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“And make sure the tubs are twice the size of the one in your bathroom.”

“I planned on having large showers,” she said.

“Don’t change that plan, just add big tubs. Bubble baths aren’t just for women, you know,” he said, drawing a hand down the length of her hair and pulling her to him before dropping his lips onto hers.

She was quiet when his phone vibrated to inform him that Dan had arrived. He led her to the door and took her into his arms. He kissed her tenderly, finding that, for the first time in his life, he had absolutely no desire to return to the apartment he loved for its solitude.

“I will call you, Elizabeth,” he said, against her hair. “You need some time alone despite what you feel right now. Go fix a cup of tea and call Nancy. Have a good cry if you need, but know that I am very proud of you, and that I could not be happier than when I am with you. I will call you later,schatzlein,” he promised. She nodded, and he kissed her once more before opening the door. He looked back and smiled when she held up the key to tell him she would deadbolt the door behind him.

“Granny would be so proud,” he said, with a grin. His grin disappeared as he said, “And, God, I am so very proud of what you have done and what you are going to do.” With that, he pulled the door closed, waiting for the sound of the lock to click before walking away.

Though he was no longer watching her, Elizabeth obeyed him. She fixed a cup of hot tea and taking her phone, crawled into bed. She called Nancy and they talked for over two hours.

“I’m torn between wanting to spank you myself for taking so long to find your voice and wanting to pledge my devotion to Logan for guiding you there,” Nancy said.

“My vote is devotion,” Elizabeth said.

Nancy’s laugh was mixed with the remaining tears they had both been shedding. “Seriously though, I really am happy for you both.”

“Me too,” Elizabeth said softly as they said goodnight.

Elizabeth had finished the tea a long time ago when she reached over to turn out the light. She smiled seeing the small wooden paddle on the table. She picked it up and ran her hands over its surface. She giggled thinking it should feel hot, retaining the heat it had created on her ass. She realized that though her bottom had been truly thrashed, all that remained of the session was a small amount of tenderness. She couldn’t believe she felt herself growing wet as she remembered Logan’s relentless determination to not only paddle her, but to paddle her until she took that first step.

She jumped when the phone rang. She dropped the paddle and picked up the phone. “Did you forget to tell me something?” she asked, thinking it was Nancy.

“Just to tell you I will dream of you tonight,” she heard Logan say.

She smiled and turned onto her side, cradling the phone. “I’ll dream of you too, Sir,” she said. “Hmmm, I wonder if I will be kidnapped by my Limo Man. Oh, wait—perhaps a bunch of crazy moles will chase me, attempting to whack my bottom. Or maybe some incredibly sexy, wonderful, and very loving Dom will decide he needs an ice cream sundae and lick me all over.”

“I’ll play whatever role you need,schatzlein,” Logan said, softly.

She stopped teasing, her heart swelling.

“Good night, Elizabeth, I’ll meet you in our dreams.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, feeling treasured and loved. “In our dreams.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Six Months Later

Elizabeth stood leaning against Logan, his arms wrapped around her, the sun on her face, the breeze lifting strands of her hair. More importantly, she felt the warmth and solidness of the man standing with her, his support, protection and love enveloping her soul.

They stood silently looking at the stately old house before them. It was a majestic structure standing three stories tall. Wraparound verandas provided each floor with a place to relax and enjoy the view of the heavily wooded acreage that led down to the shores of the lake. Huge trees lined both sides of the drive, their branches creating a canopy that both shielded and embraced the house.

She would transform this old home into a hotel, one where guests would never fear being embarrassed if their play caused them to loudly voice their pleasure. Haven was to be a small but beautiful place to enjoy play and explore passion for longer than a night out at a local club. Guests could spend a night, weekend, or even longer as they vacationed in a beautiful environment. The location Logan had helped her find offered a sense of seclusion, yet also offered the bustling town of Houston in one direction or the refreshing Gulf of Mexico in the other, both less than an hour from the hotel.

Elizabeth didn’t see the peeling paint or the broken shutters. She didn’t see the gaps in the veranda railing. She didn’t see the broken boards of the porch. She didn’t see the weed-choked patches that once held plantings. Instead, she saw what she had been visualizing for years.

“Tell me what you see,” Logan said softly, his breath against her neck as he bent to kiss her cheek. She smiled and told him, opening his eyes to what she saw.

“I see a majestic but warm hotel. Fresh white paint and gleaming windows framed by slick black shutters. New slats on the porch flooring, painted a light gray. I see white porch swings that are the perfect size for two people. Oh, and hanging baskets full of flowers that will lend their beauty and their sweet scent to the air. Instead of the weed-choked road, I see an intricate iron gate at the head of the drive that when closed, forms the name of the hotel—Haven.”

She paused and looked up at him. “Even more important is what I hear. The sound of people talking and laughing. I hear the amazement in their voices when they discover such a place as Haven exists.” She knew she would also hear the sound of silence, for each room would allow absolute privacy to those who played inside. Within the walls of Haven, they would be safe. Whether spending only one night, a weekend, or even longer, the room they chose would house them in comfort, beauty, warmth and peace.

“It is almost as if I can see it,” he said, and then chuckled. “Almost.”

Elizabeth laughed and pulled away, reaching into her bag. She withdrew a drawing she had worked on last night, as he slept beside her.
