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“As I said, you have my gratitude, General.” The man interrupted again. “However, I must decline your further assistance, no matter how valuable it may be. It is customary among the men of New Atlantis to take pleasure with their females in private.”

His tone remained level, but, this time, there was no mistaking the steel beneath. General Tok had been dismissed.

“Excellent. I see you are ready to make Petra your new home, bringing your unique customs here to meld them with ours.” Tok was nearly babbling in an attempt to save face as he headed for the door. It was clear he had no desire to face the much larger Atlantean one on one.

AJ took a deep breath. The pressure on the device had let up as soon as Tok released his hold on the tail. Her bottom tightened around the narrow base again.

She kept her head lowered as Tok’s footsteps receded, even after the thud of the door. The man never moved, but she could feel his eyes on her. Her heart was pounding so hard she was certain he must hear it.

The silence went on for what seemed like hours.

He finally spoke, the hunger in his voice raw.

“Now we can begin.”

Chapter Seven

AJ shivered. This man had already violated her bottom hole with his finger, spanked her, aroused her center of pleasure until she acted like a brazen…well, a brazen harlot. What other ravishment would he subject her to?

She didn’t dare speak, simply knelt before him with her head bowed. He lifted her chin. “You are quite beautiful.” His voice was gentle. “I apologize for General Tok’s poor manners. We were never properly introduced. I am Kaden. What is your name?”

She refused to meet his eyes. “Harlots have no name.” There was no guarantee that he wasn’t simply laying a trap for her, one that would earn her additional punishment if she fell for it.

“You do not look like the other women here. Where are you from?”

“I came here from Alexandria, by caravan.”

“I have seen the women of Alexandria. You do not resemble them either.”

He hadn’t asked a question, so she remained silent. He sighed.

“Look, I’m not interested in spending time with one of those mindless creatures Tok likes to surround himself with. I saw you on that platform. You held your head high, even though you knew what was to come. I like that. I intend to take a great deal of pleasure in your company tonight and bring you pleasure as well. But I will not force myself on you. If you have never met one of us, you do not know the men of New Atlantis pride ourselves on our powers of seduction… Powers our females happily attest to. I would never punish a woman for having a mind of her own, much less a name.”

To her amazement, he slid off the chair and curled up on the floor beside her.

“Now. I will ask you again.” His voice lowered, holding a hint of amusement. “And if you do not answer, I’ll have to give you another spanking. What is your name?”

She swallowed, nervous at his closeness. “I am called AJ.”

“AJ? More proof you are not from any kingdom I know. No father would allow such a hard-sounding name to be bestowed on such a beautiful female. Still, perhaps it’s fitting. Even from the other end of the plaza I saw the look on your face when you stood in front of Thelo. Most of the men here would have been intimidated by it.”

He reached out, running the back of his hand over her cheek. “You remind me of a sleek but deceptively powerful cat. Soft and smooth on the outside, making me yearn to stroke its fur. Yet I must be on my guard, knowing it will unsheathe its claws at the slightest threat.”

He leaned back against the chair. “I cannot call a female AJ. And I refuse to lump you in with the others and simply call you Harlot. You wear the tail of a rare creature, one that is legendary for its beauty as well as its skill at hunting. When you are with me, you will be Tajina.”

He wrapped one hand around the end of her tail. “One thing you must know about me, Tajina. I told you I will never punish a woman for having a mind of her own. But I do require your obedience when I’m focused on bringing pleasure to both of us. Now, lie back and spread your legs so I can examine the charms I’ll be enjoying tonight.”

AJ scooted away, shaking her head wildly. The stranger kept her off balance. She’d had no time to calm herself, no time to mount any mental defense, let alone attempt to control him. Now he wanted her to part her legs willingly and allow him to engage in some bizarre act of physical intimacy.

Kaden’s eyes narrowed. His grip on her tail tightened, stopping her from backing away any farther.

“As I said, I require obedience. And I will punish you if I don’t get it.”

AJ cringed. Kaden reacted immediately, letting go of her tail and wrapping his arms around her to pull her close.

“Not the kind of public torment Thelo put you through. If I have to spank you, I’ll do it while you’re lying face down across my lap. We’ll both be naked...and, by the time I’m through, you’ll be eager to do whatever I say.”

As he spoke, his hands roamed over her. Stroking her back, her shoulders, caressing her hot, aching bottom. She tried to calm her breathing, focus her mind. But he was so close. The scent of him filled her lungs. Potent. Virile. Her mind reeled, obscene images pouring into it. She fought a wild desire to run her tongue over his skin to find out if his taste was as intoxicating as his smell.
