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Unbuttoning her blouse, I took in the pale skin exposed, eager to see more. But we were kissing, and seeing was less likely than feeling. Her breasts were a soft handful, the nipples perked and eager for my touch. Pushing the fabric off her shoulders, I bared her to the waist, glad she hadn’t bothered to wear a bra today. Her young, firm chest did not need support, but women seemed to wear them either way.

Her pants slipped off her hips, with my help, and then she was nude, and I broke our kiss long enough to take in the bounty that lay before me. “You’re so beautiful,” I breathed. “How is it that I’ve managed to be so patient?”

A little grin tipped the corners of her lips. “You’ve been a veritable saint, but no need to wait any longer. That is, if you plan to take off all those unnecessary clothes?”

And so I did, and laid her on the bed amid the pillows and blankets and kissed her. All of her. She tasted even better than she smelled, but my cock was jutting straight out, and, “I want to be inside you,” I gasped. “But I don’t want to rush you.”

“Weren’t we saying how patient you’d been?” She held out her arms. “Even a saint has his limits.”

“And I’m anything but.” As I proved by lying between her legs and fitting myself to her body’s opening. “I’m a simple dragon shifter who wants his mate.”

She was hot and tight and everything I could ever have dreamed of if I’d dared.

Chapter Twenty


There was no more fever. None. It was both disappointing and exhilarating. The high temperature of my body had taken a good lot of my energy since it came on, and now…I felt like it was lifted from me.

But something else had taken its place.

I shot up in bed, noticing that I was in Soren’s room.

Because I was his mate now, fully and completely.

I clutched my naked chest, my fist rubbing a circle right over my sternum because while the rest of my body was cooling down, my chest had become a nest of swirling heat. It wasn’t like the fever though, not at all. It was like an ember, buried right above my heart. I knew it was burning, but it wasn’t burning me.

“What’s wrong, mate. Tell me. Is the fever worse? What is happening?”

Soren’s voice boomed through not only the room but all of the apartments. Jude and Nico came storming into the bedroom, ignoring the fact that Soren and I were naked, still basking in the mating.

“What the hell is going on?” Nico asked, staring at me. “Soren, do you feel it?”

“Soren? Why are you asking Soren if he feels it? It’s me that has something in my chest. What the hell is this?”

Jude’s eyes were wide but none of them moved to check on me.

“Something has shifted. It’s…our dynamic has shifted. You can…”

Just when Nico was about to explain what the hell kind of nonsense was going on, the mountain decided it had some things of its own to say. Jude shot toward me and grabbed me. Nico and Soren surrounded me on either side while we moved to the bathroom where apparently they thought it was safer.

As the mountain rumbled and roared, the ground beneath us shook, but from the sound of it, most of the movement was around us, not under us.

“It’s like the mountain is moving around us,” Jude said, confirming my thoughts. I reached for a robe that I saw hanging from a hook on the back of Soren’s door and wrapped it around myself.

“Are you cold?” Soren asked, embracing me.

“No,” I said, my voice shaking as the mountain continued to grind and kick up a fuss.

The heat, centered in my chest, began to glow from underneath my skin. My mates turned to me with wide eyes and wide-open mouths.

“She’s connected to the mountain. Whatever is happening is because of her.”

I slapped Soren’s arm. “Are you saying I’m responsible?”

He chuckled. “No, mate. I’m saying this mountain and you are connected, deeply. This isn’t just an earthquake or an act of nature. It needs you for something. And I think I know what.”

Just when I thought I was going to get an explanation, a great burst of movement and noise came from beneath us, deep in the earth and echoed all around us. I slapped my hands over my ears to quell the noise while my chest glowed brighter and brighter.
