Page 48 of Redemption

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“I call bullshit on that, Jessica.”

“Jamie,” Seb warns, but she ignores him, getting to her feet.

“No, Seb. I want to know what her problem is. Rick almost gets blown up for this woman and then spends the whole day and night sat at her bedside when he should have been here with his family, yet she screws her face up like someone wafted shit in her face when Ryder called him Sully. So, come on, Jess, don’t keep us all waiting.”

“Jamie, this is not the place and none of our business. Stay out of it,” Seb reasons, stepping in front of her. “Whatever is going on, Rick will tell us when he’s ready,” he whispers, taking her hand in his.

My eyes flick to Cam and Ryder, who are both watching and ready to step in. But I’m not here to cause trouble, even though it seems we’re past that.

“Look, I heard you loud and clear this morning, Jamie. I get you’re just looking out for your friend, but I’m not here to cause any trouble. Rick and I have…some business to discuss, and once that’s done, I’ll be gone.” I hate the vulnerability in my voice. I feel like a kite flying high with no direction and blown every which way with no chance of being grounded.

“I need some air,” I announce, exiting the room on fast feet.

I find a courtyard outside and take a seat on an empty bench. I watch as a woman with two kids, a baby in a pushchair and a toddler, who is currently running round and round his mum, talks on her phone becoming more and more distressed. I’m not sure if it’s at the toddler or the conversation.

A shadow falls over the table, and I look up, squinting to block the sun’s glare, to find Cam.

“Do you mind if I join you?” she asks, pointing to the bench opposite.

“Sure, but if you’ve come to give me another warning, you’re wasting your time.”

“That’s not why I’m here, Jessica.” She pushes a takeaway cup towards me. “I wasn’t sure what you like, so I’m sorry if you’re not a coffee lover.”

“It’s Jess, and thanks, coffee is good. Don’t suppose you have a bottle of whiskey in that bag of yours?” I say with a crooked smile.

“Not on this occasion, I’m afraid.” She sips at her own drink, and we both turn as a cry breaks the silence. The little boy running literal rings around his mother, is on his knees having obviously fallen over. “I’d forgotten how much work they are at that age,” Cam says with a laugh.

“Yeah, you need eyes in the back of your head when they start walking. Jamison isn’t your first then?” I ask, looking at Cam. The sparkle in her eyes dims a little at my question, and I quickly back track. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“It’s okay, you didn’t. It’s a long story, but I had a daughter before I had Jamison. Maybe I’ll get the chance to share it with you one day.”

“I’m not sure Jamie would agree.” The words slip free before I have a chance to stop them. “Sorry, my filter doesn’t always work.”

Cam laughs. “You know, you two aren’t so different.” I raise my brows at her disbelievingly. “Her bark is much worse than her bite.”

“Not sure I believe that either,” I snort. “I can’t fault her loyalty though. I’m just not sure why she thinks I’m a threat.”

“Hmm. I don’t think it’s that. Jamie doesn’t like being left in the dark about stuff, who does? And I guess she thinks you’re hiding things. I’m not looking for you to tell me anything, I’m just telling you so you know where she’s coming from.”

“I know exactly how she feels. I’ve been in the dark for five years. The difference is that this time I’m not walking away until I have the answers I need,” I huff.

“Cam,” Rick’s voice carries across the now empty courtyard. “Ryder’s waiting at the entrance for you with Max and Jamison.”

“Be right there,” she calls back to him before turning to me. “I understand the need for answers more than most, and how it drives you, but just be careful how your actions affect those around you, Jess. There is something between you and Rick, no matter how much you both try to hide it, but he needs answers too.” She gets up from the bench. “Go careful, Jess, he’s not as infallible as you might think and carries some very deep emotional scars.” She comes round to me, leaning down to give me a hug, which takes me by surprise, and whispers in my ear, “He looks mad as hell. Have fun with that,” she says, chuckling as she walks away.

I watch as they exchange a few words before she gives him a hug too, then leaves.



“Are you sure about this, Rick?” Ryder asks, as Jamison fusses in his arms.

I huff out a breath, squeezing the bridge of my nose. “No, Ryder, I’m not sure about anything, but what else am I meant to do? Jess deserves answers, even though being around her is seriously bad for my health and leaves me in a very confused state of mind. Swinging between turned the fuck on to wanting to throttle her for making me feel that way.” A visual of me with my hands round Jess’ throat slams into my head, and as the image swirls in my head, I hear her crying out my name. But it’s not a cry of pain or fear, but one of pleasure.

“And how did that whole ‘throttle her’ thing work out for you, Rick,” Seb says with a knowing smirk.

I throw Seb a scathing glare while Ryder just laughs.
