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“I can’t get that horrible security man out of my mind,” she confessed. “I have fought for release for years, but every time I feel I can truly let it go, I see his eyes and hear his voice. I’m surprised I can even find as much pleasure in sex as I do. I owe that to John. He tried so very hard to guide me through it all. I will never, ever regret that day simply because it taught me that there are men in the world who truly do have the will and the strength to find something so deeply profound in sharing such a deep, intimate physical connection with another.”

She finished and gave such a deep sigh, her body shuddered. Logan knew how difficult it had been and was truly humbled that she had shared something so personal with him. He continued to hold her hand in his, their fingers bonded tightly.

“Tell me, how long do you think the security officer was in the room with you?” he asked, softly. She looked up at him, her eyes showing her confusion at the question. He didn’t repeat it, just patiently waited for an answer.

Elizabeth finally gave a small shrug. “I don’t know, it felt like a lifetime, but I guess it wasn’t really more than a couple of minutes,” she said, the puzzlement remaining on her face.

Logan nodded. “Schatzlein, you have let two minutes of this man’s life affect over two-million minutes of your own,” he said softly, and watched her eyes widen in amazement. “You should never allow anyone that sort of power over your life, especially when his view is absolute bullshit.” He didn’t speak further. He held her close, bending to place a gentle kiss on the top of her head and allowed her emotions to take her where they needed to go.

It was a great deal later when she stirred, signifying she wanted to be released. “Thank you,” she said softly, turning her face up to his and laying the palm of her hand against his cheek. He smiled, turning slightly to kiss the inside of her palm. She smiled as if the simple kiss exactly what she needed. He didn’t ask her for further details or attempt to solve the problem; he knew that she alone could make it through this deeply emotional labyrinth. Until then, he’d be there to help guide her and support her when she needed him.

All too soon, he spoke of having to leave. Logan took her face between his palms. “Thank you. You are an amazing woman,” he said, allowing his words to comfort and reassure her. He bent and kissed her lips very lightly. Her soft mewl of pleasure caused his cock to lurch. Before he lost control of himself, he guided her off his lap and walked to the door of the apartment.

She followed. “What was in the bag?” she said. “The one you gave Nancy?”

He smiled and turned to her. “I believe you should wait to ask Nancy,” he said. Her mouth opened to protest, and he saw her eyes dart to her phone on the table. He reached out and grabbed her around her waist, pulling her close. “Nope,” he said, with another smile. “Not tonight. You may call her tomorrow.”

She looked up at him and gave him a mock pout. “That’s not fair! I’ve been dying to know what is in that bag since we left the booth. The suspense will kill me,” she argued.

Logan chuckled. “Ah, but a little anticipation is a wonderful thing,” he said.

“That’s easy for you to say because you know what it is!” she argued. He reached down and quickly swatted her bottom. She yelped and gaped up at him.

“You can anticipate having your ass smacked when you are being bratty,” he said with a final chuckle as he pulled her close again, his hands holding her arms to her sides.

She didn’t speak as his head bent down to hers to speak a fraction of an inch from her lips. “And,schatzlein, you can anticipate what comes when you’re a good girl.” He moved the centimeter and pressed his lips against her own. She moaned deeply as he held her arms firmly, not allowing her the freedom to do more than to press into him. He increased the pressure on her lips and drew out the kiss until she melted against him completely. She mewled in protest when he broke the kiss. Logan smiled down at her to see her emerald eyes glazed with pleasure and desire.

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” he said as he opened the door. Just before he shut it, he said, “I suggest you be able to tell me you immediately dead-bolted this door, or the next time, I absolutely promise you, it won’t be a baby-smack you’ll receive.” He shut the door and stood still. He smiled when only a few seconds later he heard the key turn in the lock.

Chapter Seventeen

“Hi, Logan,” Elizabeth said softly into her phone. “I am proud to announce that I locked the door immediately when you left.”

Logan smiled into the phone. “That’s my good girl,” he said, and she felt a thrill over something as simple as those few words. “I promise to show you how good girls get rewarded.”

She briefly shut her eyes, as dozens of possibilities rolled through her head. “Is it better than a whacking?” she asked, and then giggled.

Logan laughed. “Anticipation, my dear, anticipation,” he said, in a tone that made her shiver. “So, tell me, how long did you manage to wait before calling Nancy?”

Elizabeth laughed as she sat in the chair where Logan had held her the night before. She told him that she had called right after noon, and the timing caused Jason to lose the bet he had made with his wife. “He figured I would call early, at least before noon, but Nancy knew I wouldn’t dare call so early, figuringIknew she’d call me early if she was available,” Elizabeth laughed. “After all, they are newlyweds.”

“Sounds like the dice were loaded,” Logan said. “What was the bet, or dare I ask?”

Elizabeth tucked her feet up under her and considered. “Hmmm,nowwho is the curious one?” she asked, loving it when he growled into the phone and then laughed at being caught in his own game.

Elizabeth couldn’t hold back the answer. “He has to sit through an entireAlienmovie marathon next weekend. Nancy is addicted to scary movies, though Jason thinks they are a huge waste of time. It should prove to be interesting, because, knowing Nancy, she’ll be worrying all week what Jason will come up with to make it worthwhile.”

“I’d put my money on Jason,” Logan said, and then added, “care to bet?”

“Asks the man who knows about loaded dice. Absolutely not,” Elizabeth said, “I wouldn’t bet against either you or Jason!”

“Touché,” he said with a laugh. “Did you and Nancy work all day or perhaps you got your answer?” he asked.

She smiled into the phone, remembering the conversation she and Nancy had within minutes of her arrival at their house.

“I was really surprised when he handed me the bag,” Nancy said. “I thought he had bought something for you or something to use with you.”

Elizabeth nodded because she had been hoping the same thing. While Harry had wrapped their purchases and put them into bags, Jason and Logan had stepped from around the curtain, Logan’s purchase already concealed in a bag.
