Page 100 of Malibu Heat

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“Because you can’t reach John?”

“Yeah, but it’s more than that.”

“Maybe it’s not a bad thing,” Stephanie remarked.

Stella cocked her head to one side.

“How do you mean?”

“If he’s tied up and can’t get here, you don’t have to worry about seeing him tonight. Personally, I think dealing with him in the cold light of day would be much better. God forbid he shows up drunk.”

“I hadn’t thought about that, and you’re right. That would be a nightmare.”

“He might be just trying to make you worry,” Stephanie suggested. “Don’t let him.”

“That’s a thought...but I still have a funny feeling...”


SITTING IN HIS DENdrinking a scotch before leaving for the party, John had been obsessing about Sue Jackson’s silence when he heard a noise. Startled, he carried his drink into the hallway, held his breath and listened. Though he heard nothing, light was spilling into the passage from the casual lounge that opened onto the deck. It had been dark when he’d come home, and Stella was at the party. Even if she had returned and entered the house from the beach, she would have called his name.

Maybe Sue Jackson wasn’t so silent after all.

Maybe she was sitting there ready to throw more bullshit at him.

Gripping his glass in case he needed to use it as a weapon, he started slowly forward. With his heart thumping, he stopped just short of the door and peered into the room.

The lamps on the side tables had been turned on.

A chill pricked his skin.

Something was very wrong.

Taking a deep breath, he walked slowly into the room.

“Howdy, John.”
