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Logan tried not to show how much her confession surprised him. He couldn’t imagine anyone she had ever dated not wanting to wake up beside her.

“I just remembered that Nancy told me she got paddled once for the doing the same thing when she and Jason first started sleeping together,” she continued. He was about to speak but she continued. “I felt sexy in the shirt… like you were holding me like you are right now. I didn’t know about not being allowed to dress until you gave me permission. I’ve never been completely naked with anyone since that night in college. Even when I participate in a scene I sort of keep my clothes… or at least some of them on.”

If she had just told him she was a virgin, he would not have been more shocked. She had admitted to practicing the D/s lifestyle for the past several years and yet she had never fully undressed? She had never spent the night with anyone? He felt like an idiot. What sort of Dom was he? How could he not pick up on any of those things? He remembered thinking how sexy she had looked getting her ass paddled by Ethan but also remembered she had indeed kept all but her panties on.

She had been incredible last night. She had been extremely aroused and responsive. He’d been gob smacked with her oral skills and her every whimper, shudder, and quiver when he’d had his sundae had engorged his cock until he’d thought he’d burst before ever sinking into her. And once he had slid into her pussy? The feel of her hot velvet walls hugging his cock had been mind-blowing. He had watched her explode in pleasure, even though she hadn’t truly let go enough to vocalize her passion. This time the long silence that followed was his.

Elizabeth nestled closer, her free hand moving to rest on his chest.

Logan bent to kiss the top of her head. He pulled her even closer as he understood why she had not known the most rudimentary rules of submission. He felt an incredible sense of honor when he realized that, of course, men would want to sleep with her. If she had not taken a partner into her bed, it had been her choice. She’d picked him. Chosen him without hesitation and without allowing him any sense that it was such a huge step for her. She was a remarkable woman.

“Schatzlein,” he said softly. “I didn’t know. I had no idea and ask you to forgive me.”

She shuddered. “So you don’t think I’m damaged goods?”

“Absolutely not,” he said emphatically, wanting to find that security guard and bust his jaw. “We will go much slower, and I promise not to expect anything from you unless we have discussed it first and agreed. Thank you for trusting me and for allowing me the honor of last night.”

She smiled and lifted her face in order to look at him, reaching up to stroke his cheek.

His response was to bend and kiss her, his lips gentle against hers.

When he released her, she spoke again. “You honorme, Sir,” she said, softly. “You are the most amazing man I have ever met, and…” she paused and shivered, “you are the most incredible Dom I have ever known.”

He smiled and hugged her tighter.

“I didn’t know not to talk to anyone until I… until you… well, I’m sorry. I didn’t want the phone to wake you, and, well, to be completely clear, Nancy and I share almost everything. If you don’t like that, I’ll try to explain it to her,” she said.

Logan lifted their hands and kissed hers. “I don’t have any intention of trying to control your conversation or relationship with your best friend. I may be your Dom, but, Elizabeth, I am not into total control. I have no desire whatsoever to be in a Master/slave relationship. Feel free to talk about anything you wish, unless, of course, I’ve specifically asked you not to.” He tilted her chin up. “And I will expect you not to talk to anyone if we are in the middle of something. When we are together, especially in a scene, you are all I am concentrating on, and, young lady, until we are completely done, I expect the same respect. Clear?”

She smiled up at him, any remaining anger disappearing from her expression. “Crystal clear, Sir,” she said.

He kissed her again, and they sat quietly for a few minutes, absorbing what the conversation had meant.

“In consideration of all you’ve told me,” he said, “I am not going to add any additional punishment.”

She lifted her head again, relief washing through her. “Thank you, Sir,” she said, with a smile. “I promise the next time I forget a rule you can spank me.”

Logan chuckled and shook his head. “Schatzlein, you misunderstood. I said I was not going toaddadditional punishment. I did not say I was going to forego your previously-earned punishment.”

Her eyes widened in understanding. "Oh…” she said, her face flushing.

“Tell me honestly, Elizabeth,” he said, locking his eyes onto hers. “Do you really want me to let the spanking you’ve earned go?”

Her bottom was most probably urging her to tell him yes, but as a submissive, he knew her heart and mind would allow her to offer the only answer she could honestly give. “No, Sir,” she said, softly.

He nodded and then helped her off his lap. “Since I failed to clarify everything, your infractions only number two. Moving even after being reminded not to and getting out of bed without being spanked first. Agreed?”

“That’s kind of you, but I really don’t deserve leniency.”

“Let me be the judge of that, okay?” When she nodded vigorously, he grinned. “Get back into bed,” he said, knowing that had to be where she took her punishment, to remind her of how the day was supposed to begin. “Pile the pillows up and lie over them. Think about what we’ve discussed and how you can avoid doing the same naughty things that have earned you a paddling. I’ll be in soon.”

Elizabeth gulped but nodded. “Yes, Sir,” she said, and moved to step around him.

“Wait a minute,” he said, and gently pulled her to stand in front of him. She watched as he unbuttoned the shirt and slipped it off. Nude once more, she shivered.

“Go,” he said, reaching around to give her bottom a quick swat.

Chapter Twenty-Six
