Page 51 of Malibu Heat

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“Okay, well, you two are the experts. I’ll stick to designing.”

“Excuse me,” Stewart muttered, suddenly feeling it was all a bit much. “I’m getting an idea, but I need a minute to think about it. I’m going to step outside. I’ll be right back.”

Carrying his champagne and moving out to the terrace, he took a deep breath and gazed out at the idyllic seascape.

The waves were up, a few surfers were out, and a couple were walking arm and arm through the white foam at the water’s edge. Glancing down the row of expensive homes, he wondered why Jerry wanted to open a store in Beverly Hills and not there. Then out of the blue, he knew how to start the buzz. It would happen literally on their doorstep. Spinning around, he strode back into the room

“I’ve got it!” he exclaimed.

Stephanie, Tia and Jerry, abruptly stopped talking and stared at him.

“Matt Montgomery’s party. We all know his obsessive need for adulation. I bet there’s nothing he’d like better than to have a lingerie show at his big bash. It will also give him the perfect excuse to invite the media in for a short time.”

“Stewart you’re a genius!” Stephanie squealed. “Oh, my gosh. That’s absolutely brilliant. A huge Hollywood party, the press—perfect!”

“It is,” Tia agreed enthusiastically, “but we’ve got less than a week to get it organized. Can we do it?”

“If you’re worried about Matt cooperating, don’t be,” Jerry said with a chuckle. “Besides his need for notoriety, Stewart’s his agent and I’m head of the studio that produces his show. Believe me, he’ll cooperate.”

“It’s not Matt,” Tia said with a worried frown. “I’ve done too many shows to count, and believe me, one week is the blink of an eye. We have a dozen garments, I’m not sure that’s enough, and we need at least four models. I can find the girls, but we have to get them here right away so you can get their measurements, then there’s the catwalk to organize, a P.A. system. I can do the announcing—.”

“And I have to accessorize and pick the music and God knows what else,” Stephanie interjected. “Good grief! Can we do this?”

“We can, of course we can. We have to!” Tia exclaimed.

“Looks like you two will have your hands full,” Stewart said with a chuckle.

“Uh, the three of us,” Stephanie declared, trying to calm her rising panic. “We’ll need your help. Tia, how soon can you reach the girls?”

“Right away. I’ll make sure they’re here first thing in the morning, and don’t worry about paying them. They’ll jump at the chance to be involved in something like this.”

Picking up his glass, Jerry raised it in the air.

“Stephanie, Tia, here’s to you both. I haven’t been this excited about a project in a long time. Luscious Lingerie will be a household name before you know it.”

