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“Anyway,” Nancy continued, “I didn’t know what to expect. I knew he had to get it from the back of the booth, and I admit I was a little scared,” Nancy said. “I was almost afraid to open it. I know it’s not permitted for me to accept a gift from another man. Jason told me Logan had asked his permission to give us a wedding present, and I could open it.”

Elizabeth understood, since it was understood that a collared submissive not accept gifts from any other men, especially other Dominants, without express permission of her Dom. As the protocol ran through Elizabeth’s mind, she found herself realizing that Logan was a great deal like Jason. Both men did not play the Dominant as a role they shuffled on and off. Both were strong, confident, and caring men who expected respect and obedience at all times. The warnings about her personal safety, his telling her to lock her door, and even his popping her rear when she didn’t, ran through her mind. All those were small things, really, and she wondered exactly what he might demand sexually from his submissive. Her insides clutched with the memory of his entangling his fingers with hers and holding her arms to her sides as he kissed her until her legs felt like Jell-O. Her body ached with an almost desperate urge to discover the answer.

“When Logan gave me the bag, he told me he’d chosen the gift because he thought I’d earned a reward for demonstrating my obedience to my husband and my Dom so beautifully,” Nancy said, bringing Elizabeth’s attention back to her. “It was so sweet. I think he was worried that getting those swats in front of him and Harry might have embarrassed me. It was such a nice thing to say.”

Elizabeth smiled and then shook her head. “Little does he know you, Nancy,” she said. “I know you have absolutely no problem subbing for Jason, whether it is taking a paddling or presenting your body for his use. I did think it sweet that Jason let you keep your modesty, but, girlfriend, if he had told you to strip and touch your toes, we both know you would have done it and loved every moment.”

Nancy grinned and then shrugged. “Well, all that may be true, but it was sweet of Logan. I think I’ll allow him to keep his idea of my innocence as long as possible,” Nancy said, and Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

“If that’s your goal, I suggest you make sure you are never in any club with him. So, what was in the bag?” Elizabeth asked, her patience just about ending. Nancy left to run to her bedroom and returned with a flogger. It was unlike any Elizabeth had seen before. Instead of a handle on one end and strips of leather on the other, this one was much longer in length. There was a grip in the middle and each end had a purpose. One end held dozens of strips of suede that were incredibly soft as Nancy trailed them over Elizabeth’s forearm. The other also held strips but these were thicker, and each individual strand ended in a small, hard knot. Elizabeth could instantly imagine them delivering a sting that would leave a burning sensation if applied to a bottom for punishment or to fulfill a desire for pain.

“Pain or pleasure or a combination of both,” Nancy said, as she held the implement and used a twisting motion of her wrist to demonstrate against Elizabeth’s arm. She felt the sharp bite of the rigid strands and then the soft, almost massaging feel of the supple suede. Even the sound made when the opposite ends struck her skin was different.

She looked up at Nancy. “Wow,” Elizabeth said, her arm tingling and her insides clenching.

Nancy grinned and nodded. “Wow is right,” she said softly, her eyes showing her pleasure. “Imagine this. You are in the bedroom, and your Master tells you to strip. Naturally, you immediately do so because you don’t want to be naughty, especially since you’d already gotten a spanking that morning for being disrespectful. You see him standing in front of you, still fully dressed, of course, running his hands over both ends of this, letting each strand slide through his fingers, making you start to shake a bit as you take off your bra. I almost came just seeing him roll those horrid, wonderful little knots between his fingers, picturing him rolling my nipples.” She paused and giggled. “Sorry, I forgot this is supposed to be hypothetical.”

“Yeah, right,” Elizabeth said, rolling her eyes, well aware that Nancy was relating a personal tale. “What happened next in thishypotheticalfairytale?”

Nancy laughed. “Okay then, let’s see. In this story your Master orders you to get on your hands and knees on the bed, and you see he has already put your punishment bolster right in the center. You wonder if this is going to be one of those nights when he is teaching a lesson. Your entire body is quivering, knowing that only he has the power to allow you to find the release you already so desperately need.”

She paused, and Elizabeth knew she was reliving the evening before. She didn’t say a word as Nancy continued to stroke the soft strands of the flogger, but her own body was definitely reacting to the visuals that Nancy’s words were creating.

“You climb onto the bed, naked and vulnerable, and lie across the pillow. All you can think about is that your poor ass is sticking up, naked and presented exactly as he wishes. He orders you to spread your legs as wide as you can, and you do. He isn’t satisfied and spreads you just the teensiest bit further. He lays the flogger lengthwise against your bottom, exactly along the divide and you start to quiver. He spreads out the falls, slowly, one by one, until you can feel the individual strands and each of those wicked knots on the small of your back. You want to beg him to be gentle, but you know he already sees your arousal. He spreads the soft strips, letting them drop between your legs, barely touching the place you so want him to stroke.”

