Page 39 of Savage

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“Her? What are you talking about?”

She put a soft hand on his cheek. Shrewd eyes met his. “I’ve known you for thirty-five years, boy. I can tell when my son is in love. You get a faraway look in your eyes when Dianna talks about her dear friend AJ, the beautiful brave woman who helped everyone escape. And you’ve scarcely noticed all the Atlantean beauties who’ve been vying for your attention since you returned. In the past, you’d have been out enjoying the company of one or another of them every night. She must be very special.”

He smiled. “She is. Dianna is right. She’s beautiful and brave – and smart. And very different from us, Mother. She’s from Earth. She’s never known the joy of a close, loving family. But I don’t know if she could be happy leaving her planet to make a home here, far from everyone she’s ever known.”

He took the hand from his cheek and kissed it. “Don’t worry. I would never leave Neodyma to live in her world. It’s cold and sterile. A place without the kind of love we know and cherish.”

“Long ago, I left my country and my family to make a home here with your father. I have never regretted it – because he showed me every day in a thousand different ways that I made the right choice. If you truly love her, that will be your primary duty, my son – and the source of your greatest joy. Give to her without reservation, without keeping score…and if she is the woman for you, you’ll get back more than you can ever give.”

She wrapped her arms around him in a fierce hug. “Go now. Find your woman and claim her. If she never knew love before, her heart must be aching for you.”

Kaden kissed her cheek. “I can only hope we are as happy together as you and Father have been all these years.”

The memory brought a smile to his face as he strode through the halls of the Citadel to the suite he’d commandeered for his use. His quarters were modest, with none of the grandeur of the huge room Tok used as an office. But it had windows that overlooked the city both in his office and in the bedroom beyond.

Darkness had fallen, and torches lit his way down the long hall. Kaden opened the door to his office. Someone had been there as well, lighting candles on the desk and opening the window to let in a cool breeze scented with night-blooming moon lilies. He went to the window and looked up at the sky filled with stars. Somewhere out there, AJ’s star shone on Earth. He wondered if she was looking up at the heavens tonight and thinking of him.

“Your speech was wonderful.”

He whirled around. AJ stood in the shadows, her body shrouded in darkness.

“You were there?”

“At the back of the crowd.” Her voice held a note of amusement. “I couldn’t get any nearer. All the women of Petra were crammed as close to the platform as possible. I’d bet you’ll appear as master in the dreams of many of them tonight.”

He moved closer. “And what of your dreams?”

“I have no need of nighttime fantasies. My happiness comes in real life. I do whatever my master commands, to please him – and he sees to it that I am pleasured beyond any dreams I could conjure.”

“This master of yours sounds like a virile and sensuous lover – and a very smart man.”

“He is all of those – but a bit arrogant, if truth be told.”

“Arrogant? A good master would punish the naughty woman who spoke of him with such disrespect, probably with a firm spanking.”

“And a brazen wench who spoke to her master that way would surely deserve it.”

Two strides took Kaden to the corner of the room. He drew AJ into his arms. “Well, wench, let’s get on with it, then.”

His hands traveled down her body, cupping her breasts then lower. Suddenly, he stopped. “What…”

“I…have a few surprises for you.”

His tone was dry. “Apparently.”

“I’ve resigned my commission as a commander in the Interstellar Federation. I told my superiors I’d be happy to serve in an advisory capacity in the future.”

“Go on.”

“They assigned me to Neodyma. I’m to act as consultant to the governor of Petra, assisting him in his newly appointed role as Neodyma’s first member of the Interstellar Council.”

“That is a surprise.”

She hesitated then went on. “I have something else to tell you.” She drew his hand down to her belly. “I’m going to have a child. Your child.Ourchild.”

AJ spoke faster. “I didn’t think it was possible. But without injections to regulate my hormones, my body reverted to its primitive state. We conceived a baby, Kaden.A baby!”

Her voice was filled with wonder, touched with a tinge of fear. “I don’t know anything about mothering a baby or raising children.”

“I know a little about babies. And I know someone who will be happy to share her expertise.” His arms went around her. “By the feel of you, we’ve got time to worry about that. First, we have a wedding to plan.”

“Wedding?” She drew back, shocked. “You’ve never asked me to marry you.”

“Nor do I intend to. A master doesn’t need to ask. I’m ordering you to marry me. Be my wife, bear our child. Our children. And you will do as you’re told. After all, you’ve already earned one spanking for that remark earlier. You wouldn’t want to risk another by disobeying me.”

AJ smiled. “Yes, Master.”
