Page 35 of Malibu Heat

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TIA WAS STILL IN HAPPYshock. Her husband’s new found machismo had thrilled her, and she had butterflies in her stomach every time she thought about how he’d mastered her. But her thoughts were interrupted by her cellphone. it was Stephanie’s name on the screen.

“Hey, Steph, what’s up?”

“Hi, Tia. Do you have a minute?”


“I’ve never mentioned this, but I studied fashion design in college, and I’ve decided to launch a lingerie line. I’m calling it Luscious Lingerie. Stewart’s so busy these days, and doing something like this has been a dream of mine for years.”

“Wow, that’s terrific. How can I help?”

“I was wondering if you’d take a look at some of my sketches and tell me what you think.”

“Are you kidding? I’d love to. I have some free time right now if you want to come over.”

“You do? That would be fabulous. I’ll be right there.”

Ending the call, Tia moved quickly into the kitchen. Jerry had mentioned he’d be coming home early, and she planned to greet him dressed in something provocative and surprise him with a romantic dinner. She found Vera preparing bite-sized portions of smoked salmon, sour cream and caviar.

“These are delicious, Vera,” she exclaimed, popping one in her mouth, and was just about to devour another one when the doorbell rang.

“That will be Stephanie,” she declared. “Thanks, Vera, everything looks great.”

* * *

STANDING ANXIOUSLYat Tia’s door, Stephanie prayed for her friend’s approval. Tia was a supermodel and her opinion mattered.

“Hey, Steph,” Tia said happily as Stephanie stepped inside. “I can’t wait to see your sketches. Come through to the front room. Do you want anything to drink?”

“No, thanks, Tia, I just want to know what you think, and you must be straight with me.”

“Relax. I already know they’re going to be great,” Tia exclaimed, leading her into the lounge overlooking the sand.

Trying to control her nerves, Stephanie sat down and lifted her sketch pad from her bag.

“Thanks,” Tia said, taking it from her. “First of all, I love the name you’ve come up with. Luscious Lingerie—Sensuous Sleepwear for Erotic Evenings. It’s terrific.”

“Thanks, Tia,” Stephanie muttered, her pulse racing as Tia starting turning the pages.

“Steph, these are gorgeous,” Tia declared, looking up with wide eyes. “You are so talented. Damn...I don’t mean to jump the gun, and please tell me if I’m overreaching, but how would you feel about partnering with me?”

“You want to partner with me?” Stella said, flabbergasted by the suggestion. “Are you serious?”

“Absolutely. I’d love to be involved in this, and I think I have something to offer. Name recognition for starters, and I have contacts up the kazoo. Sorry, I’m probably coming on too strong, but I think these are fabulous. You don’t have to give me an answer right now, but please think about it.”

Astounded by Tia’s exuberant response, Stephanie tried to find an appropriate response, but she was tongue-tied. A simple retail shop in the Malibu shopping area had been her goal.

“Would you please say something,” Tia said urgently. “If my involvement is a terrible idea—“

“It’s not a terrible idea, not at all. I’m just blown away.”

“Well, I’m blown away by these designs, and I’d love to be the spokesmodel. Bear my name and bare my body,” she added with a laugh. “That’s actually a fun slogan. Maybe we can use it.”
