Page 140 of A Very Bad Girl

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Picking up the priceless rocks one at a time, he dropped them in the pouch, placed it back on the shelf, and closed the heavy door.

“The combination is right there,” he declared, pointing at a brass plaque as he returned the portrait to cover the safe. “It’s the date of the artist’s birth. Break it down like this. The day is your first spin, and that’s to the right, then turn the dial left for the month, the century is back to the right, then the year to the left. Got it?”

“That’s brilliant,” she declared. “Marco, you’re a genius.”

“I’m not sure about that, but I am thorough. There’s also a trap door in the wine cellar. It drops into a tunnel leading to the back of the property outside the wall. There’s more, but that will do for now.”

“Good grief.”

“I told you, when I care about something—or someone—I’ll do whatever it takes to protect them. All these things are in place so I can sleep at night, and you will too. I have a similar setup at the lodge.”

“This just seems so extreme.”

He paused. “Steph,” he began, lowering his voice, “take a minute and think about the last few days. That’s a taste of what can happen. There’s a reason your father didn’t want you in the business.”

“Point taken,” she mumbled. “I guess I’ve been a bit cavalier about stuff.”

“You have, and that has to change.”

“It just did,” she replied, looking up at him and hoping he could see her sincerity. “I won’t let you down. I won’t jump on motorbikes, or take any more crazy chances. I’ll listen, and I’ll learn, and I’ll always follow your lead.”

“Yes, you will,” he said confidently, then reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a pair of handcuffs.


“It’s time for another first. We’re going to christen this room, and I’m going to make sure you remember your vow. Listen, learn, and follow my lead…”

The End
