Page 120 of Malibu Heat

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The man who apparently never slept.

The man who had been his best friend in college.

The man whose sister, Gladys, was his eyes and ears of the company.

The man who was his silent partner.

The man who had funded Continental Pictures with his family’s oil money.


HASTILY DRYING HIShands and moving quickly back to the bedroom, Jerry snatched up his phone from the nightstand and accepted the call.

“Hello, Wesley,” he said softly, grateful he’d set his ringer low and it hadn’t woken Tia. “Hold on.”

Hurrying into the hall and closing the door, he trotted down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“How did things go with John?” Jerry asked, making himself a cup of coffee with the built-in coffee maker. “Did he see reason?”

“What do you think?” Wesley replied with a chuckle. “Transition him out. Thirty-days max if you can manage it.”

“It’s a shame,” Jerry remarked, sipping the rich, hot brew. “John’s sharp and good at his job, but he shot himself in the foot.”

“Jerry, you always were one for understatements. Got anyone on your radar to take his place?”

“Of course. I’ll send you the top three candidates and you can check them out.”

“Sounds good. Now about Luscious Lingerie. I’d like to be involved if you and Tia are interested. How does a twenty-percent cut in exchange for 100% financin’ strike you?”

“I don’t remember seeing Gladys at the party, but I take it she told you how everyone was raving about Stephanie Baxter’s designs.”

“It wasn’t Gladys, it was one of the models. Her name’s Brandy Phillips and she’s the daughter of a friend. She said Stephanie Baxter is the nicest person ever, a dream to work with, and her lingerie is to die for. Her words, not mine.”

Stewart laughed.

“I’m sure. Thanks for the offer, Wes. I’ll talk to Tia. If she’s good to go, we’ll take it to Stephanie. It’s really her decision.”
