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“Come on! There are so many things we can show you!” Aster grabbed my hand and that of her brothers, and led us to the balcony, listing off several attractions that she wanted to share.

Before I knew it, we were in the air, soaring high above Ellaria. I tried to follow Aster’s lead as she spun and dove and flew like the most elegant creature I’d ever seen before.

Though flying came easily, what Aster was doing was more of a dance—one I wanted desperately to learn.

We weren’t the only ones in the air. Couples held hands, and older children flew in playful loops around each other. One couple carried a woven basket between them, and I furrowed my brow.

“It’s for a baby. We don’t get our wings until we’re a little older.” Astrid’s voice was in my ear, and I turned to see she had swooped close to me.

That made sense; my pain hadn’t started until I was closer to my teenage years.

Sure enough, when we passed over the couple, I caught sight of a tiny sleeping fairy, a serene shade of pale pink.

I couldn’t help but laugh. There was so much in this world to see and know and discover. I felt a small pang of sadness, though, too—one I didn’t want to delve too deeply into.

Fortunately, another distraction was right around the bend,literally. When we flew over to the other side of the Great Tree, there was a group of fairies around our ages playing a game of some sort.

They were mid-air and using branches as a sort of goal posts? It reminded me of the children playing stick ball back in the village. I had always wanted to join in, but for obvious reasons, it hadn’t been possible.

A pang went through me as I thought of Edrich and how he would sit each game out when I was around, even though I knew he was one of the best players.No wonder he grew to resent me.

Lark’s voice pulled me from the memory.

“Do you want to play?”

I couldn’t hide the grin that stretched across my face while I nodded.

Moments later, we were in the thick of it, Aster and Lark doing their best to explain the rules.

“You throw the mossball to your partner, and they have to hit it with the stalk out of the enemies territory. As soon as the mossball is airbound, you have to fly to that tree there.” Aster pointed to the tree on the other side of the clearing. “Got it?”

“I think so.” I answered, replaying what she said and what I had seen of the game already.

Before I knew it, it was my turn with the stalk, and Lark was throwing the mossball in my direction.

I had never played any sport before. There had never been one I could join in, so I really wasn’t expecting to hit the ball on the first try. Somehow, though, the stalk connected solidly with the little green ball.

Lark and Aster were yelling for me to fly to our home tree, while the other team chased after the mossball. Dropping the stalk, I flew as fast as I could to the tree and back.

Our team cheered when I made it to them before the other team could score a point. Aster and Lark tackled me, throwing their arms around my shoulders while laughing.

Warmth spread throughout my limbs at their touch.How many times have I seen my friends do something similar?It was so small, and so simple, but even though we were flying, their arms around me grounded me in a way I never knew was possible.

Gradually, I saw the other members of our team loosen up where I was concerned, also. There was a tightness in their shoulders that eased with each interaction, and I wondered if there was more than one reason Lark and Aster had wanted to join in this game.

When the game was over, we flew to the top of the canopy to watch the sunset on the valley.

“I’m going to miss this.” Lark sighed.

“What do you mean? Is something happening to Ellaria?” A moment of panic seized me.

“No, no. Nothing like that-” Lark began before Aster cut him off.

“He’s just upset about being forced to marry. He has to choose his bride by the night of the Ball.” She said and Lark gently pushed her.

“Not upset. It is my responsibility, one I’m happy to take on… but, things will change and I can only hope it will be for the better.” He added before pointing toward the horizon.

I thought over his words and found that bittersweet sentiment seeping deep in my bones, before an array of colors spread out before us.

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