Nancy’s voice was softer, her eyes dreamy as if feeling the sensations she was describing. “He runs his fingers down your leg slowly, barely connecting with your skin until his hand closes around your ankle. He restrains first one and then the other. His fingers trail back up your body, up your spine and down your arm until you’ve broken out in goosebumps. Your wrists are next, and he takes his time, making sure you are securely but safely restrained. He runs his hands across your back again, feeling you tremble as he gets closer and closer to the area where he is going to be directing his attention. Your heart is pounding, and when you feel the weight of the flogger disappear from your body, you stop breathing.”

Nancy paused again, and Elizabeth could hear her own heartbeat as she waited for her to continue. Perhaps Logan was correct; anticipation was an incredible thing.

“You wait and it seems an eternity. Will it be the knots or the suede? Will it be hard or soft? Where will he strike? God, when will he begin? He stands over you, knowing all these thoughts are swirling around in your head, as you squirm just the tiniest bit. He knows exactly how this is torturing you, so he does what a fantastic Dom does: he makes you wait some more.”

Heat flooded through Elizabeth, chasing away the chill of anticipation. “Go on,” she urged.

Nancy smiled and nodded. “Right! That’s exactly what you want him to do. To go on.” With Elizabeth’s huff of exasperation, Nancy shook her head. “Sorry. Now, where was I? Oh right.” She cleared her throat and began again. “‘Please, Sir,’ you finally beg because you know you will simply die if he doesn’t start. He sees you lift your bottom a bit higher, as if you are seeking what you are still unsure will be exquisite pleasure or intense pain. You know that no matter how you beg or plead, how you squirm or wiggle, the choice will be made by only one.”

Elizabeth swallowed hard, her panties growing damper, her body proving to her again why she had chosen to offer herself as a submissive. She understood every nuance of each word Nancy spoke.

“You hear just the faintest sound, and you imagine you can feel the molecules of the air moving apart to allow for his swing. You tense for just a brief moment, and then you remember who you are. You are his. You are his submissive. You are finally allowed the answer as you feel the first stroke and your breath releases from where you’ve been holding it in anticipation. The stroke was ever so soft, ever so pleasing, as the strands seem to caress your bottom. You sigh in pleasure, your pussy growing wetter and wetter as stroke after stroke is painted across your bottom. You are sinking into bliss, your body heating with desire as he plays the sensual music of this wonderful dance across your skin. When the tempo changes, you are so taken aback that your breath once more catches in your throat, until the next note is played. No longer is the music soft. It is sharp and biting. You twist and squirm. You plead as your mind tries to adjust to this different dance. You want to beg him to return to the first melody, but just as you are about to speak, you feel your bottom lift toward the instrument he is playing and realize that he has known all along exactly which symphony to conduct. He knows you so completely and will give you exactly what you need, no matter how you might deny it.” Nancy broke off again and seemed to shake loose of the intense memory. She looked at Elizabeth, and they both smiled dreamily as the dance ended, the musical notes of her story fading away.

Elizabeth broke the silence, sighing as she shivered. “You win,” she said, with a smile. “That’s definitely the hottest thing I have ever heard.”

Nancy giggled and then finished the story. “It was absolutely mind-blowing, Liz. I was never sure which sensation I would feel since there was no need to switch implements. All he needed was to simply flick his wrist, and it was either sharp and biting or soft and caressing. Master knew I needed him to finish the scene from the booth,” she said, her eyes going soft. “By the time he finished flogging me, I was begging him to fuck me. I was so wet that I came the moment he entered me. I don’t know how Logan knew exactly what I needed last night, but, girlfriend, your limo man definitely knows his stuff. I believe you are in for one incredible ride.”

Elizabeth shivered, her body flooding with arousal, as she reached out and ran her fingers along the strands. She knew exactly how Logan had known the perfect wedding gift for her friends. She remembered Garrett stating that Logan had been observant his entire life. It was becoming very evident that he was also a very sensual man and a knowledgeable Dom. It was an incredibly thrilling combination.

“I hope it’s not just one,” Elizabeth said, softly.

With those words, both friends knew that Elizabeth was falling for Logan, and she was falling hard.

“Elizabeth?” Logan said, wondering if the phone call had been cut off.

She sighed and then replied, “Yes, I got my answer. I think it was a wonderful wedding present,” Elizabeth said, “but I feel she should be the one to speak to you aboutherfeelings, Sir,”

Logan was pleased, not only that both women seemed to enjoy the gift, but that Elizabeth was addressing him with the respect shown a Dominant, in a tone of voice that told him she was willing.

“Exactly right,” he said, pleased at her response.

She and Logan talked for over an hour. Logan was smiling as he disconnected the call. He told her he would call her every day but that he understood from a very good source that when she was working, she tended to have tunnel vision.
