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Just as I lost all hope of falling asleep, another sound reached my ears. But this one was… enchanting.

It began as a simple, melodic strain, then was joined in by different pitches and tones all around the tent, creating a symphony that was in perfect unison. Crickets, I finally realized. But what sounded like chirping to my larger, human ears, was an orchestra now, each part distinct and a perfect complement to the others.

For all the dangers of Lina’s world, there was beauty there, too. Maybe that was how she stayed so much happier than the rest of us did, because of these everyday joys that only she could see and appreciate.

A pang went through me at the thought that I might never be able to tell her that—might never be able to explain that I finally saw how narrow-minded I had been all these years. Then, the symphony picked back up, and somehow, inexplicably, it lulled me into sleep.



Oren and Gentian cleared their throats and signaled that I should bow, as well. I felt my pulse in my temples as I attempted to copy the motion of everyone around me.

I did my best, having never bowed before anyone before, and nearly lost my balance in the process. Piper was the only princess I knew, but she was so informal and unlike any stories of other royals I’d ever heard of.

In fact, she probably would have laughed if I’d tried to curtsy or bow before her.

As I shifted to stand, I caught the queen’s eyes. Again, they were assessing me, but this time there was the smallest hint of what might have been confusion there, also. I was frustrated, again, to realize I was the only one of my people who seemed to change colors with my emotions.

This situation would be a lot easier to read, otherwise.

I stood to face the queen, my voice catching in my throat. Her gaze finally left my eyes to linger on the massive wings behind me.

“Ixia,” she spoke at last, her voice as warm as the auburn tones of her hair. “You’re alive.”

I looked around for some sign of who she might be speaking to before it dawned on me.Of course,Uncle would hardly have kept my name if he wanted to keep me hidden.

Once again, I had to wonder why he went to such great lengths to keep me away.

I blushed bright pink all over my body when I realized I had trailed off in my thoughts again and left everyone waiting.

The queen widened her eyes at the sight of my mood-changing skin tone. Another sign that there weren’t many things about me that were normal.

“It’s Lina, actually.” I finally found my voice to respond to the name she gave me.Ixia.

The queen merely held my gaze for a prolonged moment before giving the barest tilt of her chin. “If you say so.” Then, she turned to the guards, a question in her exquisite features.

“Queen Cassia.” Oren dipped his head. “We found her traveling through the Amethyst Ridge.”

“All alone?” She turned back to me for that question.

“No.” There was no point in lying when the guards had seen us. “My companions traveled with me until I met Oren and Gentian, who were kind enough to escort me here.”

“And what of your companions?” she asked, expression carefully neutral.

“Gentian assured me they would be safe in the valley,” I responded, trying not to look down at my feet in guilt. “And we had always planned to part ways once I found my way here.” I stumbled over that last word.

I didn’t want to think about that moment when I had turned my back on Edrich and walked away from our pretense of friendship forever—didn’t want to think about how much that decision had made me feel like my heart was physically breaking into a thousand pieces.

The queen’s brow twitched, infinitesimally, and the fairies behind me stiffened.

“The valley is fairly safe, yes, but we will send others out to ensure their safety, as well.” She said this in a cool, insistent voice that brooked no arguments.

“Thank you,” I responded, uncertainly, not at all sure that her offer was sincere.

The queen only took in my pallid green color for a moment before she nodded, turning back toward the castle in a single, fluid motion. She signaled for me to follow her, and I held my breath as the castle doors closed behind us.

It felt momentous, if not a little ominous.

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