Page 121 of Malibu Heat

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“Sounds good. Let’s talk about Matt. I know this is your department, but I’ve wanted him forThe Strange Bedfellowsince day one, and I know you have as well. Now Stella’s in Matt’s life I’ll spend any amount of money to make it happen. It’s the break he needs, and I know my girl will be thrilled if he gets the part.”

“I don’t think there’s anyone better suited for it, and Stewart knows what it will do for his client’s career. I’m sure we can come to terms.”


Hearing Wesley take a breath, Jerry suspected what was coming next.

“Heather turns twenty-one next month,” Wesley said solemnly. “That marks the end of my agreement with her mother.”

“Yeah, Jerry, I know.”

“She may have passed away a while back, but I still felt bound to honor her wishes, and I think she was probably right.”

“So...what are your plans?”

“It’s a tough call. Heather’s about to launch her career and I don’t wanna rock the boat.”

“Uh, Wes, rocking her boat would be buying her a puppy. You’ll be rocking her world.”

“Yep, I do realize that,” Wes grunted with a heavy sigh. “But a part me feels strongly she needs to know who she is.”

“God only knows what Kent will do,” Jerry muttered. “He’s so—”

“He thinks he’s the sun and everything and everyone are asteroids and planets that revolve around him,” Wesley exclaimed, cutting him off. “But I have a feelin’ he’s always known he’s not her real father. That’s why he’s been so removed and such a callous bastard.”

“It’s a shame Korey died unexpectedly. You two could have told her together.”

“There isn’t much to tell about one drunken night twenty-years ago. What do you think, Jerry? Do I tell Heather now, or wait until her career is movin’? And what about this tennis coach she’s hooked up with?”

“Tony Verdi. I honestly think those two are made for each other, and I can’t really put my finger on why. It’s just a feeling. As far as telling her, only you can decide when the time is right, but when you do, she’ll understand why she has such an amazing voice. Your mother was one of the greats.”

“She sure was,” he said wistfully, then taking a breath, he said, “You know, Jerry, I was plannin’ on gettin’ Korey away from that jerk, but things just never fell into place. When she had the baby and called to tell me it was mine, I thought it was gonna happen, but she didn’t wanna leave him. She said they’d worked out their problems and she was happy. I had to let her go, and I signed the agreement. I often wish I hadn’t, but I wasn’t about to ruin the life she’d built. Now I’m not sure it was the right decision.”

“Wes, the only thing I can tell you is you only have today.”

“What does that mean?”

“We only have today. Literally. Look what happened to Korey. She left her home, and an hour later she was killed in a five car pile up on Pacific Coast Highway. Do you know you’re going to be here tomorrow?”

“Damn, Jerry...”

“You don’t. If you want to spend time with your second daughter, and give her the chance to know her sister, do it before it’s too late.”

“You’re right. I’m about to get on my plane and head back to Texas, but I reckon I’ll be stickin’ around for a bit. Thanks, Jerry. We’ll talk soon.”

As the call ended, Jerry downed the last of his coffee, rinsed out the cup, and headed back to bed. Slipping in beside Tia, and wrapping his arms around her, his own sage words echoed in his head.

We only have today. Literally.

“Jerry?” she mumbled, rolling into him. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve never been better. Tia, I have a question for you.”


“Yeah, it can’t wait. How would you feel about having a baby?”

In the dim light, he saw a frown crinkle her forehead, then her lips curled in a soft smile.
