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I swallowed hard, trying to formulate a coherent sentence while I soaked in the sight of him. He was tall and slim, but he looked strong, too. His hair was a shade darker than Aster’s iris-colored tresses, and his eyes were swirling pools of amethyst and gray.

“It is a pleasure to meet you.” His voice was rich and deep, and for a moment I wondered if he had been plucked directly from every fairy story I had ever read. He took my hand and bowed, placing a kiss just above my knuckles.

An awkward sound escaped my lips—one that was somewhere between a laugh and a sigh, before I remembered how to speak.

“Yes. Yes, the—erm—pleasure is mine,” I said back, wanting to kick myself for how ridiculous I sounded.

Aster snorted, and Lark simply smiled, while Queen Cassia shook her head.

“Lina, you look lovely,” the queen said, interrupting the awkward silence that had overtaken me.

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” I said, smiling between the queen and her daughter. “Aster was so kind to share her dresses with me—”

“Are you kidding?” Aster interrupted. “I think I had more fun playing dress-up than you did.”

I laughed because she wasn’t wrong.

I touched the jeweled tiara self-consciously, thinking about the implications of wearing it around actual royalty.

“It suits you,” Queen Cassia said, gently reaching for my hand. “Don’t you think so, Son?”

My eyes widened as I fought down another blush, but Prince Larkspur didn’t hesitate before responding.

“Yes, I think it suits her perfectly,” he added, with a smile.

I didn’t miss the way Aster and the queen shared a private grin of their own, in response, but I was grateful for another subject change when the queen spoke again.

“Why don’t we adjourn for lunch?” she suggested. “Periwinkle? Crocus? I will be back afterwards to finalize the details for the ball… but for now, I think we could all use a break.”

“Yes, My Queen,” the fairies said in unison, with a bow.

The prince offered his arm to escort me toward the balcony. I reluctantly took it and felt a wave of varied emotions in response. He was warm and steady, and somehow being this close to him, I could feel a calm radiating off of him that helped to still my nerves.

We followed the queen out of the ballroom and onto a balcony where a table was prepared for us. I stared in wonder at the arrangement and how it was lined with plates, utensils, napkins, and decor that was all perfectly designed for us. Small cakes and bread loaves filled serving trays, and there were even chalices with wine that I could hold in one hand.

A pang went through me as I thought of the chalices back at The Poisoned Apple. They weren’t made for me, but they were pretty perfect, all the same.

Lark led me to one side of the table. I took a seat, and he took the one next to me, while his mother sat across from him, and Aster across from me.

The conversation came easily, as did the laughter. Even the queen cracked a smile over Aster throwing a bit of bread at Lark’s head when he made a joke at her expense.

It was comfortable and natural and enjoyable, but I still felt like I was on the outside looking in. Even though I was beginning to be a part of a world I had always dreamt of, there was still something missing.

Someone,a traitorous voice in my head reminded me.

* * *

“So,you said that you haven’t had your wings for very long?” Lark asked, after I gave them all the short version of my journey here.

“I can’t say I agree with his methods, but I do understand the lengths someone would go to keep their child safe.” Queen Cassia’s voice was soft as she reached across the table to hold my hand. “And your wings are lovely, my dear. They seem in pristine condition in spite of the pain you must have suffered to have them stunted so.”

I could feel my skin warming with embarrassment from all the attention directed at me and my new wings.

When Aster spoke up, I was grateful.

“I say we test them out. Let’s go flying!”

A smile tugged at my mouth and I nodded, earning a squeal of excitement from the princess.
