Page 123 of Justin's Bride

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When Megan reached the steps, she could hear Justin inside calling for Gene. She raced up the stairs and stepped into the building.

It was dark and cool inside, a marked contrast to the bright, warm day outside. She paused by the door, letting her eyes adjust. Justin and Wyatt stood by the pulpit. Gene moved out of the shadows toward them.

"Good afternoon, Sheriff. What can I do for you?"

"Did I miss anything?" Mrs. Dobson asked between breaths as she entered the church.

"Hush." Megan started down the aisle. She wanted to be able to hear everything. The widow kept pace with her. Behind them, Megan could make out more sounds, as if the entire town was coming to join them.

Justin stepped toward the minister. Her husband was a few inches taller, but Gene was broader and heavier. Megan stared at her brother-in-law's face, trying to imagine him climbing a ladder to the second-story bedroom so he could kidnap Bonnie. Her imagination wasn't up to the task. What would Gene want with the girl? She clutched her hands together in front of her waist. Justin had made a horrible mistake. She squared her shoulders. It didn't matter. He was her husbana and she would stand beside him.

"I'm arresting you for the murders of Laurie Smith, Ellen Morgan and Sharon Tyler. In addition to that, last night you tried to kidnap a little girl from her bed, with intent of murdering her, as well."

Megan hadn't realized how many people had entered the church until she heard their collective gasp. Justin didn't even turn around. He waited.

Gene stared at him, then stared to laugh. "Murder? You're accusing me of murder? Come now, Sheriff, I know we've had our differences, but even you wouldn't arrest an innocent man on such ridiculous charges."

Someone pushed Megan aside. She stumbled and had to clutch a pew to maintain her balance. Colleen marched up the center aisle toward her husband. She shoved Justin, but he didn't budge.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked, waving her hands in the air. "How dare you come into the church and try to arrest a man of God!"

"He might be a man of God, but he's got a taste for sin. Wyatt, give me the handcuffs."

"No!" Colleen threw herself at Justin and started beating his chest. He grabbed her arms and thrust her away from him. She kicked out with her feet.

Megan quickly walked toward her sister. When she reached Justin's side, she placed her hands on her hips. "Colleen Suzanne Estes, you stop that right now."

"Stay out of this, Megan," Justin ordered.

"I won't." She glanced at her husband. His dark eyes were cold and unfriendly. He didn't want her here; he didn't trust her. Well, she didn't give a damn about what he wanted.

Colleen glared at her. "Don't you see what he's trying to do? How he's trying to destroy everything you care about. He's evil, Megan. A wicked man. He's betrayed you and everything you've ever cared about. Save yourself while you can. Save yourself!"

Justin pushed her away from him. Colleen started to fall, but Wyatt caught her. "Ma'am, if you'll just calm down."

"Unhand me, sir," Colleen said, and wiggled free of Wyatt's grasp. She straightened, and tugged on her bodice. "You'll be sorry, Sheriff. I'll see you hang, if it's the last thing I do."

"Probably," Justin said. "But first I aim to arrest your husband." He took the handcuffs from his deputy and approached Gene.

Her brother-in-law stared at Justin, then slowly shook his head and held out his hands. "I pity you, Kincaid. And I pray for God's mercy on your soul."

"Thanks, I'm going to need it."

Megan watched as her husband slipped the handcuffs into place. The click was audible in the church. Behind them, several people spoke up.

"What's he doin' arrestin' the minister? That ain't right."

"Who does he think he is?"

"I told you, but you wouldn't listen. Justin Kincaid's always been trouble in this town."

Justin ignored them. "You're wanted for two murders in two towns and are the main suspect in three more. All the women, local prostitutes, were killed while you were preaching there."

Gene's good humor didn't falter. "Preaching is hardly the same as murder."

"That's right," Colleen said, glaring at Justin. "You'll be sorry you ever thought of doing this."
