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Jason found a parking spot directly across from the restaurant. He escorted the women across the street into a newer restaurant they had never tried before but had been put on their list as a definite must-try. It had received high marks by the regular food reviewers as well as from various acquaintances who considered themselves foodies. The owner and executive chef was a friend of Jason’s, and he had agreed to make this evening special for the women.

Jason opened the door, and the sound of people having a good time wafted over them. The place was crowded, and the air seemed to crackle with excitement. Nancy smiled, squeezing Elizabeth’s hand.

“This is wonderful,” Nancy said, reaching up to kiss Jason’s cheek. “I can’t wait to eat.”

Elizabeth laughed. Nancy was infamous for her appetite. She could eat a dozen cupcakes and be hungry half an hour later. Being blessed with a metabolism that ran as hot as the surface of the sun ensured she kept her slim figure.

The hostess greeted them and, after checking the reservation book, moved from behind the podium to escort them to the table Jason had reserved. Elizabeth turned to follow, almost running into a man who had stepped out of the restaurant, proper. On his arm was one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen. She was only a few inches shorter than he, her blonde hair lying around her shoulders in a very complimentary cut. She wore a tightly fitted corset-styled top, which immediately let you know she hadn’t been cheated in the breast department. Her skirt flared out in several tiers of lace, which accentuated her small waist.

Elizabeth’s eye traveled down to see legs that were as long as Elizabeth was tall. The woman was wearing silver stiletto heels that had to be at least six inches. Elizabeth shivered knowing just how difficult it was just trying to walk in such high heels. When her eyes lifted, it was to see the man looking down, his eyes meeting hers. She flushed immediately, highly embarrassed to be caught in her obvious perusal of his date.

“Um, excuse me,” Elizabeth said then gasped as she stumbled forward into him when someone entering the crowded restaurant bumped into her. The man reached out to take her arm, and Elizabeth felt an electric shock surge through her.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, feeling bereft when he removed his hand once he was sure she had her feet back under her.

“No need to apologize, Miss Adams,” he said, in such a compelling timbre that it occurred to her she could easily listen to him read a phone book without ever tiring.

When his eyes dropped, she realized she still had her palms planted against his chest. Heat flooded her face as she snatched them back. “Oh, I… um…” She quieted, having no idea what to say, but wishing she was anywhere else but here. To make it worse, she saw the blonde attempting to keep a smile off her face.

“I understand congratulations are in order. Garrett is extremely pleased to have you on the team. I hope you are celebrating?” he asked, as if he was truly interested in her evening plans.

She nodded mutely. She had no recollection of ever having met him before and knew she had never seen the woman.

He smiled and, returning his hand to the small of his date’s back, guided her to the door.

Elizabeth remained frozen, her own skin tingling as if desperate to feel such a simple but somehow erotic touch.

As if sensing her, he turned back, smiled and tipped his head toward her. “Have a lovely evening,” he said, his tone soft—and yet so very commanding.

“Um, okay. I mean, you too… um, thank you, Sir,” she said aware she sounded like a complete idiot.

His eyes slid over her from head to toe, his smile barely there before he gave a single nod and opened the door to lead his date out into the evening.



“Is something wrong? I’ve called you three times now,” Jason said.

“You did?” she asked. “Um, no, I’m fine, Jason, I’m just a little cold. I forgot my shawl.”

“I’ll go get it,” he said, but she shook her head.

“No, I’ll get it. The air will do me good,” she said. Before he could stop her, she pushed through the door. Elizabeth knew she’d been a bit rude, but suddenly just had to be outside. She waited for the light to change so she could safely cross the street. She had no idea what had just happened. She was inexplicably spooked, but not in a frightening way. She felt like a fool, like some tongue-tied schoolgirl who had never spoken to a man before.

“You need to get a grip,” she muttered as she crossed the street and reached the car. When the door refused to open no matter how hard she tugged, she groaned and realized the car was locked. She gave a brief thought to simply walking home but knew she couldn’t abandon her friends. Taking several deep breaths calmed her as she retraced her steps to return to the restaurant. Not wanting to appear to be butting in line, she stood patiently waiting while a group of people pressed through the door. Lights swept over them, and Elizabeth looked back to see a long, sleek, black limo pull up to the curb.

Movement had her gaze shift and she saw the man and woman from the restaurant step forward from where they had been concealed on the far size of the crowd. Elizabeth moved away, pressing against the wall of the restaurant, not wishing to make a further fool of herself. When the last of the group made their way inside, she still didn’t move. Something drew her to stay in the shadows as she watched the couple. Guilt over eavesdropping fought with the memory of the heat that had surged through her at his touch.

The driver stepped around the car and opened the back door and Elizabeth surrendered, totally incapable of looking away.

The woman was led to the car, the man’s hand easily guiding her. As she began to step into the limo, the man bent slightly and spoke to her. Elizabeth saw the woman’s blonde head lift and look around as if searching for something. Her movements stopped instantly when the man spoke sharply, the blonde head bowing and nodding in response to the man’s words. Elizabeth almost stepped forward, in order to hear his quiet words, instinctively knowing they were meant to chastise his companion, but managed to restrain herself.

She stood frozen, watching as the beautiful woman bent at the waist. The man moved slightly to her left side, as if to shield her while the car door concealed her on her right. Elizabeth realized she could only tell what was happening because she stood directly opposite them. When the woman’s hands came back, Elizabeth belly tightened. The woman slowly lifted her skirt until it was at her waist, her bottom presented.

The man placed his hand on the blonde’s bottom, and Elizabeth’s breath caught in her throat. He bent and again spoke quietly to the woman, who nodded and placed her palms on the edge of the car seat just inside the opened door. When he drew his hand back and then swatted the woman’s proffered ass, Elizabeth’s nipples hardened inside the cups of her bra and her panties moistened. He swatted the presented bottom twice more, drawing a deep-throated moan from the woman, though she didn’t move so much as an inch.

Elizabeth saw the man run his hand between the woman’s legs and her own began to shake. He then took the skirt out of the woman’s hands and lowered it to cover her. He guided her to step back and then smiled as she again spoke too softly for Elizabeth to hear. He nodded and then helped her into the limo. Elizabeth released her breath as he followed, taking the seat directly opposite of where the woman sat. Just before the chauffeur closed the door, Elizabeth saw the woman move to kneel between his spread knees. The driver walked to the other side of the car and slid behind the wheel. Elizabeth realized he had not given a single reaction to the scene that had been played out right before his eyes.
