Page 69 of Malibu Heat

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Thinking about her fervent response to his new authoritative ways continued to surprise and delight him. All he had to do was cross his arms and stare at her, and she’d melt. As he watched her climb from the pool, sparkling droplets of water drizzled down her tanned skin. She was a captivating sight, and he felt his cock respond.

Abruptly turning, she waved towards the back gate. Looking across the yard, he saw the pool boy walking towards her. He had sun streaked blonde hair and a surfer’s physique. Wearing shorts and a white tank top, his well muscled, athletic body reeked of youth and vitality.

Jerry felt a twinge of jealousy.

As she laughed at something the young man said, he laughed back. Moving closer to him, she touched his arm and laughed again. He playfully pushed her toward the pool, and Tia pushed back, but he easily stood his ground. Though horseplay came to an end they stayed beside the pool chatting.

Jerry had assumed her encounters had stopped, and the thought of her being with someone else was untenable. As she grabbed her towel and walked back into the house, he stepped to his desk and buzzed the in-house intercom system. Passing through the kitchen, Tia heard the tone and pressed down the button.

“Hi, Jerry. Do you need something?”

“You, in my study.”

“Okay, but I have to dry off and change.”

“No, you don’t,” he said sharply. “Come here now.”

“Uh, okay. I’ll be right there.”

Too anxious to sit down he began to pace, and though it only a minute passed before she walked through the door, it had felt like an hour—and she took his breath away.

Goosebumps covered her arms, and her wet hair, long and tangled, fell in disheveled strands around her face and shoulders. She was panting slightly, but Jerry knew it wasn’t from her swim. His tone and attitude had set her heart racing.

“Is everything okay?” she asked, staring at him with wide eyes.

“You tell me! I was just looking out the window and saw you blatantly flirting with the pool boy. Is he one of your special friends?”

“No! And I don’t have special friends, not anymore, and there won’t be any,” she promised earnestly as she moved towards him. “I’m sorry. You have every reason to be angry with me. It was just...old habits, I guess, and that’s all you saw, I swear.”

Though he was reassured, he crossed his arms and frowned. He was about to show her she belonged to him, and him alone.

“You knew I was home, but you shamelessly flirted,” he scolded. “Not to mention you’re practically naked.”

“You’re right,” she murmured, her face flushing as she spoke. “I’m sorry, honestly I am. It won’t happen again.”

His cock was stiffening, and if he touched between her legs he knew he’d find her wet.

“Tia, you need to be punished.”

“Uh, yes, Jerry.”

“What would be fitting? Tell me what you think you deserve.”

“Maybe...a spanking?” she quivered, dropping her eyes to the floor.

A fresh surge of sexual energy rippled through his loins.

“An excellent suggestion, but it will be hard, and not a moment too soon!”

Grabbing her wrist, he bustled her across the room to the sofa, sat down and yanked her across his lap. As she let a loud squeal, he responded with a stinging slap.

“Stop that racket. This is long overdue! You’ve been getting away with crap for years. Those days are over.”

Though she stopped squealing, she wriggled salaciously, and he gazed down at the wet bikini bottom clinging lusciously to her upturned ass.

“These are coming off,” he grunted, sliding it all the way down her legs and hastily delivering several sharp slaps.

