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He kissed her forehead again and then the tip of her nose. She surprised them both with a short giggle. He grinned, began at her forehead, then her nose and then her left cheek. He repeated the process twice more until his lips settled onto hers. She kissed him back passionately, as if to tell him something. He finally broke the kiss when his cock stirring. He wanted her desperately but knew this wasn’t the time.

“I really screamed, didn’t I?” she asked. He nodded. She paused and continued. “No one came to pound on the door, did they?”

He cocked his head to the side, as if listening to see if the door was being beaten on. “No, honey, no one came,” he said, softly.

She smiled. “No one cares if I make noise, do they?” she asked, as if it was an amazing concept.

Logan smiled and then shook his head. “I care,schatzlein,” he said. “I care because it told me you are learning to trust me. Sweetheart, you are finding your way to be free of the past. You have taken only the first of many steps, but, Elizabeth, you are finally ready to make the journey.”

She didn’t speak for several minutes but then nodded. “Yes, Sir, I believe I am,” she said, her smile much brighter, much stronger. “I can promise you one more thing,” she said, as she looked up at him, her eyes seeming to sparkle with her thought. “If that paddling was a true example of what I can expect when you punish me, I promise you’ll hear me scream every time.”

He pressed her close, kissing the top of her head. “I will treasure your promise, Elizabeth, for I know it as the true gift it is.” She lifted her face to accept his searing kiss. She moaned as he entered her, filling her completely. He guided her to slowly move up and down on his cock; she groaned loudly as his hands cupped her scalded bottom. They made love without words, her head thrown back as he showed her how naughty little girls who had accepted their discipline were also shown total love and forgiveness. Water sloshed around them, overflowing onto the floor, as their movements quickened until they reached the pinnacle of ecstasy together, their lips fused together, their sounds of passion being given and accepted in the quiet of the room.

After several minutes, Logan heard her speak. “Sir?” she asked, and he allowed her to sit back a bit. “Can we get out now? I’m getting cold.”

He nodded and stood to help her from the tub. He wrapped her in a towel and briskly rubbed her down. He used the towel to absorb water from the wet ends of her hair. “Let’s get you dressed,” he said, bending to pull the stopper from the tub. She picked up the discarded shirt and began to pull it on. Logan thought it sweet, remembering he had asked her to wear it.

“No, honey,” he said. “You need something warmer.”

She shook her head and began to button the shirt.

“Please, Sir,” she said, “I want to wear this… unless you need it?”

Logan shook his head, pulled on his pants and then took her hand and led her back to the bedroom. “You can wear the shirt, but I want you in some sweatpants and socks,” he said, and she obediently dressed. He knew she’d feel much warmer in the fleece pajama pants, the fabric soft and loose against her tender bottom. He watched as she pulled her hair back and clipped it at the base of her neck.

An hour later, they had eaten the omelets he prepared and had another two cups of coffee. They cleaned up the kitchen together and she giggled when he passed her the breadboard.

“You know, after last night and today I will never think of this kitchen the same way again,” she said.

He grinned, knowing it was true. When he took her hand, to return to the living room, she pulled him down the hall instead. Logan smiled, understanding she’d remembered her promise to show him her dream.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

She opened the door and turned on the light. He entered and listened for the next two hours as she shared her dream. When she closed the last binder, she seemed to get nervous. Logan had been sitting on a small couch, his long legs out in front of him, his ankles crossed, as he discovered just how talented and how ambitious his little sub was.

“This is absolutely incredible,” he said, when she looked at him. He stood and walked to the wall, taking his time to look closer at each drawing. “What a fantastic idea! God, I can’t believe someone hasn’t already done this. I can assure you that your hotel will be a success. Hell, I could probably give you enough names to fill every room for a year.”

Elizabeth gaped at him. It was one thing to dream and design and even plan. It was another to hear someone who knew about business sound not only impressed, but excited.

“Do you really think I can do this? The loan officer at the bank thinks it is a risk. I mean, they are going to help me, but not until I come up with more money,” she said, coming to stand by him.

In answer, he picked her up and twirled her around. “Not only can you, Elizabeth Adams,” he said, “you absolutely must.”

She laughed and clung to his neck. “Would you help me?” she said, and before he could answer, she placed a finger against his lips. “Let me clarify that,” she said, with a smile. “I mean, let me bounce ideas off you and maybe give me some tips? You are a man,” she said, and giggled, “… a very, very sexy man and also a wonderful Dom who happens to own the sexiest club in Houston. I would love to have an additional male outlook. Jason has volunteered to help when I’m ready. He’s already going to be my accountant. I have so many ideas, and Nancy wants to be even more involved. She has fabulous plans for a boutique in the lobby.”

She paused again. “I am not asking for, nor will I accept, any monetary help.” She saw him open his mouth again. “No, and please, please don’t even ask. I need to do this, but I will not put anyone else’s money at risk, or even their name, in case, well, in case it fails. Or in case it comes alive and there is fallout from people who discover that there is a hotel anywhere near them that not only condones sexual activity but advertises that there is now a safe place for consenting adults to stay and play without fear, embarrassment, or bothering other guests. It will take me a bit longer, but I’m sure I can come up with the additional down payment. Can you understand?”

Logan understood perfectly and his pride in her grew. He sank onto the couch, Elizabeth straddling his lap. He cupped her face and kissed her.

“I understand,schatzlein,” he assured her. “I would absolutely be honored to help you in any way you need. My first tip is to find another lender. Your guy obviously has no idea the amount of people who enjoy this lifestyle and will flock to your place. I can guide you to a few banks as well as draw up a list for future guests.”

She laughed, her joy flowing from her. “I’d love that. Wow, Haven is going to be real.”

“That’s right,” Logan said, hugging her tight. “Prepare yourself,schatzlein, your dream is about to become reality.”

It was late before he handed gave her phone back to her, smiling as he turned it on. “Call Dan first. Then, Elizabeth, you may call Nancy and talk until the sun comes up,” he said, punching in Dan’s number.

Elizabeth asked for Master Daniel and Dan agreed to be there in a half-hour. Logan pulled on the rest of his clothing, including the shirt she had finally given back after they had made love on the office couch. She had giggled repeatedly when she realized just how much harder it was for Logan to find a comfortable position on such a small piece of furniture. Afterward, she had promised to make sure any seating in any room of her hotel would be large enough to accommodate bigger men. She told him that women wouldn’t mind, as the larger furniture would make them feel even smaller, and most submissives she knew liked that feeling.
