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As she tried to assimilate what she had just seen, Elizabeth shrieked and instinctively tried to pull away when someone took her arm.

“Whoa, it’s just me, Liz,” Jason said, obviously surprised at her reaction.

Elizabeth gasped and pressed her hand against her chest. “God, you scared me,” she said, shaking with the combination of fear at being startled as well as guilt at witnessing a private moment. “Did you see that?” she asked, as the limo began to pull out into a break in the traffic.

Jason turned to where she was looking. “Haven’t you ever seen a limo before?”

She shook her head, not in response, but simply to clear it. She flushed and forced herself to relax. “Yes, of course,” she said, sheepishly. “I just meant, well, it was a really great car.”

Jason stared at her for a long moment, his forehead furrowed. “Where’s your shawl?”

“Oh, the car’s locked,” she said.

He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I should have thought of that,” he said. “Hold on, I’ll get it.”

Though she wasn’t the least bit chilled, Elizabeth nodded, needing the time to get herself under control. When he returned, she wrapped the shawl around her shoulders as he led her back into the restaurant and to their table.

“I found her,” he informed Nancy. “She was outside looking at limos.”

“Oh?” Nancy said, raising her eyebrow.

“It was nothing,” Elizabeth said, quickly.

As Jason turned to speak to the waiter, Nancy bent toward her friend. “Are you really okay? It must have been one heck of a car because you, my friend, are awfully flushed,” she said, softly.

Liz blushed but nodded. She darted a glance toward Jason, who was still speaking to the waiter. “I’ll tell you later,” she promised.

Chapter Four

The dinner Craig, the executive chef, prepared especially for them was excellent. When he brought out the dessert, both women moaned. They had already indulged in a sampling of several courses.

Elizabeth shook her head. “I shouldn’t; I have to double my workout next week, just to work off that celebratory cupcake,” she said, though her eyes were riveted on the chef as he produced a small butane torch.

Nancy laughed and simply picked up one of the plates. “Nonsense,” she said, as she was served a large portion of the dessert. “The celebration is not yet over. Tonight we are going to indulge in everything!”

The aroma of caramelized sugar on the crème brûlée was far too tempting to resist. Elizabeth gave in, holding her plate out for Craig who spooned a very generous portion onto it with a flourish.

“Thank you, Chef,” Elizabeth said. “The meal was incredible, and this looks like the perfect way to end our dinner. You have made this meal one I will always remember.”

“You are most gracious, Miss Adams.” Craig gave her a grin and winked. “Don’t fret about the calories. I understand your evening has just begun and you’ll be needing the fuel.”

Elizabeth’s color deepened as his meaning reminded her of their plans. He was a very attractive man, one of the tallest and largest she had ever seen. Though he had been a close friend of Jason’s for years and Elizabeth often saw Craig in the clubs, she had never interacted with him. As she picked up her fork, the man in her mind’s eye wasn’t a chef, but a mysterious, dark-haired stranger.

A half hour later, she learned that Jason’s celebratory surprises weren’t yet done. He passed the car keys to a valet as Elizabeth looked up at the building. It was an old one, but that only made the architecture more intriguing. The façade was covered with decades of ivy covering the red bricks. There was a brass plaque to the left of the door with a single word, Tastsinn, engraved in black. She wondered about the word’s origin, knowing she had not seen it before.

An attendant opened the door and Jason led them inside. The foyer was warm and inviting. It could easily rival the reception areas of fine hotels. The women looked around, as Jason spoke to a beautiful woman behind a counter. She talked to him softly, and he nodded and called Elizabeth and Nancy to him.

When they joined him, the receptionist smiled. “Welcome to Tastsinn,” she said, pleasantly. “My name is Susanna. I will give you each a token which you will need to keep on you at all times.” Elizabeth and Nancy nodded, as she took two identical bracelets out of a basket below the counter.

“You may wear them around your wrist or your ankle,” Susanna explained. “Every submissive must always have them available, even when not participating. If you are actively scening, they are meant to provide a visible signal in case your play doesn’t allow you to verbalize a safeword. Tastsinn’s protocol is based on the traffic-light system used in other clubs. Green means you’re good, yellow indicates you need a break and the safeword to immediately stop all activity is ‘Red’, hence the color of these bracelets.”

Elizabeth thought it was a very clever way to ensure that every woman had a tangible reminder on her person that, though she was the submissive, it was her decision to how far she wished to take the play. Nancy and Elizabeth held out their wrists, and Susanna placed the bracelets upon them.

Elizabeth appreciated that they were not made cheaply, like some bracelet you could pick up at the local dollar store. These were red leather and were adjustable to fit ankles or wrists. The name of the club had been embossed in the center of the leather band. There was a small, yet sturdy, ball attached that gave a soft chime. Elizabeth jiggled her arm to listen to the sound again.

Susanna smiled. “If you’re restrained, your Dom will make sure you are holding the bracelet. Likewise, if you’re also unable to speak, you can simply open your fist to release it to fall to the floor. The bell acts as an audible signal and all action will immediately stop.”

“This is a wonderful idea,” Elizabeth said, running her fingers over the bracelet.
