Page 83 of Malibu Heat

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“Heather,” he snapped, cutting her off, “that’s the way it’s going to be. Go home before I change my mind and wipe my hands of you. Come over tomorrow after lunch. Bring four of your favorite outfits and your guitar. Any questions?”

Her bottom lip quivering, she shook her head.

“Good,” Tony replied, then to her surprise, he opened his arms. “Come here.”

Feeling a glimmer of hope, she hurried across to him and leaned against his chest.

“Even if you end up with another manager, you’ll make it,” he said, hugging her tightly.

“But I want you. I trust you, and I—I—“

“You what? You can’t hold back anything, not now.”

“I love you,” she whispered, hoping and praying it would make a difference.

“Sometimes, Heather, love isn’t enough,” he said with a sigh. “There are other things equally important, like trust. I suggest you think very carefully about what you did, and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“I will, I promise,” she sniffled, unable to hold back the tears.

“I might feel for you,” he said, dropping his arms, “but I’m extremely disappointed and absolutely furious. Now go.”


WHILE MATT’S HOME HADbeen a beehive of activity, John had been in his office waiting until the executive suite was empty, and as soon as the coast was clear he headed down to Human Resources. Entering the corner office and closing the door behind him, he sat behind the desk and powered up the computer. His position gave him unlimited access, and scanning the files, he found the list of floaters.

A chill pricked his skin.

There was no Sue Jackson listed.

Either she had given him a false name, or she didn’t work for Continental Pictures.

He suspected the latter.

Turning off the machine, he hurried to the elevators.

She’d be back in touch, of that he was sure. As he was whisked down to the lobby he thought about how he would deal with her. Though various scenarios ran through his mind, one thing was sure. She wouldn’t be leaving until he had answers. The elevator dinged, snapping him back to the moment.
