Page 103 of Malibu Heat

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AS LUKE STEPPED FROMthe Escalade, he handed each of the valets a fifty-dollar bill, told them he’d be five minutes and not to touch the car. His oversized, muscular body and piercing glare told them to do as he said. They nodded their agreement, then shared concerned glances as the hulking man strode through the front door.

The girl checking the names of the guests had been watching the fashion parade, and he passed through the foyer unnoticed. He could hear a woman giving a speech, but ignoring it he searched the crowd for Matt Montgomery, finally seeing him near the bar.

“Matt? Hey partner,” he said, walking up to him. “This is for Stella Stanley,” he declared, lifting the envelope from his jacket pocket and handing it to him. “It’s urgent, but it’s good news. Can I trust you to see she gets it right away? I’m running behind schedule and I need to go.”

* * *


It was odd being eye to eye with someone.

It was odd the man was at the party.

It was odd a delivery was being made to Stella at his home.

The whole thing was odd.

“Sure,” he replied, glancing down at the envelope, “though can I...”

He was about to ask who had sent it, but the messenger was gone. Looking towards the foyer, Matt caught a glimpse of him a second before he disappeared. Though Matt needed to gather the guests together for Heather’s performance, delivering the mysterious letter had to come first. Hurrying to the kitchen and up the back stairs, he ran into Stewart on his way down.

“Hi there. Are you going up to congratulate the girls?” Stewart asked.

“Stewart! I’m so glad I bumped into you! I’ve told Jerry about Heather’s little show. Can you find him for me and take him to the den. Also Graham Whittaker and Blake Masters?”

“Sure, Matt, no problem.”

“Thanks,” he said quickly, then bolting up the stairs two at a time, he raced the short hall and knocked loudly on the suite’s door. To his great relief, Stella opened it.

“Matt. How was the show? What are people saying?”

“It was fantastic, but Stella, a messenger just delivered this for you,” he said hastily, giving her the envelope as he moved inside. “He said it was urgent but good news.”

“Really? Someone had something delivered to me here—oh no,” she muttered, looking at her name scrawled across the front. “It’s from John.”

“Shit. Are you sure?”

“This is his handwriting.”

Matt was torn. He wanted to stay with her, but he had to round up the rest of the VIP guests for Heather.

“Whatever it is I can’t deal with it right now,” she exclaimed. “When I open this I need to be with you in a quiet room and a drink in my hand. You go ahead. I’ll rustle up Tia and Stephanie and meet you in the den.”

“Okay, great, I’ll see you there. But be quick, and I think the front stairway is almost clear. They were already disassembling the runway when I came up.”

“Really? Great. We’ll only be a couple of minutes.”

* * *
