Page 13 of Reckless

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I frown, confused as to whether he’s messing with me or he really doesn’t know. “Nothing. I didn’t mean anything.” I go back to looking for my phone and expecting him to question me further, but he doesn’t. Quickly deflecting, I ask, “What are you doing here anyway?” Finally finding it, I pull it out.

“I thought I’d come and check on you and your friend of course. How is she?”

“She’s doing okay. Her and the baby are fine, but it was touch and go there for a while. Look, I’m sorry we had to cut our evening short, and whilst I’m grateful you came to check on me, I really need to get home. It’s been a long, emotional and stressful day, and I just really want to go to bed.” I offer him an apologetic smile.

“Of course, I completely understand. Can I at least give you a lift home?” I narrow my eyes at him, waiting for the catch, but it doesn’t come. “It’s safer than a taxi, and I’m almost certain the company is better,” he says with a wink and a small smirk. He’s kind of cute right now, but it’s not enough for me to let him drive me home. I need to decompress. I need thinking space, to sort my head out, and that won’t be possible if I leave with Jasper. His smile drops when he realises that I’m going to turn him down.

“I’m sorry, Jasper. I just really need some time to myself right now.” I watch as his eyes darken, and his jaw flexes. Hoping to avert an argument, because I really don’t have the energy right now, I add, “Thank you for coming to check on me, and the gentlemanly offer to take me home. I really do appreciate it.” I smile brightly.

It takes a second, but then he smiles too. “You know, I’m not sure my offer was as gentlemanly as you think.”

I let out a small laugh. “No, I’m sure it wasn’t. And if it were any other time, I’d have gladly accepted.” I step forward to kiss his cheek, but the sneaky bastard turns his head at the last second, catching my lips with his own. I don’t fight it, instead just allow myself this minute of pleasure before I pull back.

“Goodnight, Jasper.”

“Goodnight, Jamie.” He turns and walks back across the car park.

Once Jasper is out of sight, I go back to my phone still needing to call a taxi. As I bring up the number for a cab, I feel eyes on me from behind. I know who it is.

“Hello, Seb.” I turn around slowly just as he steps out of the shadows. Our eyes lock, and I take in the fierce expression on his face. “I’m really not in the mood. Can I get a rain-check on the sparring match?” There’s no heat in the comment, just dejection.

“I think you made that abundantly clear,” he says with a raise of his brow.

“Did you want something?” I ask, ignoring his jibe at my conversation with Jasper. I wasn’t lying when I said I’m not in the mood.

“Not really. I just came out for some air, but—”

“Don’t say it. I’m going, so I’ll see you later. Or never.” I turn to walk away.

“Who is he?” This time he doesn’t hide his animosity.

I turn back, stalking towards him. “That is none of your damn business. You have no right to ask that of me.”

“Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong, Firefly.” He reaches out a hand, running his finger down my cheek, and the touch sets off a chain of sparks that run the length of my body. The reaction pisses me off as much as its lights me up, but I’m helpless. Helpless to stop him as his finger reaches my throat, skimming over my pulse as it beats like the wings of a hummingbird. Helpless to stop the lust filled whimper that slips free from my mouth. “Even your body knows who it’s meant to belong to.” I let my eyes fall closed, lost to his touch, so much so that I don’t fully register what he said. Seb’s breath ghosts over my lips. The barest of touches that threatens to undo all the work I put in blocking the memory of his touch, his lips, from my mind. Then his lips slam down on mine and all rational thought leaves me. Spinning me round, he keeps his lips on mine as his hands find my hips, pushing me back towards the shadows he emerged from.

I go willingly. Gripping his t-shirt in my clenched fist, pushing my tongue into his mouth, letting our tongues battle without words. Giving myself over to the man who has forced me to question who I am. What I am. A man who has made me reckless. Twisted me up inside until I’m nothing more than a tangled web of emotions. He makes me feel. And that is something I don’t know how to deal with. Not anymore.

The feel of Seb’s hands running up my ribs has me back in the moment. God, his hands feel so damn good that I don’t want him to ever stop.

When his hand reaches my breast, he yanks the top of my dress down and brushes his finger over my nipple through the thin fabric of my lace bra and it peaks instantly. Seb hums in appreciation at my body’s reaction to him, tweaking and pulling my nipple until he draws a moan from me. His lips trail down my neck, setting a fire beneath my skin, and I grip his head, pulling his hair as his teeth latch onto my pebbled nipple. His other hand hitches my leg up as he grinds his hips against my core, and my back arches, seeking more. I reach between us, popping the button on his trousers, and as I reach my hand inside, wrapping it round his hard cock, someone calls his name.

“Hey, Seb. You out here, man?”

It’s Jay. Like a cold bucket of icy water, the lust filled haze fractures, and I pull back. Removing my hand, I press on Seb’s chest, pushing him away. I don’t look at him. I can’t look at him. Instead, I fix my clothes and move further back into the shadows. Willing him to just walk away.

“Jamie,” he whispers.

“Just go.” He tries to speak again, but I cut him off. “Just fucking go. Please.” I whisper-shout. My voice breaks a little on the last word, and I wince at my pleading tone. Angry at myself for letting my emotions show and for letting Seb slip past my defences again. Angry at Seb for— well, just being Seb. The guy that flipped the switch on my feelings.

“Seb,” Jay calls out again. Seb looks over his shoulder, seeing a shadow as Jay draws nearer to where we are. He looks back to me, then turns and walks away.


I drop back against the wall as I hear Seb and Jay talking. Once their voices have faded, I step out from my hiding spot. I don’t bother wasting time calling for a taxi, instead I walk to the nearest bar.

* * *

I don’t rememberhow I got home last night, but I do know that my fucking head hurts. It feels like someone took an axe to it, cracking it open right down the middle.
