Page 49 of Redemption

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“What does she know so far?” Ryder asks, bringing us back to the matter at hand and not focusing on what my dick wants.

“I don’t know. That’s why I think this enforced trip will be good for us all. She obviously wants to know what happened to her brother, and I’m inclined to think that if she’s been digging around looking for answers, then whatever is happening with her, at least, is connected to the tampering of her brakes and the bomb.”

“Have you heard any more from Scott about this Jake guy? How the fuck does he fit into all this?”

“He’s doing well but still sedated for now. Scott is there as a precaution and to let me know when he’s awake. Ryder, Dean is going to meet up with you when you get back to Manchester. Once Mum is out of hospital, and depending on how things pan out, Scott will bring them up to you. I don’t want any of you anywhere near this.”

“That’s not how this works, man. I get you want your son and parents safe and out of harm’s way, but don’t shut us out. We’re a team.”

“But this is my problem, Seb.”

“No, it’s not. It’sourproblem. Us. And we deal with it together as a team, as a unit, like we always have. Jamie and I are coming with you.” I shake my head, but he carries on. “Yes, no arguments. If this was one of us, what would you say if we wanted to go off half-cocked on our own to face whatever the hell this is?”

I hang my head, not needing to answer because we all know I’d say exactly the same as he did.

Jamison lets out a wail, and Ryder shifts him over his shoulder, rubbing his back to settle him.

“I agree with Seb, Rick. This is our fight too. Although, having Jamie and Jess in the same house should be fun.” He raises his brows at Seb, as if to say, ‘are you sure that’s a good idea?’.

“What’s going on?” I ask, as I’ve clearly missed something.

“Nothing a little one on one time between them won’t sort out. Come on, you know this makes sense.”

“You should listen to your men, son.”

I shake my head knowing there’s no chance I can convince them to let me do this alone with my dad backing them. Robert Sullivan is not the type of man you can say no to or argue with unless you’re bringing your A-game.

They stand there, watching and waiting for me to make my decision. And though it irks me to say it, they’re right. I wouldn’t let them do it alone because it goes against every fibre of my being.

I give a small nod of my head. “Fine. But I’m not happy about this.”

My phone rings as we file out of the room, and I step back inside, holding up a finger to the guys to give me a second when I see who’s calling.

“I take it you watched the footage?”

“We need to talk, Sully?”

“Damn right we do, but you’re going to have to give me twenty-four hours first. I’ll send you the address.”

Ending the call, I join the rest in the corridor. Ryder catches my eye, and I give a shake of my head. I’ll fill him and Seb in later, but first I need to find Jess.

I spend a few minutes talking to Dad and the guys about how this is going to work before saying goodbye to him and Max.

I had a lot of time to think sitting at Jess’ bedside watching her sleep. It brought forth a lot of memories of me and Kuffs, but the most vivid one was the first time he talked about his sister to me.

“So,what about you, man, you got brothers or sisters?” I ask him as the truck rumbles over the uneven ground.

“I have a sister, JJ. She’s only eighteen months younger than me, and whilst she’s been a pain in my arse most of my life, she’s the best damn sister you could ever want.” His eyes gleam with reverence and love, but there’s a hint of sadness there too. I give him a minute, then he starts talking again.

“She’s at college doing her A-levels. Says she’s going to be a cop, and I know she will. She’s so damn smart.”

“You don’t sound so happy about it.”

“Oh, no, I am. It wasn’t what she wanted to do at first, but… Let’s just say that sometimes things happen to make you realise where you’re meant to be.”

The ironyof that conversation as it replayed in my head wasn’t lost on me, and I was reminded of what I overheard between Jess and her ex, Alistair. You don’t need be too smart to see that whatever Kuffs was referring to that day is the same thing Alistair was talking about, and most likely what is sealed in Jess’ records.

I feel anger rise in me, and try to stave it off, but it sits like a concrete block in my chest.
