Page 47 of Malibu Heat

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“Attempting to manipulate me into spanking you isn’t going to work,” he declared, “but just to clarify—you’re lying naked on my bed because you’re hot to trot and want me to jump on your bones, correct?”

“Hot to trot?” she repeated with a giggle, then rolled her eyes. “Well, duh!”

“In that case, you need cooling off,” he exclaimed, grabbing her arm and yanking her off the bed.

“Tony, what are you doing?”

Ignoring her, he moved an arm tightly around her waist, lifted her off the floor and started towards the bathroom.

“Wait! Stop!” she wailed, struggling to get away. “Why are you taking me in there?”

“I told you, to cool off!”

Reaching the shower stall and setting her down, he turned on the cold water. Letting out a shriek, she tried to leave, but he stood in the door with his arm inside, keeping his hand on the faucet so she couldn’t turn it off.

“You bastard! Let me out of here! I mean it. Let me out of here right now! Fuck you, you sonofabitch!”

Tony stood his ground.

“Okay, I’m sorry!” she bellowed. “Let me out, please, Tony, I’m freezing. I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do it again, just please let me out!”

“Am I a bastard?”

“No!” she replied desperately. “I didn’t mean it.”

“Will you behave from now on? No breaking and entering?”

“I will behave and I won’t come in if you’re not here.”

Turning off the water, he grabbed a towel and stepped into the stall, but staring down at her, he shook his head.

“Here,” he said sharply, handing it to her. “You look like a pathetic urchin caught in the rain.”

“What do you expect?” she mumbled, hastily rubbing her arms.

Leaving her to dry off, he returned to the bedroom and thought about what she’d done. Though he was still angry, he had to admire her spunk. She wanted him, she cared about him, and she wasn’t afraid to show it.

The problem was, as much as he hated to admit it, there was something about her he found almost irresistible. She was slowly, but certainly, getting under his skin. The question was, what should he do about it?


