarrassed at the high praise but also very gratified to hear his words. “Thank you so much,” she said. “This is incredible. We are so excited to work with the Dietrichs; they are a fantastic couple.”
