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By the time he set the mug down, she was pretty sure she had two infractions ready to confess but was totally in the dark about the other three. Logan again pinned her in place. He nodded.

“I’m done,” he said unnecessarily.

“Um, I-I got out of bed without asking?” she asked, timidly.

“That’s the second one,” he said, lifting one of his hands and holding up one finger. “I informed you you’d not leave the bed without a hot bottom and yet when I woke, you weren’t lying beside me, were you?”

She shook her head, thankful she had answered correctly but understanding she must have done something even before then if he was counting that as the second infraction.


“I didn’t answer you verbally when you asked if I was ready to confess?” she said, holding her breath until he nodded.

“That’s the fifth one,” he agreed. “You skipped number one, which we will come back to. What were three and four?”

She squirmed on the counter as if her bottom were already over his lap. She gasped and looked up. “I moved last night when you licked me!”

Logan had the grace not to burst into laughter when she almost shouted her answer as if she were a soldier addressing a very strict drill sergeant.

“Very good, that is correct, and that was the first,” he said. “

“Three and four?” he reminded.

She thought hard about directions that should have been ingrained in her as a submissive but could not come up with anything. She slowly shook her head. “I don’t know, Sir,” she said. “I’m sorry. Please, would you tell me so I won’t repeat my mistakes?”

Logan held up his hand where three fingers were already lifted and allowed another to lift. “Three, you put on my shirt when you—”

“But you said it was okay that I did! You can’t be serious; that’s ridiculous and I will not accept that as something I should get my ass blistered for,” she cut him off, not believing she was going to be punished for something he said was all right.

His mouth tightened as he shook his head slowly. “Watch your tone, Elizabeth. That is not what I said, and you know it. What I said was that you looked beautiful in the shirt. As a submissive, you should know that you are never to cover your nakedness unless given permission by your Dom,” he said. “And, Elizabeth, interrupting me when I am speaking, especially speaking as part of a discipline session, only adds another layer to your punishment.”

Her body began to shake but not in fear. She was getting angry.

“Lastly,” he said, holding up the final finger, “Instead of spending time with your Dom, with me, before your punishment had been completed, you were perfectly happy to gossip with another.”

Elizabeth could feel her face turning redder, but it was not from embarrassment or arousal. She wanted to tell him what she thought of his ridiculous expectations.

Logan had been a Dom for a very long time. He knew from just her expression that something had gone wrong. Instead of a contrite submissive confessing her infractions and accepting her need for discipline, he was looking at a very pissed-off young woman. He was not a stupid man.

“Elizabeth, talk to me,” he said. She didn’t speak but didn’t move either. He picked up the shirt where it had fallen behind her and pulled it to drape across her shoulders. When she didn’t move, he sighed. “Put the shirt on,” he said turning to drop another K-cup into the machine. As the coffee brewed, she yanked on the shirt, buttoning every single button with sharp, quick jabs of her fingers. She then sat, arms crossed over her chest, as the coffee brewed. He brewed another cup and then lifted her from the counter. Instead of being soft and compliant in his arms, she held herself rigid until her feet hit the floor.

“Fix your coffee. We’ll finish this in the living room,” he said and walked past her. He took a seat on the couch, prepared to be patient and open. Though they had been dating for weeks, the intimate D/s side of their relationship was brand-new and last night had been intense. He had no worries that she was attempting to get out of a spanking. He knew she not only found pleasure in sensual spankings, but she was also wired with a deep need to be spanked for discipline. The pain would clear her heart of any feelings of guilt and wipe the slate clean, so that she felt both protected and loved. Knowing she wasn’t afraid of what she had earned, his role as her Dom and disciplinarian was to listen and even adjust if necessary. When Elizabeth came into the room, moving toward the chair, avoiding looking in his direction, he knew he might need to be open but understood he needed to remain in control.

“You’ll either sit next to me here,” he said firmly, “or, if you wish to sit in the chair, it will be on my lap.” He paused as she stopped moving. She seemed to struggle as if she couldn’t make such a difficult decision. Logan made it for her.

He stood, stepped around the trunk and took a seat in the large chair. He didn’t speak or reach for her but was extremely pleased when she walked to him. He helped her to sit, mindful of the hot coffee she was carrying. She did not relax against him by any means, sitting as rigidly as possible. Logan allowed her several minutes as he finished his coffee and put the mug down. She took only the tiniest sips from her own mug, pausing for several minutes between each one. This wasn’t Logan’s first rodeo, and he recognized a stall when he saw one.

“That’s enough,” he said taking the mug from her and placing it on the floor beside his own. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer when she huffed and leaned over to attempt to grab her cup.

“Elizabeth,” he said firmly, “I am a Dom, and you are a sub, but we are mature, individual adults as well. I don’t know what happened to piss you off, but I am willing to listen and discuss it. I am willing to sit here and hold you as long as necessary for you to talk to me. I am not, however, willing to have you act like a spoiled brat for very long.”

After another moment of resistance, she finally relaxed against him. “I really am sorry.”

He adjusted his position slightly, sitting further back into the chair, his arms holding her securely but not restricting her.

“Talk to me,” he said. Another five minutes passed in silence. Logan removed one arm from around her and offered her his hand, his fingers spread apart. Elizabeth immediately put her own in his, linking their fingers. Logan realized that this woman would always need the more intimate connection and squeezed her fingers slightly.

“I got mad about the shirt,” she said. “I saw it and remembered how incredibly handsome you looked in it. I didn’t want to wake you. I confess I didn’t even think about getting out of bed without your permission. I’ve never spent an entire night with anyone.”
