Page 73 of Malibu Heat

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By the time he rolled into the studio it was late morning. The messages had piled up, and with his preoccupation with Sue Jackson, he’d found it difficult to concentrate. Taking a deep breath, he decided to start with the morning reports. He had just finished the first one when Gladys buzzed him.

“What is it, Gladys?”

“Mr. Goldman is on the line.”

John cringed and wondered if he should duck the call, but thought better of it. “Okay, and rustle me up something to eat. A BLT sandwich from the commissary.”

“Yes, sir.”

Hovering his finger over the blinking button, he took a deep breath, then pushed it down.

“Hi, Jerry,” he said, trying to sound upbeat. “How do you like working from home?”

“I like it. What’s happening withThe Teacup?Are we back on schedule?”

“Hold on one-second,” John said, trying to control his nerves as he searched for the latest information in the pile of papers. “I haven’t had a chance to review the reports over the last couple of days.”

“Why is that?”

“Can I just say personal problems?”

“Sure. We all have those from time to time. Anything I can do?”

“I wish there was, but I’m sure things will clear up soon enough,” John replied, finding the memo he needed. “Anyway, I’m looking over the report now and things are looking good. Today’s schedule is pretty heavy, but if they get through it all we’ll be in great shape.”

“Excellent. Now, what about that script we sent over to Matt? Have we heard back from Stewart yet?”

Frantically running through the endless list of calls waiting to be returned, he searched for Stewart’s name.

“Not yet, Jerry,” he declared, hoping he was right.

“Reach out to him. Find out what’s happening.”

“Will do.”

“Get back to me at the end of the day and bring me up to date on everything,” Jerry said firmly.

“Not a problem. I’ll be on top of everything by then.”

“I hope so. Speak to you later.”

Hanging up the receiver, John leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. After thirty-seconds of telling himself to get a grip, they popped open and he decided his first order of business was speaking with Stewart. Not only did he need an answer about the script, he wanted to know if Jennifer Olsen was still cooperating.

His headache was beginning to abate.

He buzzed Gladys and asked her to put in a call to Stewart, then began to tackle the chaos on his desk.

“Mr. Baxter is on the line for you,” Gladys declared, walking in carrying a plate holding a large sandwich. “This just came in from the commissary.”

“Great, thanks,” John muttered, picking up the phone. “Hi, Stewart.”

“John, how are you? Still as busy as ever?”

“Busier. I’ll get right to the point. Has Matt readThe Strange Bedfellowyet?”

“Not yet, but he said he’d be finished in the next couple of days. Try not to worry. I have a feeling he’ll love it. I sure did.”

“Light a fire under him will you please. Jerry’s on my ass. What about Jennifer? Is she still a happy star?”
